Story Orbit Films » script Mon, 12 Aug 2013 00:25:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Another Script from C. Moreau Thu, 18 Jul 2013 16:47:21 +0000 Amelia Continue reading ]]> Grandpa’s fingerprints are all over this. So much in this short script is SO him: “a world without boundaries,” “free to reach beyond any ocean,” “the infinite power of communication.” And this is how he talked – Mr. Positivity all the time. No kidding.

Anyway, we know what IASW stands for, but why would he include it in his science fiction? And the “technological advancements” he mentions here sound a lot like stuff we use today. Hmm. Reminds me of Jules Verne. Predicting things like the solar sail and electric submarines.

Honestly, this script is a bit out there. Okay, more than a bit. And I love it! Grandpa’s imagination is still taking me places. And now it’s transporting us. All of us! Together. And I say the farther the better.

Found this in the bottom of the crate that had all of those things from the World's Fair.

Found this in the bottom of the crate that had all of those things from the World’s Fair.


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My Grandfather the Screenwriter Tue, 16 Jul 2013 23:47:26 +0000 Amelia Continue reading ]]> Found this. A draft of a screenplay Grandpa wrote – What Tomorrow Hides.

Wow. Just wow.

Pulled out a couple of my favorite pages. Some parts remind me of stuff he mentioned in his stories. Things made of electricity. Secret places. Hidden messages. The future! Or, in this case, the F.U.T.U.R.E.!

"What Tomorrow Hides" page 64

“What Tomorrow Hides” page 64

As far as I can tell, Grandpa wrote it in 1958. I can’t help but wonder if this ever got close to getting made. I really did love his stories, and it would’ve been nice for him to share more of them with everyone. Anyway, I think I’ve managed to wrap up one mystery once and for all – where my love of film comes from. Thanks, Grandpa!

"What Tomorrow Hides" page 65

“What Tomorrow Hides” page 65

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