Hi, I'm Amelia!
I’m a slightly overwhelmed undergrad, scrambling to find time between school in the smallest state in the union and work at a low-rent video store to make a documentary about my grandfather, Carlos. He was a writer who always looked to the future. He’s only passed a short time ago, and I miss him terribly. Read More >

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For the Record…

Last night, taking into account the good advice from so many friends like Elizabeth, Jason, and Kira, I decided to head up to Grandpa’s apartment and begin tidying things up.  You all have inspired me to prepare the place for Mom, to make it a bit easier for her to deal with everything.  I feel more and more she has to know. Or at least I have to try and tell her.

While I was up there, trying to neatly stack all the old magazines, books, and newspapers, I began thinking about Grandpa. And I had to stop. I just sat down on the rug by his desk. Staring up at his typewriter. Listening to the rain on the rooftop.  Wishing Grandpa was here. Wishing I had tried harder to learn more about him while he was here. Even if he did have a knack for dodging certain questions, I should have tried harder. That’s what I was thinking when I felt a warm breeze that seemed to be coming from the filing cabinets, the ones where I’ve been finding most of the stuff I’ve posted here.

As I got closer, I felt the warm air coming from the space between the filing cabinets. No, my mom did not pass her height down to me, but she did pass down her strength. So I inched one of the filing cabinets further away from the back wall and right near the vent I found this:


And not just a few, a STACK of them. So many of you have taken precious time out of your night and day to help me, not just taking it upon yourselves to figure out what Grandpa was up to, but more importantly by being an inspirational and encouraging voice to me and each other. And the moment I found those records, I knew I had to somehow show my thanks. So I’m sending them all out. (Keeping one for myself. I just need to find a record player that works. Grandpa’s is pretty busted up.)

If you’d like one, make sure to fill out your mailing address in your account profile by tomorrow at noon (EST).  I’ll pick some folks at random to send these out to.  I look forward to sending my thanks. Thank you all for being such good friends! :)

248 Responses to "For the Record…"

  1. Ricky says:

    Nice find! I hope I get one… :) Always good to add to the collection. Have you listened to any of them yet?

  2. Eric says:

    Pick me, pick me! I’d LOVE one!!!

  3. Matthew says:

    Oh wow! That is so cool that you are sending these out!

  4. Megan says:

    How awesome is that! Good thing I have a record player! :)

  5. Denise says:

    That is cool. Thank you for thinking of us. Helping you is already turning out to be a great adventure.

  6. Rita says:

    So much fun finding hidden treasures!!!

  7. Brian Cagle says:

    I would love one. please pick me

  8. Brian says:

    Hi Amelia,

    I would love to to receive one of those records. I am also really enjoying this journey that we are all going on together, it is really a lot of fun and it helps make the days all the more interesting especially when you can add a little Disney to it. :) Take care


  9. andrew says:

    This would be a great piece for my collection.

  10. Brenton says:

    I have a small Disney record collection that I started when I was 13. I really would love to add one to mine.

  11. Renee says:

    I wish I lived in the US :( Hope the lucky few will share the audio on YouTube or something.. Thanks Amelia!

  12. robert says:

    I think your doing the right thing letting your mom know your desire to honor your grandfather. I think she will appreciate it.

  13. Whitney says:

    Wow, that’s such a fun find! And how generous of you to share with the rest of us! I wish I lived closer, I would offer you use of my record player!

  14. Scott says:

    I would love to give it a spin on our record player!

  15. Jenn @ Fairest Run of All says:

    !!! These would be amazing for display!

  16. Brendon says:

    Ooooooohh want want want ^_^!!!

  17. Mark says:

    I would love one! Thank you in advance if you choose me! :)

  18. Jeff Heimuch says:

    Very cool! I just made sure my information was up to date, as one of these would be amazing to own!!

  19. Mary says:

    I would really like one of these, please pick me.

  20. Kira says:

    I’m so honored to be mentioned among your friends. Honestly, my little heart just grew three sizes! (Is it inappropriate to make Dr. Seuss reference on a Disney related blog?) I’m going to see Uncle Vic this week, I’m gonna take your advice and ask him some good questions about his life. This documentary is such a great idea Amellia, I’m sure it will help your mom feel better about things. When I was younger my dad recorded a few of the older members of our family telling stories about their lives. It’s such a precious piece of family history, I’m sure your documentary will be the same for your family. I for one can’t wait to hear your grandfathers story. And I’ll be here, happy to help however I can! :)

    • Amelia says:

      See, Kira, you hanging out with your uncle Vic is the kind of thing that encourages me to follow my dream. And that’s what friends do, right? :)

      • Kira says:

        Definitely! I wish you weren’t so far away, I bet he would love you! And Nanny Marie, she tells the absolute BEST stories. She used to take care of me when I was sick. Uncle Vic taught me how to make stilts when I was younger, is there anything fun your grandpa taught you to do? He knew you loved him, and that’s more important than anything right? My mom and I just dusted off our record player in fact. She has a pretty good record collection. I just bought her the one hitRECord made.

        • Amelia says:

          Uncle Vic and Nanny Marie sound too awesome for words. When I think of Grandpa, I always think of his stories. He never really taught me to be a storyteller, but I think he made me want to be one. Just like your Nanny Marie, he told wonderful stories, and I loved how easily his words could transport me to new places, so far away.

      • Kira says:

        Some classic 70′s

      • Kira says:

        The original kind of audio book!

  21. Jacob says:

    I have an old record player at home so I would love to have this classic piece of history!

  22. Stephen says:

    Count me in I want one too :-)

  23. kyle says:

    I think they are really cool… sending one my way would be great!!

  24. kyle says:

    I think they are really cool…

  25. Holly says:

    Great find! Just found a couple old Disneyland LPs at my parent’s house myself! :)

  26. Stephanie says:

    This is an amazing find!

  27. Ethan says:

    I love the sound of a vintage vinyl on my turntable!

  28. Zachary says:

    Hope to get one from you. You are so nice and generous to send them out. I am honored to help you with your documentary. Keep up all the great work. This is going to be a great summer, and I am so excited to see the finished product.

  29. Dustin says:

    One of the best summers was spent in my Grandpa’s attic. I was able to learn so much about my grandparents by going through closets and cabinets with items they both may have forgot about. I felt as I could listen all day long and one day hand down those stories on down to my own children. One way to keep the thoughts alive of history long past.

  30. thebruce0 says:

    Amelia, this is very cool and generous of you! I recently picked up a record player myself so I can listen to old records from my childhood I inhereted from my parents’ home :) . I’d love to add one of these classics to my collection! (and love it, and hold it, and protect it, and cherish it forever and ever and ever! ;)

  31. Kimberly says:

    Very cool! Glad my address is in there. I love old Disney music!

  32. Jeffrey says:

    Awesome find! Thanks for the willingness to share!

  33. Fred says:

    That’s awesome!

  34. Jennifer says:

    How exciting! What a wonderful gift!

  35. Kalani says:

    How very kind of you Amelia. Thank you for sharing.

  36. Jace Diehl says:

    Amelia! Sunday is my birthday, July 14! I’m not even kidding!! This would be the BEST birthday present… Just saying! :)

  37. Christopher says:

    WOW! That’s incredible! Are they all similar or copies of the same thing, or are they each unique?

  38. Mercedes says:

    Oh, how cool! I have a battered 45rpm from Disneyland, a Happy Birthday record. Just seeing the pink sleeve makes me smile! (It’s from my childhood, not telling how old it is!)

  39. Nick says:

    Wow! This is very generous of you. I haven’t been able to help too terribly much yet, but I’ve got a Crosley right here ready to spin one of these!

  40. Chris says:

    What a great find Amelia! That is very kind an generous of you. Keep moving forward with your dream. I have a turntable here in my house that I would love to spin this on. Follow your dream. We are here for you.

  41. Rachel says:

    Amelia, it is so kind of you to send these out to your friends! I would feel so privileged to receive one, but I know there are a lot of people on here who want one just as badly as I do, so selecting people randomly is probably the best way to go.

    I can’t wait to hear more about your grandfather, and I am so happy I started following your blog! You have so much positive energy and you inspire me to learn more about my own family! Hopefully I will be able to help you figure out more about your grandpa. He sounds like an amazing man.

    Oh! And if you want help with Biology, just let me know. I love Bio :) .

  42. Gina says:

    Cool find! Hope it brings you closer to your Grandpa and figuring out what he was involved in! Thanks for including us on your adventure!

  43. Becky says:

    Such an awesome find! Keep digging!

  44. Brent says:

    This is absolutely kind Amelia! Your blog has inspired me to pursue a dream I have had since I was a child. To become a Disney Imagineer! Your blog has been a great help in helping me achieve a better understanding of Walt Disney and the imagineers. Thank you so much!

  45. Kevin says:

    Score! Great find.

  46. Jennifer says:

    I am speechless at the moment, it would be too incredibly cool to own such an important part of Disney heritage. Oh I hope you pick me :) )

  47. Clint says:

    This is so cool! I’d love to get one!

  48. Nick says:

    Hey Amelia, i’m really enjoying reading about your discoveries! I’d love to take a listen to one of those records. Thanks!

  49. Jennifer Romano says:

    Amelia, Thank you so much for your kind offer! I have been a Disney fan since I was little. My dream is to live in Florida and become a Disney tour guide one day! Good luck with all of your research!

  50. Mikey says:

    Awesome find! I would love one of those!

  51. Mikey says:

    Your story is amazing, your grandpa sounds like he was an amazing person! Keep at it!

  52. Kimberly M says:

    I think I can definitely find a record player to play these!

  53. Andrew says:

    Cool find Amelia! I’ve been really enjoying you and your family’s story. I can’t wait to read what you find out next!

  54. YankeeWhite says:

    Those are some really nice records. I hope you find them good homes Amelia. If my name is chosen I’ll gladly accept but I’d rather someone else get one. Just sharing in the experience and the story with everyone is enough.

  55. Christina says:

    Can anyone recommend a “Catch up to where we are” site? I had to work late the past 2 nights, so I’m way behind, and trying to piece it together. Also, did anyone notice on Wallace’s site that he wrote, “I like making maps of Disneylands past, Disneylands future and Disneylands that never were or might have been? He didn’t say “Disneyland’s past?” – His wording alludes to multiple disneylands, not the history of the one and only? I tweeted him about his apparent typo. Eager to see what he says.

  56. Jaclyn Cullen says:

    What an awesome find! It’s so nice of you to send them to some of us :) it looks like it is one of the songs from Carousel of Progress! You said you’ve never been to Disneyland/Walt Disney World (yet) right? You should definitely look it up on YouTube- Carousel of Progress is one of my favorite attractions :)

  57. Tim Halbur says:

    Thats an amazing find, Amelia! I’m very excited by your research. I work in urban planning, and have been a bit obsessed with Walt’s proposed city of EPCOT and the thinking from the World’s Fair that led to his ideas. Not many people know this, but EPCOT was highly influenced by damed architect Victor Gruen’s proposal for an earlier World’s Fair in Washington, DC, which was designed to convert into a real city after the fair:

    There was so much amazing optimism at that time, it is sad to see how it fizzled. Keep up your digging, Amelia! Treasures seem to be lurking in every cove…

  58. Brian says:

    Hey Amelia, I’ve just come across your blog today and it’s been a really interesting read to catch up! I love the project you’re doing in your grandfather’s memory – I just did a similar project (more of a photo montage) for my grandparents recently.

    Those records are an amazing find! I’m really interested to know what they have on them! I updated my address to hopefully get one, and would try to find a way to rip it to a digital file for everyone to enjoy if I did.

  59. James says:

    What an awesome find! Very generous of you to share!! I’m sure whoever gets them will appreciate it!

  60. Jennifer says:

    I would love to have one of the album!!!!

    Just out of curiosity, what type of camera are you using?

  61. Stephen says:

    Amelia, helping you gives me an excuse to do two of my favorite things treasure hunts and Disney History!

  62. Amanda says:

    What a fantastic find! I love listening to some vinyl.

  63. Kevin says:

    Really good of you to share. Thanks for thinking of us.

  64. Hastin says:

    We’re here for you Amelia!

    Thanks for sending out some gifts too! I’m amazed how how much we’ve found out about your Grandfather already, and hopefully if you produce an awesome film – you mom can understand what he’s special to the both of you. :)

  65. stuart says:

    Happy to help convert some vinyl to MP3. Intrigued by your story and waiting for more info with anticipation.

  66. Cindy says:

    I’d love one! I’m so happy you’ve been finding more and more on this journey. Keep on truckin’!

  67. Chad says:

    What an awesome find! I would love to have one of those :)

  68. Michael says:

    Nice find! Good luck!

  69. Jaime says:

    Hey Amanda I’m glad you chose what you thought was correct and I back you 100% of the way. By the way nice find! The Carousel of Progress is one of my favorite rides over in Walt Disney World! So if you have an extra copy Id be more than happy to have it if not I know those who do receive it will be just as happy! By the way a quick question. Are going to head out to D23 this Summer?

  70. jade says:

    I do not need any records, but was wondering what the records are about. Are they all from Disney movies and Disneyland or are there some recordings of your relatives as well. If there are not, I think that this documentary will be a great thing for your family’s future to have.

  71. Jace says:

    Amelia! My birthday is on Sunday, July 14! I’m not even kidding!
    and I would love to have one of those records… just saying! :)

  72. KaiYves says:

    What a cool find! It would be fun to get a record, but I’m afraid I wouldn’t be able to play it, as I don’t know where I’d find a record player. My parents are big on the whole “efficiency” thing, we had enough trouble digging up our old fax machine when we needed that.

    • Kira says:

      If it makes you feel better I’m on the complete opposite end. My mom keeps everything, we still have a Betamax. I’m pretty sure I saw a Zach Morris phone the other day.

  73. Banks says:

    Look at that! I used to listen to records as a kid all the time, still have one back home in Texas. It would be fun to get one to take back with me when I visit Mom next. Thanks so much for all your hard work! Truly inspiring reading your posts, makes me want to dig around my parents & grandparents places one day :)

  74. Christina says:

    I’m wondering – since there was so much cool stuff at the TAM. Is anyone in New York City or Rhode Island able to check out those addresses? If anything comes up in Seattle (where I live), nearby (Portland or Vancouver, BC) or North Carolina (where I’m headed for work next week) I volunteer!

    • James says:

      Christina, I’m in the NYC area. I occasionally drive right by Flushing Meadows. After seeing the discoveries made at the Tam, I am hopeful that there will be things to check out here as well.

  75. Nicole says:

    Great find! One of these would be a welcome addition to my record collection. Hope you get a record player soon so you can listen and share what the one you’re keeping is.

  76. Fred says:

    By the way Amelia, thanks so much for writing this blog and letting us in on your family history. :)

  77. Carson says:

    Wow! What a find! Thanks for sharing with us, Amelia. I think your mom might be proud of everything you’re accomplishing so far.

  78. Ryan says:

    Great find! I love to listen to records on my turn table. I wod love to be chosen it would make me happy to hold such wonderful item in my collection. Cheers I hope it help lead to more clues.

  79. YankeeWhite says:

    Y’know I have a vague memory of my brother and I having an Orphan Annie record player and a handful of records for it. I’m a guy so two boys with that record player seems odd, maybe it was mom’s hand-me-down. I don’t know if we got rid of it or if it’s hidden in a box somewhere back home.

  80. Natasha says:

    Wow what a find! My favorite Disney records growing up were the story records for Snow White and Fox and the Hound! If I’m lucky enough to be picked I’ll use my mp3-lp converter and upload the sound recording to an accessable spot. Have you checked out They have many sound bites from Disney records over the years.

  81. Carl says:

    I would love to get my hands on one of those lovely records, if only to listen to it and be transported back in time through nostalgia

  82. Jennifer says:

    BTW, I noticed from the picture that the area near the center where the record ends, there is a set of numbers. On albums the numbers scratched in usually match the number on the paper center. Amelia, this album you show us has 3929 on the paper and the album center. I have some Adam Ant albums ( okay I aged myself) that have messages. So we may want to inspect these areas to see if anything is of interest.

  83. Eric says:

    I looked at this image in photoshop and confirmed that the numbers are “ST-3929-1″

  84. Sarah says:

    So cool! We have a record player at home. ::: fingers crossed :::

  85. Jennifer says:

    Yep, Eric, the etching on this album is as expected. However, anyone of you who get an album may want to check this out. Who knows if there is something unexpected.

  86. Elizabeth says:

    I am honored to be considered one of your friends! I haven’t always had the best relationship with my family, but my grandma and I were like two peas in a pod! When she passed away over 15 years ago, I was devastated. . . She was the one person I could always turn to. I felt so alone!

    I always played the piano to get away and clear my mind. A few months after my grandma’s passing I started playing “Georgia on my Mind,” a song that I knew but had never played it on the piano before that day. A minute or two later, my mother walks into the room, her eyes full of tears. She said “why are you playing that particular song?” I answered that I didn’t know, just picked it out of the book at random. She then told me that song had been my grandmother’s favorite song when my mom was a kid.

    It gave me goosebumps and I from that moment I knew that even if those we love are not physically with us anymore, they are always around us. To this day, my grandma presence can be felt. Weather it is hearing that song or finding a letter she wrote in my stuff, my grandma is still a major part of my life.

    Your grandfather will always be part of you and your mothers life. This journey you are on is something special you should share with her! Finding his records was his way of staying present in your life. Like everyone else, I would be honored you would share them with us!

  87. Carson says:

    Not sure if it means anything but interesting tidbit either way. “Our Friend the Atom” is a 1957 episode of the television series Disneyland describing the benefits of atomic power.

    • Carson says:

      Also interesting to note:

      “In ‘Our Friend The Atom’, Disney uses a scene from the film “20,000 Leagues Under The Sea” to introduce the story of atomic energy and then turns the program over to Dr. Heinz Haber, a noted atomic energy scientist of that time. There is a fun animated tale of “The Fisherman and the Genie” included as part of extensive animation showing the history of the atom. ”

    • Carson says:

      Also interesting to note. A Google search brings me to a wiki page that states:

      “In ‘Our Friend The Atom’, Disney uses a scene from the film “20,000 Leagues Under The Sea” to introduce the story of atomic energy and then turns the program over to Dr. Heinz Haber, a noted atomic energy scientist of that time. There is a fun animated tale of “The Fisherman and the Genie” included as part of extensive animation showing the history of the atom. ”

  88. Kris says:

    Not to long ago I was at a flea market and bought an old Disney record. It was Peter and the Wolf luckily it had the book to go along with it!! I have yet to see if it works, but I am still excited about my find!

  89. Joey says:

    Amelia that’s extremely generous. Fingers crossed hoping you pick me too. Like others have mentioned, maybe there’s something in the tracks that will help the search.

  90. Jennifer says:

    Carson, I just checked my Walt Disney Treasures DVD tin of Tomorrowland. It as that film “Our Friend the Atom” and the final Walt film on Epcot. Amelia, I’ll watch it this weekend. Does anyone else have this DVD tin as well?

  91. Patrick says:

    I’ve got a few mini records like this.. Would LOVE to add one to my collection. This is so completely fascinating, Amelia! Thank you for sharing your quest with us.

  92. andrew says:

    I would love one of those records if you could! Walt is a personal hero mine,for the dreamer, visionary, and business man he was. it’d be nice to have something connected to him in however small a way to add to my collection.

  93. Carmen says:

    That is an awesome find!

  94. Sarah says:

    I sing my daughter to sleep with Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow every day. What a special treasure to have found!

  95. Jennifer says:

    Sorry but I’m suspicious. I tried to research this album. Was it released to the public? One site had question marks for this serial number under Disneyland records. Also name of the song is ” There’s a Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow” not ” Just a Dream Away”. Hmmmm….

  96. Lexis says:

    Wow! Just amazing!

    Also, I’m not sure if this is a good place to ask this or not, but some people have mentioned a person named Wallace in comments. I’ve looked through all the past blog posts an can’t find anything about him though. Can anyone explain to me what he has to do with this? Thank you!

    • Lexis says:

      Oops! I just read the most recent post- now I know!

      • YankeeWhite says:

        Yeah that update post was very helpful because there’s alot of info being posted here and on twitter and a few other places. Find that one specific piece of info you’re looking for can be a challenge sometimes. I’m glad you found out who Wallace is, I think he has some interesting surprises for us in the days to come.

  97. Angel says:

    Thank you for your generousity! To get one would be amazing! We are having a lotof fun with this quest you are taking us on.

  98. Derek says:

    On the album in the picture, it says volume 1 of 2. Do you by chance have copies of just the one, or is there some of both volumes?

  99. Matthew says:

    I was looking around and I found a full list of Disneyland records.

    And you can see that ST-3929 does not seem to exist! How weird!

  100. Derek says:

    Also, it appears to be from the Disneyland Records Storybook series, an unnamed #3929. According to records, it would have been released in 1965.

  101. Derek says:

    Also, not to add again to my posts, but what’s on side 2?

  102. Derek says:

    Hopefully my last random comment, but I notice there’s some marked numbers right above the label; I’m unable to make it clear besides some 6′s, would you let us know what it says?

  103. Kira says:

    Anyone notice those weird symbols underneith the world on the record? I can’t quite make them out…

    • YankeeWhite says:

      Of the three small symbols under the globe the one on the left kinda looks like the T/U from the artwork and O’Shanter table.

    • James says:

      if i zoom in it looks like 3 separate marks. the one on the left looks like an “X” with an additional line over it. The middle mark is just single line. The right mark is an “X”. Not sure if they are part printed on the record, or scratched in.

    • Kira says:

      They look like they are printed when I zoom in I think you might be right about the T/U.

      • Kalani says:

        Good eye Kira and James. I’m trying to figure out what the records from the fair looked like. Here’s a small picture

        Amelia, I cannot seem to find any info on the record you have, I wonder if it’s unreleased…

        • Kira says:

          Another one of the comments said the ST means it was part of the story teller series. Is it possible that it is the unreleased record of Orbit’s Story?

          • Kalani says:

            Correct on the ST. Here’s a link to ST-3928 “Winnie the Pooh and the honey tree”

            Here’s ST-3930 “The Scarecrow of Oz”

            I have several of them from that series, I should get them out and have a listen…

            They’re storybooks and a record with narration and songs. Here’s a Youtube video of someone showing and describing their collection

          • Kalani says:

            All the discographies I’ve found online are incomplete with lots of blanks, including the elusive ST-3929, so it missing from some lists may or may not be significant…

          • Kalani says:

            Based on the surrounding ST-39__ dates it puts it being released in 1964 which lines up with our current chronology.

          • Kira says:

            I own that Scarecrow of Oz record! We should bring my Care Bear portable record player and have a listening party at the Tam… I think it would go over well, right? I still get nostalgic when I “hear the chime” to turn the page.

          • Kalani says:

            You’re kidding, that’s amazing! It’s numerically immediately after our mystery record.
            I’ll never forget that sound too… Hear the bell, turn the page. ;-) This may be our “Three Bells Start Our Revolution” I’ve been turning that phrase over in my head lately…

          • Kira says:

            I was JUST thinking about that. I can’t wait til people start getting records, I hope whoever receives them is kind enough to post lots of documentation. I have a bunch of old Wizard of Oz things, it was my favorite. My best friend has a lot more history with it than I do though. I own a few Wizard of Oz records actually. I have a ton of the later ones, thumballina and lady and the tramp and such.

        • YankeeWhite says:

          It could be previously unreleased or lost to history records, which in the context of “The Optimist” story it most likely is. In RL they’re probably a special new release (with a nice retro look) made specifically for this ARG. That’s most likely the reason no one can find info on them.

          • Kira says:


          • Kalani says:

            It seems odd Walt Disney Records would have skipped a number in 1964 though… Why number all the Storyteller records only to skip some? I’m not disagreeing; but it just seems odd to me.

          • Kira says:

            There were bunches of stories and concepts that never got released. They have a studio in burbank that is just filled with miscellaneous items. I bet they a$$igned each story a number very early on. A lot of the things for the worlds fair that got built and completed that no one ever even saw. I don’t think it is inconceivable that they skipped a few in the series. Leads me to believe it might be Orbit’s Story!

          • Derek says:

            I’d agree with all of the above. Numbers were most likely a$$igned long before finished, and things just came as they were able. I bet some numbers just happened to either be cancelled or maybe planned to be saved. I imagine Yankee is right; there’ll be something planned to coincide with it.

  104. Derek says:

    I thought they might be scratches, but the far left one appears to be our symbol friend.

  105. James says:

    I found this info from a website with a lot of good world’s fair info. This was about the music of the fair:

    For those lucky enough to attend the Fair, and who wished to take home a souvenir, Walt Disney Productions willingly obliged, in the form of records and sheet music. Long after the Fair had closed, one could still hear the strains of “There’s A Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow” on the 7″ 33 1/3 RPM “Exciting souvenir record from General Electric’s Progressland.” “It’s A Small World” could be relived on either the 12″ 33 1/3 narrated tour on Disneyland Record LP St-3925 or the “Official souvenir record from Walt Disney’s ‘It’s A Small World’ at the New York World’s Fair” 7″ 45 RPM, tucked into its own mailing envelope. Sheet music for both “There’s A Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow” and “It’s A Small World” was also available. “Great Moments With Mr. Lincoln,” in an expanded version of the show, was available on Vista BV3981, a 12″ 33 1/3 LP (in either stereo or mono), accompanied by a full color booklet. An abridged version of the show, labeled an “Official souvenir of the New York World’s Fair,” was also available, packaged for mailing, on a 7″ 33 1/3 Vista Ster-804 release. Sadly, none of the [Ford Motor Company's] Magic Skyway music was ever released on vinyl.


  106. Carolyn says:

    Thank you for sharing your great journey with us. I am so glad to be able to help you on it. I would love to get one of these records to play on my record player. It would remind me of my father who passed. Some of my best memories of him are our trips to Disneyland. Please send me one. :)

  107. Jonathan says:

    Woah, that looks awesome!

  108. Steven says:

    Wow I’d love one, thank you! I don’t have many Disneyland records, I’d love to expand my collection! :-)

  109. Lauren says:

    This is one of the coolest things I have seen in a long, long time! Amelia, thank you for sharing this blessing with others! As a Disney fanatic myself, I would love to get my hands on one and feel very fortunate to do so! Please send me one :)

  110. Ashley says:

    I would love some vinyl! I’ve been collecting for a few years now and just got a record player at an estate sale! I’m also very much in love with Disney! Hope I can get some!

  111. L says:

    Those records look so cool! Like a small piece of Disney history! I hope I’m not too late to have a chance of winning one! By the way I think everything you’re doing is fantastic, Amelia. :)

  112. Angel says:

    I am not sure if anyone has seen this yet but wikipedia has some info on the Monorail system. I thought I would look at it being that Mark 0 was so close to the Mark series nutmbers for them. Also in one of the first post the mentions that the car company was concerned about one of the project Disney was doing. This article on wikipedia mentions that the monorail systems developed around the time when cars we growing in popularity. No wonder they were concerned! Here is the link. Very interesting stuff.

    • Carolyn says:

      I also looked at that info days ago…thinking the same thing about the series numbers…but to me it didn’t seem to have much to do with what we are looking for. :(

  113. Emilee says:

    Being obsessed with Disney history, I would cry/ die to have one of those! You’re very generous to be giving those away!

  114. Ariel says:

    Hope I get one, I love to use my record player!! Have been following yours and everyones progress, Amelia, and want to help any way I can!!

  115. Keith says:

    Wow I would love to get one of those .

  116. Sven says:

    Four days away and missing this wonderful piece. What a dream to own one of these. I hope my information was in my account, I filled it out as I signed up last week, but today the Profile showed up empty. Fingers crossed.

  117. SuperRob says:

    Amelia: There are record players out there that use a laser (like CD/DVD player) rather than a needle. They can also be used to convert a record to a digital format. If you can find someone local to you with one, it might be a nice way to get a recording without risking damage to the vinyl. Good luck!

  118. Patricia says:

    Fun! I would love one.

  119. Chad says:

    I just received one of these in the mail! I need to go to a friend’s house to actually listen to it, but in the meantime here are photos of the package –

  120. Geren says:

    I can confirm receipt of an album as well. Many thanks, Amelia.

  121. Kira says:

    Best friend just posted that he got a record too. He just got home from Disney World but he said he will post some high quality photo’s ASAP and he has access to a record player so we should know pretty quickly what is on the record as well! YAY!

    • Kira says:

      Not sure if I got one yet or not as I have been at work literally all day, but if I did… and if no one has posted it yet I will be able to grab audio and post it.

  122. Holly says:

    I received one of the records as well! Looks like everything is the same as the pictures above except for the number and type of stamps on the box.

  123. PJ the Best Friend says:

    Hi everybody!

    I’m PJ, Kira’s best friend. I’ve been away on vacation for a while but at Kira’s urging I’ve been introduced to Amelia’s blog.

    I came home today to find a package from Road Island on my doorstep. I received a record while I was away!

    I still have the package and I’m keeping the record nearby. I won’t be able to listen to it for a day or two, but if you guys need me to post some more pictures or if you want a look at the actual package let me know and I’ll post all that sooner than I get the chance to listen to the record!

    Nice meeting everyone! Thanks for the record!

  124. Jacob says:

    Thank you thank you thank you! I just got mine in the mail today, I can’t wait to play it! It make me so nostalgic…

  125. Jason says:

    So far…nothing for me. :( Sad.

  126. Jacob says:

    Side II is double grooved!!! It has a narration that sounds like it was from the original Carousel of Progress… This is fantastic!

  127. Kira says:

    Sadly, no record for me it looks like. If someone nearby needs a record player I’m happy to help out! :)

  128. Stephen says:

    nothing for me either! :(

  129. Angel says:

    Congrats, Everyone! Those records are so amazing!! See holding out hope! ;o)

  130. YankeeWhite says:

    I’m so happy for everyone that’s received this wonderful gift from Amelia! Hopefully we’ll get some recordings of both sides and any hidden tracks.

  131. Jeffrey says:

    Got a record! Anyone living in the Disney World area have a record player? Would love to share listening with someone!

  132. Rachel says:

    I got my record in the mail yesterday while I was out with my boyfriend. My stepmom sent me a picture of it and I nearly screamed with excitement… I think I scared my boyfriend haha. I feel so lucky to have gotten one! I’m going to play it at my friend’s house in the next week since she has a record player and is also a huge Disney fan.

    My dad is curious to know though… Does this particular record have a matching sleeve we could purchase somewhere? He claims he had this exact record when he was little, but I have been googling the record I got all day and I haven’t found any others quite like it! Except for those from others who got them.
    Has anyone had any luck finding a matching sleeve? Or perhaps these were promotional pieces of some kind that don’t have a proper sleeve?

  133. Stephen says:

    Totally bummed I didn’t get one!

  134. Ari says:

    I received one in the mail today so insanely awesome. Thanks so much. :)

  135. Sarah says:

    AMELIA THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! It was really cool to come home and find this waiting for me! I’m a huge Disney fan and I absolutely love the Carousel of Progress so this is a really great memento for me! Again thank you so much!

  136. Andy says:

    If there is anyway I could get a copy of this…I would love to. I’m late to the hunt but would love to lend a hand!

  137. Rachel says:

    I’m really curious… Everyone on here (including myself) seems to have gotten Volume “1 of 2.” has anyone gotten 2 of 2?

  138. Carson says:

    Has anyone listened to the record?

  139. Kira says:

    Can someone who got a record please post audio for the rest of us who didn’t? We’re dyin’ out here.

  140. Christina says:

    here is a youtube video of the recording! This is side 1. Off to the side should be a link to side 2

  141. Geren says:

    Referencing the Twitter conversation, I wonder if there is a Volume 2, or if some of the Volume one albums are in fact mislabeled Volume 2 audio to complete the puzzle. Or perhaps a script will fill in the blanks.

  142. Kalani says:

    Anyone in LA/OC/IE/SD area with a record, I have the gear to make a high quality digital recording of it. It’s semi-mobile/luggable and I’m pretty centrally located in SoCal so likely we can meet up with minimal hassle.

  143. Andrew says:

    It looks like the records are still coming in! I just received a record today! Thank you so much Amelia! I’ve really been enjoying going through this adventure with you!

  144. Jeremiah says:

    I have a theory. There’s always been rumors of Walt’s head or body or brain being frozen and kept alive. Side two of the record talks about being able to prolong life and such. Could this be what the secrets are all about? Walt knew he was dying and needed to find some way of preserving his own life? Is that too crazy?

  145. Brent says:

    Thank you so much for the record! I honestly have no idea what to say. Well actually I do, you really have no idea how happy I am to receive a gift like this. This has really made my day! This has totally become the inspiration for me to become an Imagineer! Thank you so much for helping me follow a dream. Like an inspiring man once said… ” If you can dream it, you can do it!

  146. Geren says:

    If your Grandpa had so many records, perhaps there is something to there being different pieces of audio on each volume, regardless of the label. Mine matches Elizabeth’s posting, so nothing new to report.

  147. Joseph says:

    Thanks for the record!

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