Hi, I'm Amelia!
I’m a slightly overwhelmed undergrad, scrambling to find time between school in the smallest state in the union and work at a low-rent video store to make a documentary about my grandfather, Carlos. He was a writer who always looked to the future. He’s only passed a short time ago, and I miss him terribly. Read More >

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About those records . . .

Okay, note to self: be careful what you wish for. The other day, I said something about Grandpa’s involvement in things being out there, and the farther the better. Well, this is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay *breathe* aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay out there.


Remember those ’64 World’s Fair records I sent out last week? Well, Elizabeth (@wilkeliza) happened to be playing one of them and found some hidden tracks. Yeah. What. In. The. World? Turns out the record is double grooved. Who even knew that was a thing? (Thanks for the tip Jacob.)

You think that’s nuts, you should listen to what’s on the hidden tracks:

Side A

Side B


Natasha has one theory:

It sounds like the track is meant to be listen to while riding an attraction, in this case perhaps carousel of progress?

Just last night, Vivian and I listened to Elizabeth’s recordings of sides 1 and 2. Then Vivian got Grandpa’s record player working again. And we’ve been having this unbelievable time, listening and thinking about all of you out there listening too!

These past weeks, looking more deeply into Grandpa’s work, no matter how weird the discoveries may be, my smile just gets bigger and bigger. I swear it’s taking over my face! His personality shines through in his writing so clearly I can practically hear his voice. I can also see why someone like Mr. Disney was interested in him. This is who he was: Passionate. Idealistic. Brimming with hope. Both at home and, now it seems, at work for Walt. And that’s the dream, right? Doing that thing that brings out the best in you? Doing what you love? Even when it may seem impossible?

Now that I’m older, I see how it really was a courageous thing to do. Still is. Always will be. In the same way that Mom inspires me to work hard and stay strong, Grandpa, more than ever, inspires me to follow my heart. Despite the roadblocks. Despite the flat tires. Despite the uncertainty of what’s around the bend. That inspiration is a gift from him that continues to thrive.

139 Responses to "About those records . . ."

  1. Fred says:

    This whole story is really incredible Amelia. Thanks so much for sharing your journey with us. :)

    And thank you for the record, mine just arrived today!

    • B. Warnes says:

      I don’t know if your grandfather was related with the projects with the new Tomorrowland of 1967, but an old 1967 PeopleMover spiel I have from long ago has some weird messages that can vaguely be heard in the background. I may upload a link so fellow players can decode it, although it might not be related to this conundrum.

      • B. Warnes says:

        Here is my record of the spiel just uploaded to YouTube:

        A charming spiel indeed.

        • andrew says:

          can definatly hear something at 4:19, i’ll have to try and isolate it. though I am a little confused as to the source of this…

          • andrew says:

            played around with it in wavepad, really cant make whats being said at ~4:19, but im no audio expert all i did was isolate it and play with the compression a bit. my only concern is whether or not this recording is even related though and would like to know more about where it was originally found

        • Brian says:

          Did anyone notice on the clips that Amelia posted that the narrator referenced “the society” often. Who or what is this society? Any thoughts?

          • Lauren says:

            Yes, I see what you mean. I just got my record today and it’s so hard to make anything of these little fragments of topics on side A. Your theory might very well be correct. I wouldn’t be surprised.

  2. Carson says:

    There definitely are certain cues that line up with the CoP recording. The intro music and the ice box sequence so far has matched up. Still testing out the rest!

  3. Joey says:

    One phrase really struck me toward the end of side B. Your keys to our ideas will always be on display in Tomorrowland. If we think about the folks who seemed to be the targets of these meetings, what sort of keys might we be looking for?

    • Patrick says:

      I’m wondering if there are additional clues – or if the speaker is talking about the marks we’ve already found from Wallace’s map. The patent info we found would makes sense..

      • Jennifer Romano says:

        I thought the same thing. The reference to the “key” must be a reference to a clue in Tomorrowland. Also, I think that the mention of biology, communication, and robotics all match up with one of Wallace’s pieces of art. Remember those symbols on each piece? Those must be connected to this recording. What is the society?

  4. Patrick says:

    This is such a cool adventure!! Thanks again for sharing this with us, Amelia!

    I’ve listened to the secret record tracks. I can’t help but to think that this was a guide track for the ‘participants’ who got their behind-the-scenes tour… Trying to get the scholarly, professional, or financial support for whatever projects Walt was working on in secret. The side B track implies that this experience would have been after viewing Lincoln, IASW, CoP, and the SkyWay…. Tying everything together. We’ve been looking at these attractions as 4 individual experiences… What if they were conceived to be part of a larger ‘show’, so to speak?

    I believe side A, on the other hand, to be an audio track played on top of a show track. I’m guessing the 3 beeps you hear at the top of side A are audible sync points for the audio engineer at the Fair to start the additional track. This theory is also strengthened by the large gaps in the track – which presumably would have been filled in by the show elements – song.. demonstration.. etc.

    This is all just theory… but I thought it was good theory, so I wanted to share it. Can’t wait to hear what everyone comes up with!!

    • Derek says:

      The three beeps have been a$sumed to be part of the CoP, due to Wallace’s cryptic message on his CoP print.

      As far as the overall theory, it seems to be the case! (At least to me, as well). Also, don’t forget about the secret and additional changes to IASW. That’s most likely key.

      • Stephen says:

        we still need to check the actualy CoP ride, i think that is the only way we are going to be able to detiremine if the ride has anything to do with it.

  5. Kevin says:

    So, how about the idea that there is an attraction that was never built? We have read the history before where attractions were theorized as one thing, but, when the public finally rode, they rode something entirely different. I think we might be headed in a big circle back to Lott Construction…

    • Derek says:

      I’ve been thinking that, or in a similar line of thought, some invention or tech that was revolutionary, and would change the world. It really convinced me hearing side B… There was something hidden that was so powerful [in a sense] that only certain individuals could know…

      • Derek says:

        Ditto about Lott, too. I realized no one has bugged him, or at least brought that up lately. Maybe time to try for new info…

        • Stephen says:

          I emailed him a couple of days ago pretending to be someone from WDI and needed to get into my files on his site….. he didn’t buy that!

          • Derek says:

            Ha! I can’t imagine he’d buy that; but i almost tried that too. Go figure, you found the code though

  6. Megan says:

    I’ve tried lining the audio up about a million different ways with the Carousel of Progress track from Walt Disney and the 1964 World’s Fair (Disc 1, Track 5). I’ve tried several other tracks from the set, and nothing really lines up – the closest seems to be the Skydome Spectacular (Disc 1, Track 7). Does anyone else have the set, and have you tried?

  7. Carson says:

    I’ve been doing the same, Megan! The Skydome I found particularly interesting but nothing leading us in a new direction so far.

    • Megan says:

      I’ve been trying to find the right place to insert that “icebox” line, since it’s pretty specific – but no luck so far!

      • Eric says:

        Haven’t there been many different versions, and changes over the years to Carousel of Progress? If so, which one should we be trying to sync to? Has anyone visited the actual attraction within the last couple of days?

      • Stephen says:

        I don’t think that it is going to sync to the older records I think that it is meant to be set to the actualy ride. the two beeps in front of Side 1 are definately the start point. It is just like the records I had as a kid that came with a book, and when the record chimed, you turned the page.

  8. Eric says:

    If these records are “Volume 1 of 2″, what/where would the volume 2 be?

    • Derek says:

      I as$umed it was another fair song, but it might be another secret record. I guess Amelia didn’t have any…

  9. Eric says:

    Not sure what it means, but side B seems to allude to the train ride … here are some quotes, “leg of the journey”, “hopped aboard a similar train”, “switching tracks”. Could also be clues about the double groove.

  10. Sharon says:

    Great hearing the recordings, wish I had a way to help with the clues, sure does sound like CoP, and the key may have something to do with a tour called Key to the Kingdom. You even Get a key(pin) after the tour. You learn all about Walt, the how and why’s of a lot of things.

    • Jonathan says:

      I just went on that yesterday, didn’t notice anything different from the tour I took in January.

  11. vince says:

    This goes back when I was in school and one of our teachers was connected to the Disney Organization. She was saying about Nikola Tesla and the work on harnessing static electricity but didn’t divest a lot of information on it. Plus the record seems to be synced with maybe visual ques during the presentation that went with those records. Any way very interesting project you’ve taken on.

  12. Derek says:

    Glad to see with the new information, so many theories and ideas thay have been put forward are coming back into focus and either making more sense or leading to other ideas. We may actually be getting close…

  13. Eric says:

    DEFINITELY syncs up to Carousel of Progress …

    Standby … working on something!

    • Jeffrey says:

      I was just about to say that the poster for CoP on Wallace’s site says, “Three bells start our revolution”.


      • Rachel says:

        I realized that too! I wonder what that could mean…

      • Elizabeth says:

        I was thinking about this too. Maybe Revolution refers to the revolution of the CoP attraction. Maybe the three bells should sync up to the first revolution of the attraction after the intro? It’s just an idea but maybe it would help the syncing?

    • Brian says:

      I’m based out of Orlando… let me know when you have any progress and I can run over to CoP and see if I can get a sync-up.

  14. Eric W says:

    I came home and found my copy of the record on my front step. Thanks Amelia! The reference on side A to the ice box sure seems like it would fit in the Carousel of Progress. Side B pretty much tells us that it is. What if it isn’t supposed to line up linerally with the attraction soundtrack? What if we, on this 6 minute record are hearing comments spread throughout a 20 minute show?

    What freaked me out on side B was the bits about “our world” and “your world” and sharing discoveries when the world is ready for it. Spooky stuff! Are we ready for it now?

  15. Eric says:

    Where can I upload a couple of audio files to share with you folks? I think I’ve make a discovery with the synching of the lp audio with Carousel of Progress.

  16. Natasha says:

    I received my record in the mail today, thank you so much Amelia, that must of cost you a bundle in postage! My audio is the same as yours and Elizabeth’s. The three tones remind me of Wallace’s Poster for Carousel of Progress.

  17. Jennifer says:

    Just a couple of random thoughts:
    (side A)
    The beeps sound like the beginning of an old film reel, and the track could almost be a voice-over for a documentary, (or maybe from the peoplemover since it goes from one thing to another)
    Icebox makes me think of the Monsanto House of the Future.

    Side B:
    Agree with what others have said that it sounds like the intro to a train ride, maybe the monorail;
    One line is making me think of the Grand Canyon Diorama;
    reminds me of advanced biology & cell research – Mr Lincoln, advanced robotics, …
    Definitely stuff of/from/for Tomorrowland, maybe from the Hall of Chemistry?

  18. Jennifer says:

    So something got me thinking, and since Wallace and C. Moreau have come up, I took the two names, moved the letters around, and you can spell “Molecular” with the letters. However there are still some un-used letters.

  19. Christopher says:

    Side A fits perfectly with the current CoP in WDW. The opening monologue plays during the “Opening Scene”. Just after the record narration ends, pause until “Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow” begins to play in the ride. Hit play on the record (it will begin with an empty space as the song plays) and the two sync perfectly. You can tell the synch works when, at the end, Father says “Meet the boys for a cold saspirilla”, and then the recording goes on to say “Because right now we have so much to celebrate”. It DEFINITELY WORKS.

    I used this recording

    Start Side A and the video at the exact same time, even with the beeps, and the sides should line up. When the man says “Let the reverie begin!”, “It’s A Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow” should also begin.

    • James says:

      It doesn’t always fit the gaps! The secret track actually overlays the ride track. This side A recording was what the VIPs heard in the first scene of CoP!! Lines like “and thanks to progress AND THE WORK OF THE SOCIETY” and the change to the Thomas Edison line that corrects “is working” to worked. That’s the side A track. It will take some time to fully transcribe it to the new script. And I’m on vacation, so I’ll rely on some help.

    • Christopher says:

      Thanks for the help, Christopher! A few key words that synced up perfectly: flying contraption, icebox, don’t worry, world’s fair (although the current CoP mentions St. Louis), and progress. Have to listen to it some more to see what else we can catch!

  20. Christopher says:

    P.S, sorry this is a double post, but I just realized that the timing from version to version matters very little, because the carrousel must move at exact intervals (each segment must be the same length) in order to make the spinning work. The soundtrack should work with every version of CoP, though timing and references will be slightly different.

  21. Eric says:

    I used ride audio from 2012 and synched it with the album (A side). While the 3 sync markers didn’t help me, by listening to both tracks, there were obvious sync locations where the same word was being used in the attraction and by the album narrator. The narrative also tracked, though there are a couple parts that don’t seem right (maybe there’s been some new editing to the attraction audio?) Overall the idea that these are supposed to sync is obvious … talking about movie screens/motions pictures, the Wright Brothers, Edison, etc. Take a listen, we’re definitely on to something here:

    Comped audio of record and Carousel of Progress attraction (attraction audio filling in the gaps):

    Both audio tracks running at the same time (record and COP):

    • Jeffrey says:

      That’s fantastic. You’re onto something here!

    • Samantha Rae says:

      What an amazing find! I definitely think your onto something. But I don’t know what to make of it. What does this all mean?

      • Eric says:

        I’m not totally sure, however, I think we’re uncovering the alternate attraction narration for the VIPs.

    • Christina says:

      I didn’t see your audio tracks when I started transcribing but I was using the Youtube video posted by Christopher and the audio linked in this blog. Anyway it may help to read along while listening to your audio so I transcribed the two overlaid tracks. Does anyone know where I can post it? I guess you can’t post a word doc to this blog.

      • Christina says:

        I uploaded to Google Docs. Let me know if you it worked.

        I think that a lot of clues will come from this.
        For example, it seems that Tom Edison was part of the society the way that the transcription reads. And as someone mentioned, the thunder seems to indicate that this may be the energy source they are referring to.

        Take a look at the transcription while you listen to Eric’s recordings.

        • Megan says:

          Wow, Christina, that’s great! I think when I was listening to the audio version I was too caught up with finding a section where the gaps in the original audio lined up to the record audio – I didn’t think about the possibility that some of it could overlap! I also thought it might be at the end of the show, because it talks about “walking through this door” – and I thought that could be a reference to going through the exit on the stage to go up the ramp to the progressland model. Thank you (and also Eric!) for figuring it out!

        • Joey says:

          One comment about the transcription. When the hidden track says: “…. the moment we trust them with it.,” COP says “Don’t worry, they’re friends.” Probably not meaningful but kind of fun and whimsical.

    • Stephen says:

      Awesome Job Eric!

    • Derek says:

      Great job! I’d hoped to do that myself last night. Definitely helps and sheds light on this.

  22. Natasha says:

    Using Christopher’s syncing, when the voice over mentions harnessing “not just the energy you can see” there is a big lighting effect and thunder, could sound be the energy source? That’s awful cutting edge, scientists are barely just researching the potential energy behind sound and its uses!

  23. Jaime says:

    I just kind of thought of something maybe this tour wasn’t just for important people yet it can also be for people from this other world; and if keeping with the Tomorrowland theory and how easy it was for a middle aged man to go through maybe this tour could be for them?

  24. Jeffrey says:

    The ride went through a recent refurb. I’ll try to get there tomorrow morning to get some new audio.

  25. James says:

    I sync’d both to let the century begin, and let the reverie begin. that seemed to work. When both tracks have audio, the secret track substitutes for the original. in other places it adds things. VIP ride script!

  26. Natasha says:

    Perhaps the secret track narration on the second side is meant to be listened to between the Tomorrowland railway station and Main Street, this is where the dioramas from the Worlds Fair are.

  27. James says:

    The beginning of side B makes me think it is the VIP track for the Ford exhibit. The later parts of it make me think it was part of a post-show. Something after the VIPs had been to all 4 attractions and were now looking at the progress city model??

    • Carson says:

      Yeah, I listene to the audio while watching a YouTube video of the train ride from Tomorrowland to Main Street and it sure does seem to line up visually. Audibly, however, I did not discover anything.

      • Megan says:

        Maybe if someone could go in person and see if anything has been added, that might help!

        • Stephen says:

          What about the monorail. it is depicted in Wallace “Tommorowland”? I haven’t been to disneyland enough to know the monorail narration but perhaps we need to ride it from Tomorrowland station?

          • Catherine says:

            I listened to side B of the record again. I think there may actually be 2 separate tracks there. The first is 3 minutes long. The second takes up the remainder of side b. you can hear a brief gap between the two.
            The first half does indeed seem to line up with the prehistoric world diorama. It begins with”to those just joining us” which is on Wallace’s primeval world poster. This is followed by some typical wdrr puns about trains.
            Going off a video, the order of visuals lines up with the record, but the timing isn’t perfect. Guess you have to presume the VIPs would have the trains going at exactly the right speed. The narration lines up throughout though:

            The second half of the track is still confusing. It mentions. The bird in a cage animatronic, which is noted on Wallace’s Lincoln poster; but the narration sound more like it should align with iasw, especially since it mentions participants having seen the other 64 worlds fair attractions already.

      • Catherine says:

        I listened to side B of the record again. I think there may actually be 2 separate tracks there. The first is 3 minutes long. The second takes up the remainder of side b. you can hear a brief gap between the two.
        The first half does indeed seem to line up with the prehistoric world diorama. It begins with”to those just joining us” which is on Wallace’s primeval world poster. This is followed by some typical wdrr puns about trains.
        Going off a video, the order of visuals lines up with the record, but the timing isn’t perfect. Guess you have to assume the VIPs would have the trains going at exactly the right speed. The narration lines up throughout though:

        The second half of the track is still confusing. It mentions. The bird in a cage animatronic, which is noted on Wallace’s Lincoln poster; but the narration sound more like it should align with iasw, especially since it mentions participants having seen the other 64 worlds fair attractions already.

    • James says:

      This track was meant for 1964. CoP and IASW have changed a littlebit are very similar. The other two, only remnants exist.

  28. Jody says:

    wow! thanks Elizabeth for sharing the hidden tracks with us. after listening to them, and reading what “Mitch” posted on Imagineering Disney blog, i wonder if the recordings were part of the “Act 5″ that Mitch mentioned was part of CoP at the World’s Fair. here’s the link to part 1 of Mitch’s three-part post on Tomorrowland 1967:

    Also, in part A – i thought it was interesting that the narrator mentions “imagination” as a renewable resource.

    • Derek says:

      That’s just like in universe of energy at epcot: what energy source will never run out? Brain power lol

  29. Derek says:

    Jealous of everyone that got the sync up finished… I’d planned to last night, but was what too tired. It’s looking good; but what does it mean? Maybe it is just uncovering audio for vips.
    Btw, someone mentioned a refurb. They worked on the side scenes, but there may be more. I’ll check, and i know others will too.

  30. Stephen says:

    I worked yesterday afternoon on getting the Audio Synced up as well but i do think it still would be a good Idea if someone in the WDW area could stop by and ride CoP to see if we maybe missed something. Something could have been added other than an Audio clue, that we are missing. Anyone interested in going?

  31. Elizabeth A says:

    Loving every minute of this adventure. How cool to have such an interesting grandfather!

  32. Nancy says: gets cooler every day. I don’t say much but am reading along, pondering and mainly not figuring much out except wild notions.

  33. Whitney says:

    Wallace just tweeted that he was heading to the park today for inspiration, if anyone else is going to be there they should try and spot him! Maybe you could get some answers out of him, or at least see what he’s paying attention to!

    • Christina says:

      Okay, now I have to go to Disneyland today. I’m going to check out the track B audio with the DLRR dioramas and try to find Wallace! Not sure what to ask him…my mind is on so many different pages with this game. If you guys think of anything tweet me! @cbrvo

      • Stephen says:

        I tweeted you. Try to check if there are Telephone located in tomorrowland. 1 should be outside starcade/spacemountain, and 1 could be outside of Tomorrowland Terrace. They are on Wallaces map and could provide something. I know that there is a phone in tomorrowland at WDW that plays recorded messages when the receiver is picked up and buttons are pushed.

        • andrew says:

          I would definitely say the telephones are worth a check, why else would they be on the map? thats a video of one frm a few years ago, but I wouldnt be the least bit surprised if theres a new message on them

        • Derek says:

          you know, that telephone hasn’t been working lately. My girlfriend and I checked it recently for our blog. I’m curious now… or it could just be broken

          • Steffen says:

            Katherine, maybe try the codes from the table at the Tam:

            0L1N# for Lincoln
            0B1G# for IASW
            01BC# for Primeeval
            0G1W# for Tomorrow

  34. YankeeWhite says:

    Wow! Totally awesome work from everyone out there! All the audio and transcripts are great to help suss out the details. The collective effort is an amazing thing to partake in!

  35. Denis says:

    It is clear as day. They are bringing Walt Disney back to life! Ice box? Regeneration? Advanced robotics?

  36. Stephen says:

    I don’t think that this makes any significan’t difference or not, but listening after listening to Side 2 again, there are four themes; Communication, Free Energy, Biology, and Advance Robotics. These themes are also represented on the posters on Wallace’s website. “iASW’ – Communication, CoP – Free Energy, Primeval World – Biology, Lincoln – Advanced Robotics. And the last line on Side B “Your keys to our ideas will always be on display in tomorrowland” has to mean something.

    • James says:

      It has every significance. That part summarizes what the project is all about and what each attraction showcased. The questions now are who was involved? How advanced were these projects? Is been 50 years since the fair, have we achieved or surpassed any of these visions? If not, can we still achieve them? And for Amelia, we need to help her figure out more precisely what her grandpa’s role was in all of this.

    • Jody says:

      i guess we’re on the right track searching around Tomorrowland for answers and more clues. imho, well, who would’ve thought Mr. Disney and his imagineers would be teaching us about science at an amusement park?

    • Derek says:

      Stephen, I think that’s pretty much a good way to look at it… I wonder if things can be found currently there

  37. Eric says:

    Taking stock of the 1964 World’s Fair alternate narration tracks for VIPs and the messaging:

    Carousel of Progress (General Electric Progressland):
    Message for VIPs focusses on potential sustainable energy. I think we’ve found this alternate scrips by comping the attraction audio with Side A of the records that Amelia sent us.

    It’s A Small World (Pepsi Cola):
    Message for VIPs focusses on communication advances. We have a section of this alternate narration via Carlos’ script that Amelia posted (the European section.)

    Magic Skyway (Ford Motor Company):
    Message for VIPs focusses on biological innovations. Not sure if we have any pieces of this alternate narration yet.

    Lincoln (State of Illinois):
    Message for VIPs focusses on freedoms and liberty, and that advanced robotic will help in achieving this. Not sure if we have any pieces of this alternate narration yet.

    • Derek says:

      Good break down of the details

    • Stephen says:

      On the beggining of Side 1 the narrator says “…Moments that may be best enjoyed as companions to the atractions themselves” note the plural of moment(s) and attraction(s). I think that if there is a Volume 2 that we might find this on it

      • Megan says:

        I agree – we will see if a second round of records goes out! :)

      • Eric says:

        Yes, I’ve been thinking this all along. We should as$ume that there is a volume 2, and that there is additional content for us to ingest.

    • Jim says:

      Side two of the record syncs with the images seen from the DLRR from Tomorrowland Station to Main Street Station. Sync point is when both narrators say, “To those joining us, welcome aboard.”

      • Fred says:

        Thanks for the info Jim!
        I had a feeling that the primeval world diorama would figure into this, since the dinosaurs were part of the world’s fair and all.

  38. Katherine says:

    Ok, I can head over to Disneyland this afternoon if you all can point me in specific directions for what and where to look!

    • Stephen says:

      tweet me @scolling007 when you get there

      • Christina says:

        Katherine, I will be there soon. Tweet me if you want to meet and work together. @cbrvo
        Stephen, I will check out the phone and train. I’m thinking IASW too.

  39. L says:

    I wish I could have seen the attraction!

  40. Nick Tierce says:

    Seeing as this record — thanks again by the way! — was labeled 1 of 2, is it possible that the second disk will have the missing audio portions in it’s own “hidden track?”

    The carousel sync doesn’t seem to reveal anything particularly pertinent, so perhaps we are still missing something.

    Also, that B-side track seems to be rife with linguistic clues.

  41. Katherine says:

    I am at Disneyland. Tweet me @katherinebeirne if you want me to look at anything specific. I will check put tomorrowland and Lincoln as of right now

    • Eric says:

      I have an idea … go to the “20th Century Music Shop” on Main Street and ask if they have “Just A Dream Away” volume 2. It’s a long shot, but you never know.

      • Robert says:

        That’s a great idea. Long shot indeed, but i love it!

      • Christina says:

        I tried this today, CM said they never have records there and said all the CD’s aren’t wouldn’t be that old :/ good idea though!

  42. Christopher says:

    Currently at disneyland. Can help with anything needed

  43. SuperRob says:

    Bummed that I won’t be at Disneyland for another 47 days to try it for myself, but I’m looking forward to playing this track for my wife and I when we ride it!

  44. Derek says:

    Just wanted to say that I got my record in the mail today; I’m so excited!

    Unfortunately, my player isn’t working, so it’ll be some time until I can play it, but that’s ok. My girlfriend’s family were totally perplexed about the package we received, and had it already opened, asking me what it was all about!

    Very lovely stamps, by the way… it cost a lot to send! Thank you so much for sharing this excellent piece of your grandfather’s and your family’s history with me! It’s my first personal record, and the fact that it’s special makes it all the more awesome! Thanks!

  45. Jennifer says:

    I have the “There’s a Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow” track from the Disneyland 50th Anniversary soundtrack. Don’t know if that will help with anything. Let me know.

  46. Christina says:

    Made it to Disneyland. Riding monorail into tomorrowland just to see if track b lines up. Tweet @cbrvo

  47. Kenny says:

    Seeing the theories about listening to the record as a companion to the attraction has be laughing because I’m picturing people walking around with big-old record players strapped to their hips, wondering how to get the record to stop falling off the spindle. Sort of a 1960′s Walkman (but only if you walk VERY carefully).

  48. Tara says:

    Could you send me one of the records, Amanda? Pleeeaassee?

  49. Emily says:

    Side B is reminding me a lot of cryogenics. “…coaxing a body into temporary stasis…”. Also, DNA extraction is alluded to further in the track. Who knows? Maybe Mr. Disney would’ve made his own Jurassic Park if he had a sample of dino DNA and more time…

  50. Alyssa says:

    i know im a bit late but is there any more records ?

    • Rob says:

      Amelia: Not sure why mine just arrived, but I wanted to say thank you! Sadly, my wife and I won’t be getting to Anaheim in time to help you investigate, but I’ll certainly treasure this rare album!

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