Hi, I'm Amelia!
I’m a slightly overwhelmed undergrad, scrambling to find time between school in the smallest state in the union and work at a low-rent video store to make a documentary about my grandfather, Carlos. He was a writer who always looked to the future. He’s only passed a short time ago, and I miss him terribly. Read More >

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Better Than Coffee Milk

So Mom and I had a pleasant morning. We hysterically laughcried the whole ride from the airport to home. As soon as we walked through the door, we hugged Nora and Sofia and laughcried some more. And while she showered, I made us scrambled omelets. Chocolate chip pancakes. And stirred … Continue reading

Better Than Coffee Milk



Yesterday, I asked you all for a really big favor – to convince Mom to head down to Anaheim before she returns home, so she can see with her own eyes the message that all of you Optimists have uncovered.  And just now, I found this in the comment section … Continue reading



Help Please

All right, everybody… I need your help. After seeing the amazing things that all of my Twitter friends discovered today at Disneyland, I really think I need to convince Mom to go to Anaheim.  She needs to see it for herself.  I’ve tried calling, texting, and emailing her since before … Continue reading


A Final Attempt

So Mom leaves for her conference in California tomorrow morning. Like many of you have suggested, there was something I really thought I should show her before she left on her trip.  Remember this folder with the slides of Mom, Grandma & Grandpa inside? I wanted Mom to see this so … Continue reading

A Final Attempt


Telling It All

I asked Mom to meet me for pizza after class today, and she was happy to.  It’s a favorite place of ours. And as Megan Tweeted, no one had to do dishes! (Always a plus in my book.) Anyway, for a while now, I’ve been agonizing over the best way … Continue reading


Hitting the Right Note?

As you know, I’ve gone through a lot of Grandpa’s stuff in his apartment over the past few weeks. As you also know, I’ve posted anything major that left my head spinning here, on my blog, for all of you to figure out. (Sorry. You all are just top-notch dot … Continue reading

Hitting the Right Note?


The Way to Walt’s Haunts

Wallace has a new piece of art on his site called “Walt’s Haunts,” and even a modern-day young woman in Rhode Island can figure out these are places in California that Walt Disney – and maybe Grandpa? – used to frequent. (Thank you, Internet!) But this girl wonders, “What are … Continue reading

The Way to Walt’s Haunts


Family Stories

I started this project to learn more about Grandpa, but as we move forward, I’m also learning about Mom. During a moment of charity and precision timing, Mom agreed to sit down for an interview. With me. In front of the camera. Yeah. What’s up with that, right? Was she … Continue reading

Family Stories


Opening the Door to ‘64

I’ve been looking through a box of Grandpa’s World’s Fair things, and I can’t help but imagine being there in ’64. Seeing it all through his eyes. Wondering what else he experienced that can’t be seen here in these souvenirs. Thinking about it gets my imagination racing. My mind filling … Continue reading

Opening the Door to ‘64



So, you know how some of you said I should maybe hold off on telling Mom about my little project? And going through the stuff in Grandpa’s apartment? You were SO right! But I don’t know how much longer I could have gone without sharing all of this with her. … Continue reading



For the Record…

Last night, taking into account the good advice from so many friends like Elizabeth, Jason, and Kira, I decided to head up to Grandpa’s apartment and begin tidying things up.  You all have inspired me to prepare the place for Mom, to make it a bit easier for her to … Continue reading

For the Record…


What about Mom?

There’s something that’s been on my mind, and I need to get it out. As you know, I live with Mom. When I do get to see her (because she works so darned hard all night), it’s usually wonderful. We both love breakfast at any time of the day. She … Continue reading

What about Mom?