Hi, I'm Amelia!
I’m a slightly overwhelmed undergrad, scrambling to find time between school in the smallest state in the union and work at a low-rent video store to make a documentary about my grandfather, Carlos. He was a writer who always looked to the future. He’s only passed a short time ago, and I miss him terribly. Read More >

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So, you know how some of you said I should maybe hold off on telling Mom about my little project? And going through the stuff in Grandpa’s apartment? You were SO right!

Screen Shot 2013-07-15 at 1.55.32 PM

But I don’t know how much longer I could have gone without sharing all of this with her. Trust me, I know how hard she works. How she deserves what little shred of peace and quiet she gets. And I want to give that to her. After chatting with many of you, I just really believe now in my heart of hearts that she needs to see what we’re all seeing. That figuring out what Grandpa was up to will somehow be helpful. In a big way.

Here’s the video – see what you think.

Of course, maybe I didn’t have to stick the camera in her face without giving a heads-up. Possibly. Perhaps. I guess.

Way to go, Amelia. And not only am I a colossal pain in the rear, but I’m a terrible interviewer to boot.


Tags: interview, mom, video

85 Responses to "Moms"

  1. Dustin says:

    Your Mother looks concerned and intrigued. Almost like she is thinking you might be discovering what she found already, and is eager to see you go further than her findings. She might be surprised.

  2. Rachel says:

    It looks like your mom is just busy–she might not have time to think about what you’re trying to explain right now. But she didn’t take it in a bad way, and that’s good :) . Just give her some time to think about what you said before you bring it up again, and if she asks about anything, just be honest with her. I think she, as your mom, would like that. Maybe the more you can open up to her about it, the more she will open up to you!

    Just give her some time :) She is your mom after all! and you know all of us will be here to help you with anything you need in the meantime.

    • Amelia says:

      Yeah. As always you make a lot of sense, Rachel. And I honestly don’t know if I could have brought this up to her without knowing that people like you would be here for me.

  3. Brian Cagle says:

    It seems like your mom is hiding something

    • Amelia says:

      Yeah? Is there something she did, something she said that makes you think this?

      • Brian Cagle says:

        She just seemed to not be very surprised about you telling her about your grandfather. Also the fact that she’s “handling” most of the stuff is somewhat suspicious.

        • Amelia says:

          Oh. I see what you mean. About the “handling,” I promised her I would let her “handle” Grandpa’s stuff. And her idea of “handling” until this point has been letting it sit in his apartment above the garage, which is unlike her. She’s usually quick to take care of things.

  4. Christina says:

    My internet is being weird, so if this is a repost, I apologize:
    I don’t think her mom is “hiding something” – It looks like she’s a doctor or nurse, coming off of a long shift, and she answered some questions with a bit of exasperation. We’re all prone to that. In fact, I think you mom is a trooper, Amelia… Coming home after a long shift only to be faced with a camera and dirty dishes? She’s a mom and has your best interest at heart. :)

    That said, maybe other interview candidates would make more sense to get your interviewing feet under you. Folk you can sit down and take time with. Did you have any other Maternal relatives who may have known Carlos? Cousins or Great Uncles or Great Aunts perhaps? What about your Dad? He may be able to give some light to the overall situation when he and your mom first got together? (Sorry if this is overstepping… personally I haven’t had a relationship with my own father in over 20 years. Sometimes things just can’t be worked out…)

    In any case, even talking to any buddies your grandpa may have had, or other folks, like your dad (if that’s copacetic) could shine a lot of light on things, without taxing your mom when it looks like she’s already putting in a full day and then some.

    -Just an opinion. :) Good luck!

    • Amelia says:

      Christina, from what I can tell, you are a wise, intuitive person. And you’re making me think about a lot. About things I haven’t thought about for some time. This experience has turned out to be so much more than I ever expected. *deep breath* *deep breath*

  5. Elizabeth says:

    Give her some time to decompress. You did spring it on her. She seems surprised and unsurprised all at the same time. If that makes sense! I think she just needs time to absorb what was sprung on her.

    And if you need more support, we’re here for you! ;)

  6. Eric says:

    Sorry if I’m posting this in the wrong place, but I just found something. That mystery symbol that is on 2 of Wallace’s pieces … well take a look at the label on the upper right of the “1952 Mystery Box” …

    • Kris says:

      Awesome! I wonder if it’s someone signature or some form of symbol

      • Derek says:

        I’ve been thinking it’s some signature of sorts, but it’s use is really lending to the symbol idea. I’ve come to think of it as Orbit’s Symbol, just because.

        If you actually look at it on an odd angle it kind of looks like some sort of orbit or rings; kind of reminds me of the old 60′s space antennae.

    • Derek says:

      WOW! There it is. It seems the 1952 mystery box and these have some connection, one way or another. That’s great to know.

    • Rachel says:

      Wow! Very good observation. I almost missed it!

    • Eric says:

      We have A LOT to chew on now! Here’s what’s in the box.

      • Eric says:

        Here’s a summary of what might be in the box:

        - PHOTO: Walt and Amelia Earhart

        - PHOTO: Walt and Dwight D. Eisenhower (holding something, what is it?)

        - BOOK: “Moral Research” (oooh interesting … author or publisher looks like, “Roland”)

        - 45 RPM: “Pluto”? (somebody thought that it may be the Pluto Christmas Album from 1952.)

        - LABEL: “1952″, place over a typed label, “That Darn Cat” (1965 Disney Film)

        - COMIC BOOK: “Amazing Stories”, August 1928, first appearance of Buck Rogers in any medium (named Anthony Rogers at the time.)

        - ROCKET HARDWARE?: Some sort of apparatus, looks to me like something from a rocket (I’m not an expert.)

    • Jaclyn says:

      Definitely adds to the chance that Carlos’ story may have something to do with Tomorrowland/1952- or at least that the person involved in that mystery box is ALSO linked to Carlos and the 64 Worlds Fair

    • James says:

      great catch! I was thinking that symbol may be some kind of project logo, as it seems to be appearing on things that are clues to our puzzle (Table at the Tam, Imagineers Poster, this box). I think someone had said that 1952 is much earlier than the World’s Fair in 1964, but 1952 does happen to be the year the Carlos was recruited by Disney based ont he letter dated June 23, 1952 posted by Amelia.

    • Kalani says:

      Here’s a sharpened crop of the symbol and the numbers on the label.

  7. Brian says:

    That cat b-roll is gonna come in handy when putting this thing together :)

    I’m with some of the above, she looked a bit tired and exasperated, not secretive. Really, if anything, she’s trying to look out for you and your time (and maybe trying to protect you from delving in too deep too fast and putting the rest of life on hold). Or, maybe she wants to go through memories of him and just doesn’t have the time (or the emotional willpower) right now. It may not be the exact right time, but maybe at a time when she’s off work and you’re done with the dishes (ha), you should try showing her some of the interesting things you’ve found and ask her if you can help. I bet she’s got interesting stories about him, Disney-related or not, and she could may just need you there to support her.

  8. Brian says:

    But seriously, did you do the dishes? We can help with your project but seems like it would be best to keep your mom happy!

    • Christina says:

      Seriously – you have a dishwasher, lady! Time to employ the 1 minute rule (If you can do something in less than a minute, just do it, to get it off your “to do list” which can easily clutter up your mind if it gets out of control. :) Some Cascade, a quick sink wash, and then into the dishwasher = 1 minute toward a happy mom! :)

    • Amelia says:

      Did the dishes, and I’m working on making Mom happy. Slowly but surely. Thanks for your help with the project, Brian.

  9. Derek says:

    First, I want to say: adorable cats. I love them.

    Second, and I imagine many others are echoing it; you’re mom’s just reacting to the springing of it. She come around, and she just needs time to sort it out. Also, she didn’t seem as upset as you figured she would be. She almost had a knowing look, that she was intrigued by your curiosity. In fact, she seemed more annoyed by your using a camera than anything; you should definitely show her some work once you’ve gotten somewhere, and maybe she’ll come around, on both terms.

    Just relax, and unless she keeps you out, keep working, and hopefully, she’ll come around. And maybe she’ll remember something from when she was young that might be useful. Good luck!

  10. Fred says:

    Amelia, if you don’t mind me saying so, it seems that your mom may know more than she is letting you know.

  11. D.Z. says:

    I think you picked a bad time and setting! I think you should sit down with her and have a chat, without the huge camera!

  12. D.Z. says:

    I think you picked a bad time and setting! I think you should sit down with her and have a chat. Maybe you could make her dinner! But I would do it without the huge camera! Now that she knows a little, it would be best to just tell her. Say that you are going ahead and doing this. I wish you the best of luck!

    • Amelia says:

      I think…correction: I know you’re right about the timing and setting. And the camera. Ugh. I should also let her know that I have to continue on this journey. Right now, I can think of very little that would make me turn back.

  13. James says:

    Kudos to you for being Brave enough to tell your mom what you are up to! That must not have been easy. It may not have gone as you imagined, but now it’s out there and you can proceed without as much guilt. I wonder what your m mom’s relationship with your grandfather was like. Is your mom nit as fond of that part of his life because it was so secret and perhaps occupied too much of his time?

  14. Kevin says:

    So glad she didn’t freak out. I know if it was me, I’d want a shower, a few minutes to think, probably a chance to say, “ok, let’s talk about Grandpa, but turn the camera off.” Just guesses of course, but…You’ve broken the ice, she loves you, all is cool. DO THE DISHES.

  15. YankeeWhite says:

    Good job! Now she can’t get upset with you continuing ’cause you told her this is important to you. Or at least tried, it’s not your fault she didn’t listen. You should practice you interview skills on Vivian.

  16. andrew says:

    I think she really didn’t seem to mind that you were looking into your grandfather so much, but I think mostly she seemed concerned you were wasting your time when you have other things to worry about (work & school). But I think everything we’ve found so far prove this is certainly not a waste of your time at all. I mean come this is gonna make one heck of documentary, and it’ll look great on your resume. ;) prove that to her i’m sure you’ll have her blessing

  17. Eric W says:

    Your Mom knows something…something that could provide a key detail to this mystery.

    • Amelia says:

      You think? It definitely seems like she sensed I was up to something before I told her.

      • Stephen says:

        if you watch the video, when you finally tell her about you looking through your grandfather stuff, she actually smiles, defaintely not a face or angy but of amusement. I think she defiantely knows something. Maybe she did some digging of her own when she was your age?

        • Megan says:

          I thought her expression through most of the video was kind of smug/knowing/amused – like she knows what Amelia is going to find, and is going to wait to see how she does before she says anything useful.

  18. Jaclyn says:

    I posted a shorter version on twitter but I’m glad you were finally able to tell your mom! I’m sure if you just work on your delivery/timing that she’ll open up a little ;) She’s probably still working out a lot of her own emotions about his passing. You should practice your interview skills on us! Or maybe your cats, haha.

    • Amelia says:

      Jaclyn, I tried interviewing the cats. For the life of me, I could not get them to open up! But if you’re offering to be practice-interviewed….? :)

      Yeah, I think you’re right about Mom having to work out her emotions, because I don’t think she has. At least I haven’t see her do that yet.

  19. Kira says:

    It sounds like your mom is just tired and exasperated, like she doesn’t want to deal with all that stuff so she can’t imagine why anyone else would either. Maybe she doesn’t know or doesn’t believe the stories your grandfather told her about Disney. I bet she would take it a little more seriously if you showed her how truly interested you are. Sometimes adults lose their magic when they grow up, the real world can be a harsh and often relentless place, and it sounds like your mom works super hard in it. It might be nice for you to help her rediscover a bit of that childhood magic your grandfather (and Walt) were so good at. Maybe she needs this just as much as you do. To her it might just be a lot of old papers, at times we all need someone to show us there is another side to the coin, another way to look at things. I say do the dishes, make her breakfast, put away the camera for a second and help her see not only how cool your grandfather was (and how truthful) but how much this project means to you.

    • Amelia says:

      You know, Kira, I’ve thought about how important it might be for Mom to know what Grandpa was up to. But I never really considered the possibility that she needed to rediscover that “magic,” as you put it. She always encouraged me to face the real world and work toward being independent, toward growing up. I kind of thought that she grew tired of any childlike wonder. That she no longer needed it. But maybe everyone needs that. At least sometimes. Hmm.

      • Kira says:

        I am a firm believer in the magic. The best adults I know are the ones who still have the magic. Nanny Marie is like that, my mom too. It’s part of the fun of the world. When you lose your sense of wonder the mundane stuff just weighs on you so much more. I think it would be good for your mom to see the cool things her father was doing. There are some things the world could always use more of, kindness, wonder, magic, these are at the top of my list.

      • YankeeWhite says:

        Amelia, have you ever stopped to seriously ask yourself why your mother values hard work, being grounded in the real world and acting like an adult? In her world there is no time for wonder or magic, but plenty of time to do schoolwork and dishes. But why? You said Carlos would disappear into his “office” and told you, his granddaughter, not now, no time to play, I’ve got magic and wonder to create. Now do you honestly think this started only with you? No, it started way back in 1964 or sooner, to your mother, to his daughter. This man most likely had no time for his family, who knows what else he neglected… Who knows how all this made your mom feel and shaped her values.

    • Kalani says:

      Well said Kira.
      I’ll reiterate that your mom is “tired and exasperated,” perhaps one of her days off, when she hasn’t pulled a 10 or 12 at work would be more conducive to a discussion about what you’ve found. Consider this, “edit” it down to the most interesting and factual. Show her there’s a rabbit hole that needs to be explored, a life to be honored and documented lest it be lost to time and forgotten; there is a story to be told. Like Walt, your grandfather was a dreamer of dreams, following in their footsteps is a noble endeavor and I’m sure your mom could be persuaded to understand that (and if not, she certainly wouldn’t disagree in a more practical sense that many have made a reasonable living at it.)

      • Kira says:

        Thanks Kalani! I totally agree with you. That is a great way to present it! Tons of people have made a living telling exactly these kinds of stories, and who doesn’t love a good bit of Disney history?!

  20. Carolyn says:

    I couldn’t agree more with Kira. Give her some time and show her some of the great things you found.

  21. Tim Halbur says:

    Amelia, I wonder if your mother might unknowingly have some of your Grandpa’s stuff around the house. That poster behind your mom, for instance. What is it for?

  22. Kenny says:

    Seems like your mom has reached The Age of Not Believing. Maybe she just needs a taste of what you’re finding in order to show her that there is indeed a whole rabbit hole of mystery here, and not just some personal effects that you’re snooping through for fun. I don’t know if I’d show her this blog just yet (who knows how she’ll react to an internet full of strangers talking about her father), but show her some things and tell her a little of what you’ve learned about it. Maybe just don’t mention that you’ve got a lot of people helping you find the information (bonus: she may just decide that you’re a genius to have figured all of this out). Don’t tell her about us until she’s warmed up to the idea that you’re onto something special. Baby steps!

  23. Matthew says:

    Your mom either knows nothing about this, or EVERYTHING about this!

  24. Jennifer says:

    BTW, the blue book is Model Research by Alex Roland. The entire book is readable for free online at this Nasa history website:

  25. Debra says:


    FWIW, I think you did the right thing by coming clean with your Mom. One less secret in the family, you know?

    By undertaking this project – and it’s so exciting – I get the impression you and your grandfather have a lot in common beyond your shared history. Both of you are storytellers, optimists, dreamers.

    It’s hard to tell, being on the outside, but it sounds like maybe your mother identifies more with your grandmother? She mentioned that, around the time she became less interested in your grandfather’s stories, she was busy helping your mother. And she again expressed concerns about money with regards to you being a filmmaker. Might these concerns reflect your mother’s childhood? Maybe your grandather decision to follow his dreams affected the family’s financial stability – you did say he gave up on his chance for fame. Maybe she’s concerned that whatever happened with your grandfather might happen with you?

    Of course, this is all speculation so I could be off base. But it wouldn’t surprise me that maybe your mom has some enlightening stories to tell about your family. Ones that would help you learn more about your grandfather but would help you place his stories in another context and even better understand your family.

    So maybe you might talk to your mom again, but start with family stories instead of focusing on your grandfather’s stories. I have a feeling the two are related in some way.

  26. Stephen says:

    Apollo 11 launched for the moon on this date in 1969!

  27. D.Z. says:

    Just wrote a huge post about the Optimist! Here you can follow along, as I discover more details about the players! I will keep updating this page as this weeks progress!

  28. Mercedes says:

    Family dynamics are hard. I think it’s important that you be open with your Mom – respect her thoughts, she’ll respect yours. Easy for me to say, she’s not my Mom, but…you can try!

  29. Jason says:

    Always willing to be an interview subject. And remember dogs come when they call. Cats take a message and get back to you later. :) And DO THE DISHES. (and maybe cook a meal for mom). It might help :)

  30. Rachel says:

    Yes, like everyone else is saying, I’d be more than happy to do a practice interview for you!
    Or if you just want interviewing advice, you can ask me :) I wrote and edited for my school’s newspaper for four years, so I know some things about interviews! Not a whole lot but perhaps I know something that could help. Just let me know :)

  31. Amanda says:

    It’s great that you finally opened up to her. Even though she might not be interested in what you have to say now, she will come through eventually. You cemented a thought in her that she will think about for a bit. Give her some time and perhaps bring it up again later.

  32. Lexis says:

    Aww, good job! Your mom didn’t look too surprised, like she knows your a naturally curious person. Her response totally reminded me of my best friend’s mom.
    Keep the project going despite what anyone says! It’ll be great :)

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