Hi, I'm Amelia!
I’m a slightly overwhelmed undergrad, scrambling to find time between school in the smallest state in the union and work at a low-rent video store to make a documentary about my grandfather, Carlos. He was a writer who always looked to the future. He’s only passed a short time ago, and I miss him terribly. Read More >

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Another Script from C. Moreau

Grandpa’s fingerprints are all over this. So much in this short script is SO him: “a world without boundaries,” “free to reach beyond any ocean,” “the infinite power of communication.” And this is how he talked – Mr. Positivity all the time. No kidding.

Anyway, we know what IASW stands for, but why would he include it in his science fiction? And the “technological advancements” he mentions here sound a lot like stuff we use today. Hmm. Reminds me of Jules Verne. Predicting things like the solar sail and electric submarines.

Honestly, this script is a bit out there. Okay, more than a bit. And I love it! Grandpa’s imagination is still taking me places. And now it’s transporting us. All of us! Together. And I say the farther the better.

Found this in the bottom of the crate that had all of those things from the World's Fair.

Found this in the bottom of the crate that had all of those things from the World’s Fair.


202 Responses to "Another Script from C. Moreau"

  1. Willa says:

    Wow this is simply amazing. I wonder what It’s a small world would be like if we heard things like this. Very interesting to think about.

  2. Stephen says:

    Amelia, the one thing that stood out to me immediately is first line: “IASW Alternate VIP Narration Track”. I think that you Grandfather specifically wrote the script for the secret tours that were given and mentioned on the letter from WED to all contractors. Those VIP’s were most like Hughes, Bradbury, and Von Braun, and given at times on the translated brochure.

  3. Kalani says:

    Amelia, I don’t think this was a fictional writing. Remember the WED Voice Mail System said that Lott Construction had access to a “secure area” in IASW and something called Signal Flag was ready for private demo at the World’s Fair. An alternate script for VIPs riding on IASW for a private demo of Signal Flag?

    I’m having trouble reading the handwriting, can someone transcribe it?

  4. andrew says:

    Wow, your gramps was such a forward thinker Amelia! And theres a lot to absorb here. I think we should map out the connections mentioned here (alps-buckingham,london bridge to eiffel, etc etc) and the ones mentioned in the other script (atlanta-paris, st louis arc etc) maybe thats the key to forming the “symbol of F.U.T.U.R.E.” I would do it myself but I gotta run out to work, so if no-one gets around to it I can when I get home tonight.

  5. Megan says:

    Here’s what I make out from the handwriting:

    Flip to alternate narration track when VIP boats enter

    For our actor: Stress this V[ery] important

    Mention how quickly this change has occurred – with the span of a generation

    Bavarian Alps mentioned too late? Need to test timing.

    Good. I like these connections.

    thought you’d keep the reference to room 2, but somehow this works.

    Another word for this? “Device” is so bland.

    Good work overall! Our VIP guests should love this

  6. Robert says:

    It’s always a treat when you read something about instant communication, and here we are. Doing that exact same thing. It’s a pretty crazy thought. The thoughts, dreams, and imaginations of the minds from the past, have become a reality.

  7. Megan says:

    Anyone going to Disneyland today/tomorrow? Between this and the new Tomorrowland map on Disney Cartography, we need someone to check out the scene this lines up with, plus the autopia and submarine ride for their “special attractions.”

    • Fred says:

      I’ll be at Disneyland this Saturday. I can check out Autopia, the Subs, and small world. :)
      Though I have to admit, I’m not entirely sure what to look for.

    • Joey says:

      We’ve got the patent numbers from the Monorail Station, Autopia and Subs areas now, which is great. Did anyone notice the blue and yellow dots at these locations: The Art of Animation, Fun Photos, The Art Corner, National Lead Color Gallery and the 20,000 Leagues Exhibit? Could there be something at these locations too?

      • Kalani says:

        Amber and I had a look yesterday evening at the Phone and Bathroom locations marked on the map. Nothing jumped out, some spots used to have phones/bathroom but they are no longer there. Other spots still do have the bathrooms and/or phones but nothing out of the ordinary?

  8. YankeeWhite says:

    Wow, just… wow. He describes smartphone tech and our social networks so closely it’s almost like he invented everything we take for granted today! About those hand written notes, I’m starting to think Mr. Disney wrote those, just from reading them y’know.

    • Amelia says:

      I don’t know if “invent” is the right word. But I think I know what you mean. It’s a lot to consider. A lot to grasp. Just him being a part of anything like this. Where this kind of thinking was going on.

  9. Eric says:

    Awe man … new blog post, new Wallace art …

    Can’t put my detective hat on until I’m done with work.

  10. Stephen says:

    I really wish that is was out in Disneyland so that i could ride IASW, there has got to be something on that ride or queue that might help us.

  11. Matthew says:

    Hey – did anyone else notice that on the Wallace map that Autopia has the “car park” sign and the car statue as the only major features of the ride? I’m not old enough to completely remember – but weren’t those added for the current Chevron version in the early 2000s and not in ’59?

  12. Kevin says:

    Is it just me, or does the tone, tenor, “feel” of what Carlos has written remind anyone of the narration in Spaceship Earth? It feels so similar to me. References to communication, the shrinking world….read these words and in your mind, listen to them said by Walter Cronkite, Jeremy Irons or Judy Dench…

  13. James says:

    Another great find, Amelia! This definitely solidifies the idea that the project’s vision was not about a single city, but about uniting the entire world. As much as we’ve been focusing on Progressland and the technological developments, IASW was also key to the vision… a vision of a world brought together, living in peace. that’s my initial thought upon reading this. Gotta run… hoping to stop off at Flushing Meadows on my way to work in a bit.

    • Amelia says:

      Everything you’re saying, James, Grandpa believed in. I just thought he was unbelievably optimistic. I never considered he could have been talking about anything remotely real.

  14. Derek says:

    Definitely getting the vibe of this is describing future tech to VIP guests in a special showing of it’s a small world. Maybe there was an extra section, much like Progressland’s stage opening, only available in secret, that showcased some new tech.

    This is definitely referencing some form of cell phone, even if it didn’t envision it as such then. It makes those satellites all the more obvious on the Wallace poster, as satellites, and *towers* bounce electromagnetic waves across wide areas to connect us all. More or less, this is a description of the future of wireless communication/internet.

    Reminds me a lot of Spaceship earth’s finale scene previously.

  15. William says:

    Do you think that they had come up with future cell-phone technology before anyone else had? I mean, we already know they had technology prototypes for a voicemail system from “Dial ‘T’ for Tam,” even though voicemail tech didn’t come about until the seventies. Perhaps the boats in IASW for VIP guests would divert down a different path that would show them stuff. OR MAYBE this is more of a precursor to Spaceship Earth at Epcott. Or something to that effect. What do you guys think?

    • Jody says:

      after seeing a post on ‘adayindisneyhistory’ blog and reading the script sample that Amelia posted from her grandpa, i wonder if it might’ve been part of the script for the ‘progress city’ model tour. according to the blog, after the visitors were done with the ‘progressland’ tour, they went upstairs to see a 45 minute presentation of ‘progress city’ (epcot). here’s the link to the page i’m referring to:

  16. Blake says:


    • Hastin says:

      Yea, and there’s some interesting things around Autopia (like the Carpark – which was added in 2000), and the Monorail Platform (which has the modern-day logo), and the Submarine Voyage – which also has a star. There’s got to be clues at these locations.

    • Hastin says:

      I’m off to the park around 4:00 p.m. PST. Excited to find this stuff.

      • William says:

        Be sure to take a picture at the monorail. Maybe theres a light sensor there. XD

        • Hastin says:

          Yea, I have a feeling it’s on that ‘Tomorrowland’ sign, where there used to be an advertisement for the hotels. I would bet that you might be only able to see it at night or something.

          • Kira says:

            Actually it sounds like you might be able to see the sub clue from the monorail platform according to Kalani. So make sure you take a look out.

          • Eric says:

            I’d look at the submarine flagpole, from the platform if possible.

      • Kalani says:

        Hastin, I just got back from the park. Did not have much time, but figured some initial recon would prove helpful to someone else later today. When you ride Autopia, if you want a closer look at the Midget Autopia car statue it’s on the far passenger side set of tracks when you load. Also, monorail has been up and down all afternoon for mechanical issues, at least an hour each time. I was unable to get onto the platform and I did not have time to wait in line for the subs. There is a sub docked alone towards the back of the secondary dock (right about where the mark is on the map); it would be visible from the monorail platform. I’ll post the couple pictures I took, but nothing jumped out at me.

        • Kalani says:

          My last message is still “awaiting moderation” but here’s what I got from Autopia… The midget car has something new on it’s plaque! “US2861806″

          Thanks to Amber who pointed out it looks like a US patent number. “ROCKET SHIP AMUSEMENT APPARATUS” — Walter E. Disney et al

          • Kalani says:

            Which is Mission to Mars / Rocket to the Moon / Flight to the Moon.

          • Emily says:

            Somebody needs to go check this out!

          • Kalani says:

            Two more patents filed by Walt et al on the same day.



          • Kalani says:

            My other comment is still stuck in moderation, but the Monorail was down while I was there earlier. Hastin I think you’ll beat me there this afternoon, hopefully the monorail is back up, or maybe you can try to convince the CMs to let you up on the platform anyway ;-)

          • Kira says:

            Whoa. That’s crazy. This is an interesting read though, and the diagrams! I’m at work now but hopefully I will have some time to read through the patent more fully later, but it seems like an incredibly detailed and accurate description of the ride.

          • Kalani says:

            Also, if you ride the submarines but don’t see anything there. Check out the submarine that’s in the secondary dock towards the back, it’s about where the star on the map is.

          • Kalani says:

            While I wait for my comments to get out of moderation (one’s been there for an hour), check out any of Disney’s fireworks patents, they make for fascinating reading.

          • Kira says:

            Hopefully someone can get to the submarine ride as there seems to be another clue there as well.

          • Kira says:

            you weren’t kidding, those fireworks patents are super interesting. Walt Disney was a very unique dude.

          • Alyssa says:

            It looks like that plaque is colored pink on Wallace’s Tomorrowland map to coincide with the star. On the submarines, the pink flags are pink like the star, so it might be worth a shot to pay extra attention to the flags. I was also thinking that those flags to relate to the “signal flag” that has been referenced so many times… thanks to all who can get to Disneyland and are doing such great research! :)

          • YankeeWhite says:

            Thanks for the awesome pic! It’s great for the rest of us to see what’s been placed in these locations!

          • Kalani says:

            I posted the few other random pictures of autopia and the subs I took today. They’re at the tail end of my Tam photos.

          • Carson says:

            Really cool detail: That Rocket Ship Amusement Apparatus patent was filed July 17, 1956.

        • Hastin says:

          Thanks for the heads up. Monorail can be tricky. Once the sun drops, it seems to run better (that pesky heat). I’ll see if I can spot the Submarine Voyage from the platform. I’ll bring my zoom lens.

          Thanks for the retcon! :)

          • Kalani says:

            Good point, hope they have it solved. They kept pulling one of the on and off the track which is what was taking so long.

            I’ve been looking on Flickr at the view from the platform… Maybe have a look at the “roof” of the submarine show building too, there might be something over there.

            Happy to be of help. =)

  17. Rachel says:

    I loved reading this! It feels like a piece right out of Disney history! Well it’s clear now that your grandfather was certainly working on It’s a Small World with Disney, considering that he wrote this nice narration! But I suppose the question is if he was working on something more… Surely they wouldn’t have just hired him to write the introduction for just one VIP boat ride; they likely were working with him before and knew he was just right to help with this special occasion… but I wonder how they could have been connected.

    • Amelia says:

      Yeah, I don’t know anymore, Rachel. Everything you all have pieced together and thinking about what Grandpa may or may not have been involved with has got my head spinning.

  18. Kira says:

    This is just so interesting and cool! I wish I could have been one of those VIP’s on that tour! I wonder who’s writing that is, it certainly doesn’t look like your grandfathers. Does it look familiar to you at all? Also I keep thinking, your mom doesn’t seem to know much about the things your grandfather was doing, but maybe he has some friends who do? Can you think of anyone you might be able to ask? Maybe there is an address book around that apartment somewhere with someone in it who might be able to shed some light on all this crazy cool stuff you are finding!

  19. Angel says:

    You guys are so on this!!! I remember Mission to Mars in Magic Kingdom. Not sure why the patten number would be on the Autopia car. More questions arise. Lol

  20. Amber says:

    A fact I came across today was that the first fleet of Autopia cars was referred to as Mark I and that the first monorails (and submarines) came along with the fifth fleet of vehicles. Something referred to as Mark 0 would refer to vehicles predating the first Autopia cars.

  21. Angel says:

    Did anyone else notice that the monorail is labeled Disneyland -ALWEG? That is the company that came up with the concept, right?

  22. Eric says:

    Wait a sec … seems like there’s a connection between the Tomorrowland 1959 art, and to the patents listed in the meeting minutes: Auto-Apparatus (autopia), Signal Flags (on the submarine platform), and the Mark Zero project (monorail?)


  23. Eric says:

    Whoever is going to Disneyland to check all this out, also take a look at the Historic Mechanical Engineering plaque located at Tomorrowland Station for clues.

    Here’s a pic (not from today, fyi):

  24. Eric says:

    It would make sense, and I’m starting to believe that the “Mark Zero Project” mentioned in the meeting minutes, must be a monorail project that predated the ALWEG “Mark I” monorail that first appeared at Disneyland in 1959. However, the meeting minutes are from 1964 … hmmm.

  25. Samantha says:

    I noticed that in the cartography picture they’re sending you places with pink stars. Anyone else notice that the Matterhorn loading station also has a pink flag and bell? Does anyone else think that’s significant and mind checking it out at DL. After all, it did open in 1959: the same year as the subs and monorail.

  26. Eric says:

    We need a close look at those signal flags at the submarine/Nemo attraction. Can someone snap a photo?

  27. James says:

    Wow.. lots of action today. This will get lost in all the excitement, but I was at the unisphere today and didn’t discover anything. Took a lot of pics and will go through them at home. Also checked out the sites of Disney’s 4 attractions, and nothing remains of them. no markings, plaques, carvings on trees or benches that I saw. Came up empty. (The museum of art supposedly has stuff from the fair, but it’s closed to the public until October.)

  28. Eric says:

    I found an older picture of the signal flags at the Nemo ride. Given maritime signal flag meanings, it spells out “FINDING NEMO” (I’m sure some of you already knew that, I didn’t know that piece of trivia). I’m hoping that when we get a look at them today, they’ll spell out a clue for us!

  29. Stephen says:

    Good job everyone who got out today!

  30. Elizabeth says:

    Ok . . . So a few things stuck out to me in the narration and Wallace’s Tomorrowland post.

    So here they are:

    1. The comment about Easter Island in the narration above stuck with me. Both IASW and the current Finding Nemo Submarine Voyage, feature Easter Island heads as can be seen in the photos below. The second photo isn’t the best because it is from this video:

    2. Wallace’s new Tomorrowland piece highlights the Submarine Voyage – now Nemo. Maybe there are connections in Tomorrowland and IASW in Disneyland.

    3. Wallace’s comment/caption to his new piece reads: “There are still hidden secrets of the original Tomorrowland in the park today; you just have to know where to look.” This definitely suggest a connection to today’s Disneyland Park.

    If any of this has been mentioned, I’m sorry for repeating! :) .

    If not, I hope my ideas can help everyone else.

    Have a magical night! :)

  31. Natasha says:

    Has anyone taken a look at the flags depicted in Wallace’s Tomorrowland map? Dunno if it means anything but here is what they represent and the order they joined the union:
    N (New Mexico 47th State) T (Texas 28th State)
    A (Alabama 22nd State M (Massachusetts 6th State)
    C? (Colorado 38th state) D (Delaware 1st State)
    I thought maybe the letters would be an anagram, but not enough vowels!

  32. Hastin says:

    Okay! Here’s the clue from the Monorail platform.

  33. Eric says:



    Can’t make the 2nd, 3rd out.

  34. Andrew says:

    The patent abstract begins with “Yale W. Gracey, Beverly Hills, Calif, a$$ignor, by mesne (sp?) a$$ignments to WED Enterprises, Inc a corporation of California.”

    • Andrew says:

      Also the first paragraph reads “The present invention relates to an audio frequency lighting display in which a commingled display of relatively sharp and relatively diffuse light images is projected upon a display panel.”
      I’m not seeing the relationship just yet but we are getting somewhere.

    • Natasha says:

      Yale Gracey was an imagineer known for working on the special effect on the Haunted Mansion, they even named the owner of the Mansion Master Gracey after him. There is a 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea Connection to the Haunted Mansion, the Organ in the the ballroom scene is Captain Nemo’s Organ.

      • Jody says:

        wow! natasha, thanks for the info on yale gracey. from the youtube videos of Walt Disney showing the work they were doing on the world’s fair audio anamatronic puppets, mr. disney did explain he got the ideas for the anamated puppets from the giant octopus they created for the 20,000 Leagues movie.

  35. Eric says:

    Update/correction … I cannot make out the 4th flag. I have:


    It could be a substitute pennant. I tried “brute forcing” it, (substituted 0-9) and didn’t come up with anything at first glance.

    Any thoughts?

  36. Eric says:

    Post has been “moderated” … boo.

  37. Angel says:

    Almost sounds like this is the beginnings of the parade floats for the electrical parade. The lights dance to the music. I wonder what else it could be for. World of Colorado has the lasers set to coordinate with music. Any thoughts?

  38. Jaclyn says:

    Holy cow, look what I miss during a busy day at work! Love how quickly everyone has jumped in on a lot of this (including making it down to Disneyland) – and how in-sync most everyone seems to be. It’s interesting to me how most everything seems to be “future” related, and then there’s It’s a Small World -just popping up everywhere, just like how the song always gets stuck in your head ;) I wonder WHY we’re being directed to all these specific patents – unless these were some initially ‘secret’ things they were working on at the Worlds Fair? Amelia- your grandfather sure was on to something BIG. Crazy!

  39. Alyssa says:

    The first thing I thought of when I saw the diagram in the patent was the old “Dancing Waters/Fantasy Waters” show from the Disneyland Hotel. And, after a little research, I found some info that suggested that the plumbing and hardware for that show came from a water show at the ’64 World’s Fair (which can be seen at the end of the Disneyland at the World’s Fair special). I have no idea how all those things relate! Here is the website I was looking at, scroll down to the comments for the connection:

  40. Alyssa says:

    Here’s another website that talks about the water show at the World’s Fair:

  41. Eric says:

    Not sure if there is any messaging in this, but the state flags by the World Clock. From l to r:

    Montana (not positive), Alabama, New Mexico, Texas, Massachusetts, Delaware.

  42. James says:

    I was so excited when I figured out the flags and found the patent. Good work on getting it done faster than I did. LOL!! what attraction is this patent for? what about the skydome spectacular portion of the Carousel of Progress?

  43. Sven says:

    How I would love to be in california at the moment to look out for the riddles. A big thank you to all the people documenting their finds here and elsewhere!

  44. Jody says:

    Amelia – i have to wonder about the script you found in your grandpa’s apartment. are you sure it was a script? it may have been his style/idea to write his ideas/thoughts in script form instead of dated and signed journal entries.

  45. Stephen says:

    so after looking at the link that Kalani posted above, I am pretty sure that these screen were represented by the drawing on Table 31 at the TAM.

  46. Shoshana says:

    In someone’s earlier post they mentioned 360 filming patent.
    I know right now the Canada section in Epcot has a 360 film showing off Canada, although it is defiantly made after the 1960s. But this also reminds me of the 360-ness of the ride inside the Epcot ball.

  47. Stephen says:

    I think that the clues from the voicemail line, actually pointed us to the patents clues first; Signal Flag (Nemo Subs), Auto Apparatus (Autopia), and Mark 0, nobody thought about checking the rides out until Wallace posted the “Tomorrowland’ map. Good work everyone!

    • Kalani says:

      If they were code names for their respective patents…

      Signal Flag – “Audio Frequency-Responsive Lighting Display” – CoP

      Auto Apparatus – “Rocket Ship Amusement Apparatus” – Rocket to the Moon

      Mark 0 Project – “Panoramic Motion Picture Presentation” Arrangement – Circarama

      • Stephen says:

        I guess I meant to say, I think that the clues on the voicemail were pointing us towards the locations in the park that had the clues for the patents… Wow that is confusing! in other words I think that now that we have found the locations in Disney, I don’t know if we need to look into what Mark 0, Auto Aparatus, and Signal Flag mean anymore. maybe I am wrong though???

  48. Ariel says:

    wow good work everyone how i wish I could be there! maybe these patent numbers will help us unlock the “new” access code for more meeting minutes voicemail messages

  49. Ariel says:

    correction– we need to find what the lady on the voicemail refers to as the “new conference number” and code. now that we know WHAT the patents are, we have to figure out how they are “integral to the development of the city” what would the auto apparatus patent, the signal flags, and the monorail (im a$$uming thats what we still think Mark 0 refers to) along with the circlevision do for the futuristic city that they were secretly developing?? (ps– really? I have to use dollar signs?? come on…)

  50. James says:

    just throwing this out there, but while browsing the patents, it seems the term “auto apparatus” has another meaning I haven’t seen under consideration. It could mean a device that automatically does something, or automates something. Doesn’t necessarily have to be referring to an automobile or vehicle.

    • Derek says:

      Thanks for throwing that out there James. I’d thought about that, but no idea yet on something.

      On another note I think we’ve been overthinking alot of these; it’s appearing the simplest answer is most likely the case

  51. Chad says:

    I posted over in the For the Record post, but i got the album in the mail today. Just wanted to point people towards it because there hasn’t been much conversation in that post lately.

  52. Angel says:

    Not sure if anyone has a D23 membership (free version available)…but there is an article about the Monsanto Plastics Home of the Future posted today. Maybe it will provide some clues.

  53. Yunis says:

    Upon reading up on the CoP on Wiki, I found this:

    he soundtrack was also released as part of the 5-disc CD set Walt Disney and the 1964 World’s Fair released on March 24, 2009 which includes instrumental versions of “There’s a Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow” representing different eras of progress, and an early “Alternate Universe” version of the complete show.

    Nothing directly co-relating, but fun to think about the idea of “alternate universes.”

  54. Eric says:

    Wallace has made some interesting comments on Twitter:

    “I’m an art making machine!”

    “People say I remind them of ‘Father’ but I don’t see it.” (referring to his first ride on Carousel of Progress.

    He’s also denied being left handed, although his website shows him drawing with his left hand.

    This is total speculation … *putting tin-foil fedora on* … but might Wallace be an advanced animatronic?

  55. James says:

    For any of you interested, here are the pics i took of my short time walking around Flushing Meadows Corona Park. Lots of the unisphere with some close up shots of continents and inside. Some statues in the area, and the sites the Disney exhibits used to stand on, according to my map.

  56. Patrick says:

    To add even more credence to our theory that there was a secret ‘alternate’ path for IASM at the World’s Fair, Wallace just posted on Twitter “Once, IASW broke down and people heard this strange sound coming from behind the wall. #64worldsfairmemories”

  57. Michael says:

    This to me, sounds so much like Mission Space….It may not be verbatim, but reading just the first few lines, I felt like it could have been reminiscent of the narration from Mission Space.

    • Michael says:

      Also – I know its different dates, different parks, but could have been scrapped for IASW, and used for Mission Space, they never throw things out – just find a right time to use them.

  58. Jordan says:

    this letter sounds so much like a segament Spaceship Earth as you progress more and more into the future. When on the ride you go from newspaper to radio to television to computers.

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