Hi, I'm Amelia!
I’m a slightly overwhelmed undergrad, scrambling to find time between school in the smallest state in the union and work at a low-rent video store to make a documentary about my grandfather, Carlos. He was a writer who always looked to the future. He’s only passed a short time ago, and I miss him terribly. Read More >

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What’s Up With Wallace?

The video store got CRAZY busy today. All the way up until closing. Vivian and I did have time to goof off with tin foil during a couple of slow periods. I also checked up on the blog and read your amazing comments out loud to her when I could. But otherwise, the place was nuts!

Anyway, while Vivian was crafting me a tin foil fedora, we talked about this Wallace guy. You all seem to know him.  First of all, I’ve always admired people who dedicate their lives to doing what they love. And the man behind seems to be doing just that. On the surface, he seems to be a talented illustrator who focuses on creating Disney fan art. But looking closer, as many of you have pointed out, there seems to be more to him and his creations than meets the eye.

Wallace's awesome artwork!

Wallace’s awesome artwork!

Vivian and I could not stop talking about Wallace’s ridiculously awesome Tomorrowland map you all found. On its own, the map is SO cool! And then seeing what it led to: Kalani finding the U.S. patent number at the Midget Autopia statue. And Hastin finding two more patent numbers at Submarine Voyage and Tomorrowland Monorail Station.  Incredible!  Does anyone have more pics to share?  I couldn’t really see the submarine flags. And still don’t really understand what happened at the Tomorrowland station.  Hastin, did you have to do anything special at all? Or was the patent number just printed on the sign? I’d love to hear more! (I’m also wishing I lived closer!)

This is all totally mind-blowing to see. Vivian and I were trying to wrap our heads around what all of this means. And all of your theories and ideas. And how awesome it was to have people go out to Disneyland and take pictures in the first place. Especially for those of us who live on the other side of the country. Or who have never even been to Disneyland before! :(

Which ultimately brings us back to Wallace. All of this action and all of these questions are because of that map. I don’t’ know about you all, but I’m not sure what the deal with that guy is and whether or not he’s connected to Grandpa’s work. But he sure seems to know more than he’s letting on.

PS – Pretty please send more pictures!  I really wish I could go to Disneyland and see for myself.

PPS – I’m so excited you’ve started getting the records.  It makes me happy to think of all of you spread around the country with a little bit of optimism in your hands.

141 Responses to "What’s Up With Wallace?"

  1. Hastin says:


    I ended up getting lots more pics than just those: (Gallery)

    Monorail station was really neat. It wasn’t just printed. Those Imagineers are tricky, they used a special reflective surface – so I had to take a flash photo for the number to appear! it was painted the same color, so it didn’t appear if you were just looking at it. When I took the flash, I got a suprise – the other Disneylanders looked on really weirdly when I jumped for joy discovering the number.

    I can get some clearer pictures of the flags on Sunday! I already spent too much time on that Monorail Platform yesterday night. Fairly sure the Monorail cast members ‘flagged’ me that night. :)

  2. Rachel says:

    I’m still trying to figure out more about Wallace c: He definitely seems to know more than he let’s on!

    Also I received a record in the mail today! I feel so special and blessed to have received one of these amazing records just out of the kindness of your heart, Amelia! My best friend has happily agreed to let me come over and use her record player to let me listen to the record at her house, so I look forward to listening to it then! Such an amazing gift (: I hope I can help you figure out more about your grandfather in return! It is the least I owe you!

  3. James says:

    That is so cool, Hastin! Great job everyone with getting those disneyland clues. Now if we can just figure out what it all means! lol.

  4. Derek says:

    Have to admit; jealous so much is happening at Disneyland. Wish i could get there or there be something at Wdw

    • Jonathan says:

      Walt wasn’t much involved with WDW, though perhaps Epcot might have stuff? A lot of this seems very Epcot-y.

      • Rachel says:

        Most of his time was spent on Disneyland in California rather than the Magic Kingdom, but when it came to EPCOT, EPCOT was like his baby. He wanted to make EPCOT into a real city of the future–not a theme park. He was very enthusiastic about it and was the sole force behind the concept of EPCOT as “the City.” Sadly, when Walt passed away, the others around him decided not to continue on with his idea of the City because it would have been very expensive and also had a huge risk factor. The EPCOT we know today is unfortunately little like the one Walt had planned. It’s an excellent theme park though! But it’s not like what he had planned.

        A lot of the clues we have found hint towards “the City” project and also towards Progressland’s attractions. So yes, you are correct (:

      • Derek says:

        Oh, I know, and I don’t imagine there to be anything for that reason. I believe it was slated to only be local. WDW did not turn out at all how Walt wanted (Rachel pretty much has it right). However, I keep thinking things that traveled to (CoP) or was a direct result of something (the City) here might have something hidden later as per instructions. Remember, it’s still alternate time, so maybe Walt didn’t die before he had a chance to influence some of the decisions ;)

        Also, there’s a lot of EPCOT Center and World’s Fair items hiding at the One Man’s Dream museum (my favorite) at Hollywood Studios. I keep thinking I’ll see something altered there.

  5. Shoshana says:

    Do we have anyway to contact Wallace directly? Like mail or phone?

  6. Angel says:

    Amelia, I completely agree. I have been to WDW many times but have never been to Disneyland. Have always wanted to go to see where it all started so to speak! :) Maybe someday! Living vicariously through others is fun! Really enjoy the pictures and links to more history. I have learned so much and been sharing with my daughter who is in college too. :)

    • Amelia says:

      I know what you mean, Angel. I have learned so much more than I ever imagined from everybody here. And about your daughter? So glad to hear. That makes me smile. :)

  7. Kate says:

    I’m hoping to get to Disneyland in the next couple of weeks to check out these great discoveries people have been making. But today my day was made by getting one of the records! Thank you so much Amelia – for sharing your grandfather’s story, your journey, and so much more!

  8. Mercedes says:

    Tin foil fedora? Awesome. ;)

  9. D.Z. says:

    AMELIA: I know Wallace will be having a booth at the 2013 D23 Expo. You should really go the expo. Tickets are still available. I am sure he would love to talk to you! :)

  10. Olaf says:

    It has been very busy in my corner of the world and I have spent the last couple days catching up. I recently came back from a trip to WDW where my six year old always likes to ride the “blue train” aka PeopleMover. As you enter the portion where Stitch’s Great Esape is housed, there is a model of the Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow. Considering Amelia’s grandfather’s interests and skill, I can’t help but wonder if he was involved in the EPCOT project which never came truly to fruition.
    Amelia, I want to thank you for the awesome LP. It arrived yesterday and I will be visiting a friend with a player so I can listen soon!

    For those wondering, Olaf is my real name an I am so happy Disney is naming a character after me in their upcoming movie Frozen!!!

  11. Sharon says:

    So interesting, a little hard for an old gal like me to keep up (58), but truly enjoying everyone’s comments. Just wondering how I missed getting a record, I would love one from the worlds fair.

  12. Whitney says:

    These Disneyland discoveries are so cool! I especially like that the one in the monorail station required a flash to see it! So neat! I wish I was going there sooner so I could check them out for myself!! Clearly Wallace knows a lot more than he’s revealing now! I’ll definitely be checking out his live chat! Hopefully he’ll at least let some stuff slip then!

  13. jade says:

    Has anyone thought about the unknown symbols in mathematical terms. The symbol in Wallis’ artwork has an x, y, and a curve. Maybe there are equations hidden in the messages. Does anyone know a good mathematician???

  14. Adam says:

    Amelia, Thank you so much for the record. Just got it this morning.

  15. Wesley says:

    Do the flags represented in the flags of the states mean anything? I see Alabama (or Florida?) New Mexico, Texas, Massachusetts, Delaware, and the first one doesn’t have enough details to explain which state it comes from.

  16. Carolyn says:

    Thanks for the record Amelia!! I totally freaked out and did a happy dance when I go it. I am also going to Disneyland in the next few days. Maybe there will be something to find there.

  17. Shoshana says:

    Ahhh, I’m so jealous of you guys who got records!

  18. Robert says:

    Oh my! Amelia, do you have any more records? I still have a working record player, and would love to have one for my collection and listening pleasure.

  19. Carson says:

    I feel like we’re still missing something. The record obviously provides a big clue once we found out what it is but I feel like maybe there are more clues that were given to us that we’re not seeing. Hmm…

    • Rachel says:

      Well there is definitely something very strange about it. It’s record number (ST-3929) comes up blank on all Disney Record websites. It is (or was) part of a series called the Storyteller series, but no one on the Internet seems to have a copy of it nor do they recognize it. My dad has been searching like crazy for a proper sleeve to put it in, and he too is stumped because he can’t find any record of it online or anywhere.

      Also–the symbol from Wallace’s paintings and from the Tam is on the label. I feel like that is very important. Try looking at one of the close-ups here on the website of the label and you will find that beneath the unisphere, there are 3 little symbols. The one from the Tam, an I, and an X. That has to be relevant.

      • Mercedes says:

        This feeling of just missing something is killing me – we need Robert Langdon! ;)

      • Robert says:

        Use a black light. Look at everything. The sleeve, the record lable, all of it. There could be a hidden message.

      • Derek says:

        Hey, if you get a chance, I’m curious about the record. I’d asked Amelia when she first mentioned it, but what’s on side two? Also, can you get close ups of the symbols, etc? We were speculating a lot last week when the images of the records arrived, and it’d be nice to get a better image.

        I’m not sure if there was anything else I asked… I’ll have to look at my posts.

        And as far as the record’s actual origin, I think everyone scoured the internet about it. It just happens to be a previously unreleased part of the ST series.

  20. Shoshana says:

    could the I and X be roman numerals?

  21. Sara says:

    Those of you who have been able to listen to record: what does the narration say? Also has anyone tried changing the speed or direction of playback to see if there’s anything else there?

  22. Katherine says:

    Great work everyone! I can head over to Disneyland anytime with my little boys so let me know what we need next!

  23. Natasha says:


    Elizabeth has kindly posted the secret track: here is the tweet from Amelia:
    Jeff @Jeph216, check out Elizabeth @wilkeliza’s link: . Maybe you can make sense of it. #hopingsomeonecan

  24. Natasha says:

    It sounds like the track is meant to be listen to while riding an attraction, in this case perhaps carousel of progress?

    • Amelia says:

      Wow. If that’s the case, that’s just…yeah. Wow.

    • Sara says:

      I think there are parts of an audio track for several Worlds fair attractions. I heard part that sounded like it would go with c.o.p., part that sounded like maybe the ford skyway, and the last part sounded like iasw. It also referenced having been to the Lincoln attraction, though I didn’t hear anything that would definitively align with that show.

  25. Kevin says:

    Wow! That is amazing! “Most of which, we’ve still yet to share.”
    Question ONe: does everyone’s record say the same things? It is like “out takes” from a studio session where they were putting together lots of thoughts, ideas and statements, maybe to be put into one speech? I do hope there are more records to come and that when I get home from work tomorrow there might be one here….but thank you so much for posting the video and sharing. What are people’s thoughts about the “power source”?

  26. Geren says:

    OOC: May I just take a moment to compliment Disney VO artist Corey Burton on his contribution to this adventure.

  27. Elizabeth says:

    Hey guys both are now uploaded. Side one and side two

    I did try playing it at a different speed but it sounded like a chipmunk. I didn’t play the whole thing at the faster speed though because it was annoying my dog. Also my record player does not have a reverse option and I didn’t want to mess up the needle or vinyl by forcing it in reverse.

    • Derek says:

      I’ve got to say… side two is really odd, sort of creepy, and oddly foreboding. It’s definitely not cut up, as side one. It mentions all the attractions, so this is definitely a track that was shown somewhere else, not as a ride along.

      I’m really curious about the information about life; it makes broad claims about endless and carefree life, more than anything. That’s pretty big statements. It kind of ties into the later ideas of robotics and such, but really builds on the quality of life. Had they really cracked something about [more or less immortality]?

      Another note, this was definitely meant for those partners, participants, VIPs. Apparently this was meant to show them either what walt was working on, or what they had all been working on together. In any case, they had something to show them, and hoped it convinced them to continue on their work. I wonder what possibly could have been intriguing to the men we as$ume this was for?

      • Robert says:

        Maybe the agents of F.U.T.U.R.E.? Maybe they’re real! Hahaha!

      • Derek says:

        Also, with the heavy emphasis on life, I think it’s most likely confirmed that the enigmatic Hughes (which I know there was some speculation on) is Howard Hughes. While he was known for his aircraft, he also founded the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, with the original intention to research the ‘genesis of life itself’. To me, that hits the nail on the head, coonsidering what was mentioned. So that helps answer the mystery on that part, and also how he may have been involved.

  28. Elizabeth says:

    Also does anyone think it would be worth going to the 1964-1965 World’s Fair location? I could go visit but last time I was out there I didn’t see much.

  29. Carson says:

    I know Hastin and Kalani did an awesome job of discovering the map clues. But you asked for more pictures, Amelia, so here’s a few more. I checked out the sites today and got everything but Autopia which was down.

    I also visited the other dots on the map but didn’t discover anything out of the ordinary.

    As Hastin described, the patent clue in the Tomorrowland sign was ingenious. Completely invisible to the naked eye.

    • Robert says:

      I find the flags more impressive. I mean, they’re navy flags! Gotta do your homework to read those.

    • Amelia says:

      These are awesome, Carson. Thanks! Those before and after pics of the Tomorrowland sign are a trip. I can hardly believe that’s the same sign!

      • Carson says:

        I couldn’t believe it myself. If it weren’t for Hastin’s flash discovery – one would be unable to tell! It made me wonder if there were any more hidden clues like those. But alas, I did not find more.

        • Stephen says:

          I think that Wallace tipped us off with that “Flash Photography Location” star on the tomorrowland map. I don’t see any other stars on the map, but that doesn’t mean that he doesn’t have something hidden up his sleeve

  30. Carson says:

    Thanks for recording your findings, Elizabeth! Been reading up on the Chicago World’s Fair mentioned in the track…looks like it had a theme of “Century of Progress”.

    • Robert says:

      I too was thinking if that was a clue. I also heard on side two, attractions being mentioned. Carousel Of Progress, Great Moments with Lincoln Innovations, and The Tiki Room.

  31. Whitney says:

    Just listened to Side 1, could it be possible that your grandpa was a member of this mysterious Society that they mentioned, Amelia?

  32. Whitney says:

    And now I listened to Side 2! One important fact that I get from this side is that it clearly states that the keys to these ideas will always be on view in Tomorrowland, now it’s possible that these are the hidden patent clues that we’ve already found, but it could also be something else! We’ll have to keep our eyes open and hope for more clues about it!

    • Stephen says:

      I think that you are right, Side 1 clearly states that this is meant to be a “Companion” to the ride, so I thnik that if these tracks are listened to while on the rides mentioned, that something else will stand out”

  33. Samantha Rae says:

    My sister and I were messing around with side A of the recording, trying to match it up to “The Carousel of Progress” ride audio. Needeless to say we didn’t find anything significant. BUT as we listened to side A, we noticed the “power source” they were talking about sounded a lot like solar power. Then they mentioned the old Chicago Worlds Fair. Turns out there WAS a solar house at that 1933/34 worlds fair. It was called “The Crystal House” and “The House of Tomorrow”. I don’t know what this means but it seems like too much of a coincidence. You can read about the exhibits here ( We also found an old newspaper article (,2435396) that talks about it, too. Do you think this has anything to do with… anything?

    • Natasha says:

      I think you’re on to something Samantha. Not only was there the solar house, apparently the 1933 Chicago’s world fair was opened by using starlight, specifically from the star Arcturus.
      The whole fair was dedicated to scientific discovery!

    • Roland says:

      I’ve thought about them saying about harnessing the suns rays as renewable energy since they said it was both seen and unseen. I never knew that there was an exhibit of a house running on solar energy at the 1933-1934 Chicago Worlds Fair! I am so loving this interactive so far.

      Aside from that, I’m wondering what they mean by The Society? I hopes it’s nothing out of the ordinary that might be kinda risky.

  34. Natasha says:

    Maybe the symbol from the Wallace poster and Tam is a constellation, does anyone know their stars and planets well enough to match it up?

  35. Jennifer says:

    Here’s an excellent detailed link about what exactly GE’s Skydome Spectacular offered – this was what followed the Carousel of Progress. After researching more I believe the free energy the record was referring to was the
    “the Fusion Demonstration beneath the domed screen and in another, smaller, theater in the round. Standing on a plinth was a large quartz tube, with control panels and displays detailing the process of fusion that would be attempted. After a countdown, brilliant flashes of light and a loud, popping, crack would signify that GE was successful in tapping into the nuclear science of sun building. Billed as a first public demonstration of fusion, this feat took place every 4-6 minutes. Clerical workers that staffed the pavilion soon grew accustomed to the loud explosions emanating from the dome,”

    Also here’s the link if you want to read more:

  36. Timothy says:

    Wallace reminds me of Kinkade in the sense of all the hidden things he likes to hide in his Disney paintings

  37. Eric says:

    Really surprised it took this long to finally hear the record audio. I wonder how many casual The Optimist signer-upers received records and have no idea what the heck they are?

    Half way through listening to side 1. Obviously some missing narration that we need to fill in somehow. Either other records have different tracks, or by synching up to other ride audio? I suspect the former, as there seems to be an audible sync point (2 beeps) near the beginning …

    Will keep listening …

    • Eric says:

      Didn’t someone early one mention that the records were double grooved? If so, if you start the needle on the alternate groove, we would get a second audio track.

    • Eric says:

      Side 1 is not complete. We have to fill in the narration somehow. Any ideas?

      Side 2 is complete and tells us about the presentation to the “Society” (my take is forward thinking VIPs of the day). It recaps the handful of presentations The Society has seen (all represented in Wallace’s artwork by the way).

      This is pretty cool. Wish I received a record. Please, anyone that received one, post your audio.

      • Eric says:

        The record narration has to somehow tie in with the “IASW Alternate VIP Narration Track” script that Amelia posted.

        That the script is prompted with, “To begin playing at the entrance to the Europe section, over song” is definitely a clue of some sort.

  38. Timothy says:

    We have to remember also that Walt lived in an era where Nuclear energy seemed like the answer to all energy problems and was even considered environmentally friendly. Walt, himself, considered the notion of using Nuclear energy to power Disney World. Albeit, I doubt this is what the power source would be referring to

  39. Stephen says:

    I am listening to side one sync to the CoP now, seeig i I can see anything different, this might only work on the actual ride but we will see

  40. Stephen says:

    I also tweeted to Amelia that all of the lines on Wallace’s posters come directly from the record. most of them from Side 2.

  41. Derek says:

    Wow, stephen; fantastic eye… I knew some of them sounded familiar

  42. Stephen says:

    the only reference i couldn’t find was the three bells reference, but i think that someone needs to ride “CoP” i think that is might line up with something??

    • Robert says:

      What about going to YouTube and watching a ‘ Through video for CoP. Does Ricky of Inside the Magic have one? That’d be the fastest way. But by all means, if somebody has the ability to visit CoP, go!

      • Scott says:

        I got a record. The three beeps on the record definitely refer to Wallace’s poster. I was playing the record while watching CoP on youtube. If you start the video when the music strikes up before scene 1 as the announcer on the record says let the revere begin a lot of the audio lines up for awhile. I think the different pauses need to be redirected for the different scenes in the entire show. Then it will make more sense, i dont have the technology to do this wel. Does anyone know how?!?!

  43. Fred says:

    I got a record! Thank you so much Amelia! :)

  44. Eric says:

    Can somebody post an mp3 (or any audio file) of the record audio?

  45. Samantha Rae says:

    This may be really far-fetched but I thought it was worth mentioning. You don’t think the “three bells” the CoP poster is referring to is the three telephones on the Tomorrowland map? Do they even still have public telephones in Disneyland? And are the spots located on the map still accessible?

    • Fred says:

      There are indeed still public telephones at Disneyland. :)
      Though I’m not sure if those spots are accurate today. But I’ll be sure to check that out when I go this weekend.

      • Carson says:

        Some of the telephone booths are still there. Particularly the one marked near the 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea exhibit. That is now where Space Mountain exits and those public phones are very much there. I did not find anything when I went but I may have completely overlooked something.

    • Stephen says:

      I don’t think it is far fetched at all, Wallace doesn’t seem to put anything on his maps that don’t mean something

  46. Eric says:

    I just got a record in the mail today!!! Thanks Amelia!

    I may have missed discussion on this, but what is the deal with it saying “Volume 1 of 2″? Has anybody received a “Volume 2 of 2″?

  47. Carson says:

    Does anyone have a transcript of what the tracks say?

  48. Denise says:

    What about the IASW poster? It appears as if there are glasses on the tunnel. Maybe riding through while wearing them would show something? On the sun possibly?

  49. Karey says:

    Trying to catch up on this “treasure hunt” -will be at Expo to see the culmination, for sure.

  50. Michael says:

    Did anyone go and check out the telephones that were marked on the map? I wonder if calling into some of the older phone numbers we’ve previously found would change something…….

    Just an idea.

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