Hi, I'm Amelia!
I’m a slightly overwhelmed undergrad, scrambling to find time between school in the smallest state in the union and work at a low-rent video store to make a documentary about my grandfather, Carlos. He was a writer who always looked to the future. He’s only passed a short time ago, and I miss him terribly. Read More >

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My Grandfather the Screenwriter

Found this. A draft of a screenplay Grandpa wrote – What Tomorrow Hides.

Wow. Just wow.

Pulled out a couple of my favorite pages. Some parts remind me of stuff he mentioned in his stories. Things made of electricity. Secret places. Hidden messages. The future! Or, in this case, the F.U.T.U.R.E.!

"What Tomorrow Hides" page 64

“What Tomorrow Hides” page 64

As far as I can tell, Grandpa wrote it in 1958. I can’t help but wonder if this ever got close to getting made. I really did love his stories, and it would’ve been nice for him to share more of them with everyone. Anyway, I think I’ve managed to wrap up one mystery once and for all – where my love of film comes from. Thanks, Grandpa!

"What Tomorrow Hides" page 65

“What Tomorrow Hides” page 65

188 Responses to "My Grandfather the Screenwriter"

  1. Jeffrey says:

    Very cool stuff, I can’t help but think this is all too suspiciously close to “The City” we keep reading about.

  2. Stephanie says:

    Amelia, this is amazing! I would love to read the rest of this script! Will you post more?

  3. Emily says:

    Hey I’m new here but I find this whole story very interesting Amelia! I’m wondering if the “map maker” in this script could have anything to do with Wallace the map maker? and the symbols mentioned in this could be the symbols people have found and noticed in some of his maps? Just a thought.

    • James says:

      I was thinking the same thing. I’ve been thinking our mysterious symbol is a guide… a way of knowing when something is a clue or not. Seems like Amelia’s grandpa had the same idea in this script. I don’t know if wallace is the architect of it all, but he’s playing a role, given two of his pieces have the symbol, one of which led us to the Tam O’Shanter.

      • Rachel says:

        I made that connection as well! I found it odd upon seeing Wallace’s site because he calls it “Disney Cartography” yet he does not draw maps. Cartography is the art of making a map; this coincides so nicely with the “map-maker” references in the script posted here. Why call himself a cartographer if he does not make maps?

        I found this on the Meet Wallace page. Lots of relevant info to this script:

        “Though what I make is inspired by all things Disney, I call myself a cartographer because I particularly I like making maps of Disneylands past, Disneylands future, and Disneylands that never were or might have been.

        Of all the great moments in Disney history, I’m particularly fond of the work that was done at the 1964 World’s Fair. Visions of tomorrow, history coming alive through technology, and a message of peace around the world – I am still amazed at what they created.

        What they created was the future.”

        What do you guys think? Coincidence or something more?

        • Rachel says:

          Sorry for double commenting–just thought I should point out his use of the words “the future” at the end (“F.U.T.U.R.E.” on script). Also how he speaks of Disneylands future and Disneylands that never were or might have been (see page 72 of script, third line from Evelyn).

          • Derek says:

            From several folks twitter conversations with him, there is definitely a map being created, just not in the literal sense. More or less, you explained it well, but there is a map being made with clues, maybe even within his art(that we haven’t seen yet) that, when put together, either shows or leads to something. Time will tell.

        • Jaclyn says:

          I agree that the script pages definitely shed light on Wallace some- maybe he was inspired, or talked to Carlos as a kid and just isn’t making the connection (he DOES say that he saw IASW at the Worlds Fair, though we don’t know how old he was exactly then) – and he could definitely be a ”mapmaker” in the loose sense- not traditional maps but art that comes together with different clues that lead you somewhere specific (like a treasure map!)

    • Amelia says:

      Hmm. 1958 was quite a while ago. Could he have been making maps back then? Seems unlikely.

  4. Jeff Heimbuch says:

    As amazing as this find is, I curious to know who was editing this for your grandfather!

    Either way, great stuff!

  5. Carolyn says:

    Sounds like a great movie. Maybe this is what he was working on with Mr.Disney besides the work he was doing at the fair???

  6. James says:

    what an exciting find! but just two pages!!! I want to read more!! LOL!!

  7. Rachel says:

    Wow, what a find, Amelia! I have to wonder about the model of the world he discusses so much…

    The bit about the electricity arcs crossing the world reminded me vaguely of this poster from Wallace!

    I wonder if that’s significant.

  8. Stephen says:

    Great find Amelia, the word the keeps coming up is tomorrow. This all has to tie together with the pictures on the http:\\ website and the symbols on those pictures and at the Tam? To many similarities to be a coincidence!

  9. Emily says:

    Notice how the words “Arc of Electricity”, “Miniature Train”, “Towers”, and “Agents” are all capitalized. If it were an error, he would have edited it. Therefore, it must be some kind of clue. After all Amelia, you said he often had hidden messages in his stories :)

  10. Kira says:

    Have you ever seen the film Unknown Island Amelia? It was about 10 years before your grandfather wrote this, it was an adventure about this man named Ted and his fiancee Caroyln or Carol or something going to an uncharted island off the south pacific where Dinosaurs still existed. Don’t know why it popped into my head. Anyway this is so cool! That old school red pen correction short hand reminds me of papers my Mom (she was a teacher) used to grade for me. Do you think anyone ever got to see it?

    • Amelia says:

      I haven’t seen the film, but it sounds awesome. Especially the dinosaurs.

      And I really don’t know who else has seen this script.

      • Kira says:

        You love Dinosaurs too?! The more I find out about you the more I like you Amelia! Maybe your mom knows more about it. You know what I was thinking too, maybe some of your grandfather’s friends know more about all of this. Do you know of anyone you might be able to ask?

        • Amelia says:

          Honestly, Kira, my Grandpa kept to himself a lot. In fact, I never really saw him hang out with anybody. I mean, sure, he said hi to neighbors and people on walks. But he was all about his writing. And the worlds of his stories. My mom is the only link I know of.

  11. Emily says:

    One of my posts didn’t work so here’s what I said before the “and whirr” post: Notice how the words “Click”, “Arc of Electricity”, “Miniature Train”, “Towers”, and “Agents” are all capitalized. If it were an error, he would have edited it. Therefore, it must be some kind of clue. After all Amelia, you said he often had hidden messages in his stories :)

  12. Stephen says:

    Isn’t the spanish translation of Carlos “Charlie”. Amelia maybe your grandfather write this script about himself

    • Derek says:

      I was actually thinking it might have been ‘biographical’, and that little tidbit just sold that for me. It might actually be Carlos’ story of how all this work began going down with Disney. Don’t forget, 6 years earlier he received the letter about ‘Orbit’s Story’.

      Amelia, what was your grandmother’s name?

  13. Kevin says:

    “The mapmaker has one more clue, doesn’t he?” We have GOT to find out what Wallace has to say!

  14. Kris says:

    This just made me instantly think of the new show at Disneyland Mickey and the Magical Map

  15. Jennifer says:

    Jules Verne Mysterious Island includes a railroad engineer amongst five individuals who crash by balloon on a mysterious island. They name the island Lincoln. The island is discovered to be Captain Nemo’s hideout. Hmmmm…..

    • Stephen says:

      You are right, I completely forgot the name of the island, and it s in the Atlantic Ocean as well.

      • andrew says:

        wow even though it seems like a really distants connection, that all fits into what we’ve found. I’d say that definitely warrants some checking out

        • Megan says:

          This may be a bit of a stretch, but if you look at the Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln image on the Disney Cartography site ( and imagine that the gear behind him is the Carousel of Progress theater with the segments, and the city model upstairs from it, then look at the design on his head – could that be the grid map of that part of the model city? The whole description of the room in the screenplay reminds me of how that worked in the original world’s fair installation – the stage opened up in the last rotation for the audience to go up the ramp to the model, which they walked around on tiered levels that each had a railing.

          • Ariel says:

            I hadnt thought about it in terms of the carousel of progress but I think youre right that those dots are not random but like with the satellites they represent some configuration on a map.

          • James says:

            The Great Moments poster is the only other one besides the Imagineers at the Tam that I can find the “Future Symbol” on, inside Lincoln’s head. That could be a representation of the Progress City model, with the white dots being points of light. It could be a microchip?? I think the fact that the symbol was place in that particular spot is telling. He could have put it anywhere in the poster, but chose inside lincoln’s head.

  16. Ricky Brigante says:

    Something tells me there’s much more to this than a simple script. That line that is x’ed out particularly captures my attention along with the final line. The message’s somewhere in there, indeed…

    • Emily says:

      If you look closely, the x’d out line is a repeat of the line below it saying “this place. This is a map of what”. Not sure if that means anything but at this point I guess anything is a clue!

      • andrew says:

        I’m pretty sure its the same line, just changed around a little. Remember, this was typed on a typewriter, and if you didn’t like the wording wording of something you couldn’t just hit backspace.

  17. Natasha says:

    Interesting the mention of the Nashville Parthanon, that also was built for an exposition like a Worlds fair, in 1897. The statue there is Athena, built in 1982-1990. How did Carlos know about the statue when writing in 1958?

    • andrew says:

      he may not be referring to the statue of Athena, the exterior is covered in statues, also it has served as a museum, so it could be something that was displayed there

  18. D.Z. says:

    Interesting! I really want to know what the part crossed and X out is.

    • Kira says:

      it looks like it is just a correction of the line directly below it. It looks like the m was left off map. Back in the day there wasn’t really a delete button. Later on the typewriters had that strip of white out you could correct things with. It’s the typewriting way of crossing something out.

  19. Emily says:

    I’m really sorry if I’m posting too much on here but I’ve Ben staring at these pictures for a few hours. There are a few spelling errors in it with letters: the “n” in panthenon, the capital “h” in why, the two “a’s”, the “e” and the “i” in being, and as Kira said above, the “m” in map. If you put those letters in an anagram solver, it spells “Anaheim”, obviously where Disneyland is located. Now I may be reading way too into this or I may have something. What do you think?

    • Angel says:

      Emily I am not sure if it means anything but at the point who knows anything is possible. Good eyes and brain! Amelia, not sure where this is taking us. My brain is fried! LOL

    • Jaime says:

      I think it could be good clue Walt said that Disneyland would never stop changing yet maybe there are a few things that didn’t change and stayed at the park. Plus D23 is at the Convention center

    • Rachel says:

      I frequently visit Disneyland and I plan on attending at least one day of D23 Expo. Let me know if there is anything in Anaheim that I should scope out and I will make sure to take a look next time I’m there.

  20. Christopher says:

    First of all, the city in question reminds me of the “Glitter City” in Spaceship Earth, or the Progress City currently on display in the TTA at Magic Kingdom…
    (Glitter City starts at 13:35, wait till the big ending of the scene with all the glitter)

    Emily, you DEFINITELY have something. So perhaps if we layer some of these symbols/posters ON TOP of the Disneyland Map/Anaheim Map/SOME kind of map… maybe we’ll get something good. I’m not an awesome photoshopper, but I bet someone on here will be able to do it!

    And Amelia, did you know if your grandfather often misspelled things? Perhaps you can look through more of the things he wrote, or if you could ask you Mom…?

  21. Christopher says:

    P.S. So so sorry Amelia for the double post, but do you happen to know anyone with the name Evelyn or with a similar name? I mean, if Charlie = Carlos, then Evelyn must be the person that will give us our unexpected answers, as the script says. Unless Evelyn WAS truly a good friend of you grandfather’s, as the script implies… them I have a feeling only your mother will know of her…

    And if our message is truly is “in there somewhere”/in Anaheim someplace… we’ll need a lead. Is there any place in the parks where you can see any of those landmarks together, do you think?

    • Jaime says:

      Although I dont know much about Disneyland (going there next month) I’m going to guess maybe Its a Small world at the big Finally scene were all the kids come together all the big monuments are there

  22. Stephen says:

    Is there Ian’s significance to the “73″ located in tHe top left of both pages?

  23. Jennifer Romano says:

    This script is very interesting, and I think it does hold clues. I think that we all need to ask Wallace about his mapmaking and connection to these secret symbols. Very exciting stuff! I wish we could figure out the name to enter into the Lott site or into the voicemail system.

  24. Natasha says:

    The extra periods and hyphens could spell something in morse code?

  25. Natasha says:

    Hmm, this is what I get:
    .. I

  26. Alex says:

    Yo, a little new around here, but my friend just sent me this and I’m reading up. I happen to be heading to Walt Disney World in Orlando tomorrow with a group of friends: We’ll definitely be going to Epcot and Magic Kingdom, and I was wondering if I should be inspecting anything?

    So far it seems people talk the most about the People Mover, Small World, Carousel of Tomorrow, and Tomorrowland. Anything else I should add?

    • Alexandra says:

      I’ve also seen people talking possibly about Spaceship Earth, so I’ll look into that as well, but I am still open to suggestions.

      • Jaime says:

        I agree about Spaceship Earth as a must also while waiting in line or just plain waiting for a Fast Pass, just inspect Tomorrow Land or FutureWorld (Maybe Innoventions?)

    • Megan says:

      The Carousel of Progress would be great – and also whatever you can see from the piece of the progressland model along the peoplemover route. The overall layout of tomorrowland is a bit different in Orlando than Anaheim, as is It’s a Small World, so those might not be as central to the story at this point – but anything you notice on CoP or with the model would be great!

    • Stephen says:

      I would say that the Carousel of Progress is a must! pay attention to the scenery and anything that looks out of place or new!

  27. Abbie says:

    First thing I thought about when I read “ARC OF ELECTRICITY” and “interconnect with strange TOWERS scattered in precise spots in the world” was Nikola Tesla.
    May have nothing to do with it but it’s just a thought.

  28. Jaime says:

    You guys I don’t know if this has been posted or not yet some stuff struck out to me so I wanted to post this:
    This map of the world reminds me of two things:
    1. The world showcase
    and 2(my Personal choice). Its A Small World
    I Like the choice Its a Small World since its basically showcases most of the world like a map and when this Charlie character unlocks the map there is a humming or whirring sound described in the script. And just like one of the E-mails posted on this site with an email I received from Mr.Lott there were sounds coming from behind the Its a Small World Attraction at the Worlds Fair. And how the electricity connects some of the monuments mainly the US and France shows that its a small world after all. Plus the Cartographers picture of IASW does strike it a bit familiar to the photo.

    As seen in the comments and script this mapmaker can be what the Cartographer is relating to here.

    But the final thing Id like to post is this… Id want to keep a close eye on this clue because maybe that last line on the script is correct… Maybe Theres a Message in the pictures we’re missing… or maybe theres a message in this exact script. Yet other than all of that. This is all I could find at the moment, I’ll keep on digging but please by all means tell me what you think, I like to be corrected and make some more progress with all of you!

  29. Fred says:

    Amelia, this script sounds fascinating!! Really cool stuff!
    Do you think you’ll get a chance to make it out to the D23 Expo next month? Wallace will apparently be there. Perhaps you two could chat.

  30. Derek says:

    Ha! Once again, late to the party and everyone’s on the ball. Got to dive back in I guess…

  31. Shoshana says:

    Hi, just found this today! Maybe we should also be looking at the edits made to the script?

  32. Eric says:

    Okay folks, let’s put our head together on this one.

    The jpg of Amelia’s link to page 64 of this script is actually “…641.jpg”. This is the image that is show on this blog post.

    If you change to the name to, “…64.jpg”. You get a new image, with the added words, “And she gives” to end of the 8th paragraph. See for yourself:

    What does this mean?

  33. James says:

    2 new pieces of evidence added to my board of clues! What I’ve taken away from these so far:
    1. Our mysterious symbol that resembles a “T” and “U” could very well be the same symbol of Project Future in this story. After all, the two letters in the middle of the word ‘future’ are “t” and “u”.

    2. We’ve found that symbol outside this story on the table at the Tam, as well as Wallace’s artwork. Could the symbol be on the things mentioned in the manuscript. “Statue at the Nashville Parthenon” and the “Verne manuscript”. Natasha pointed out that the statue of Athena was built much more recently, and well after 1958, but that’s not the only statue there. There is one outside of “John W. Thomas”, which was erected in the early 1900s. I can’t find a connection between him and Disney, but he was president of the Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis Railway, as well as President of the Tennessee Exposition. Anybody near Nashville want to check out the site for the symbol of F.U.T.U.R.E on any of the statues??

    3. “The City” that was mentioned could either be applied to the model in the story as a “global community”, where the whole world is interconnected in such a way that it becomes one city… or “The City” could be a precursor to this.

    4. Quick google of project f.u.t.u.r.e. shows there was a book written with that title: “Project Future: The Inside Story Behind the Creation of Disney World” by Chad Denver Emerson. 2009, 185 pp.

    5. I think the “72″ could be a scene number or a chapter title of some sort. I have no idea.

    time to go see if project future is at my library or available as an ebook.

    • andrew says:

      I cant really find any good pics, but on the thomas statue there are multiple other reliefs on each side and one of them is a woman holding a map. not sure what itd of though

      • James says:

        Wishing I lived there so I could check it out. I think there are other statues and sculptures and I’m starting to think that if you wanted to add a clue, the easiest way would be to add a new statue, wouldn’t it? You can’t just carve something into an existing piece of art like you would a table, right? So it’s possible we’re looking for something else, and pictures on line are not current, so who knows what you’d see there right now in person.

  34. Robert says:

    Hey Amelia, I’ve been reading this over and over, and something is bothering me. You stated he wrote this in 1958, yes? In this draft, he…or it mentions the St. Louis Arch. I grew up in St. Louis, and I can tell you better than anybody that it’s impossible for him to have known about the Arch. It wasn’t constructed till 1963! There’s even a misspell. He calls it, the “Arc”. This is very interesting.

    • Eric says:

      Interesting, I think this may introduce the time travel aspect to all of this.

      … and if he’s referring to the Athena statue (which happens to be the name of the girl robot in the Tomorrowland movie) in the Nashville Parthenon, that wasn’t built until 1990! Though he may be referring to a different statue there.

    • Sara says:

      Interesting… The monument had been in the works since the 1930′s, and the arch design was in place by 1958, but construction had not even begun by this date. Perhaps he was referring to a planned monument? Either way, I don’t know if it was ever referred to as an “arc,” so the timeline and the spelling could both have significance.

      • Megan says:

        Since Gustave Eiffel designed both the Eiffel Tower and the underlying framework for the statue of liberty, I have been looking to see if he ever worked on an arc or anything with Saint Louis in the name (since that would be a fairly common place name in France) – but no luck so far.

    • Ariel says:

      I think we need to let go a little bit of the idea of timeline and continuity in terms of what was built before or after this sequence of events…this whole thing is one big plan for the future– its probable that carlos knew of these things even if they werent built yet, and that the plans were already in place. I dont think its a misspell either, I think its very purposeful. in any case, these symbols were all designed to be integrated into the monuments that were built so as to complete some kind of circuit. perhaps, even in the case of the statue of athena, this circuit would not be able to be completed till now.

  35. Eric says:

    Hey Amelia!

    I’m loving your story and learning more and more about your grandfather!

    I’m wondering if you might be able to shed light on the 2 different script page uploads tonight? We’ve found something quite mysterious … specifically with page 64. We’ve found an alternate image, and are wondering why and how there was a line missing:

    Your blog image:

    The alternate image:

    Thanks in advance!

  36. Shoshana says:

    Time Travel should be considered, but maybe in a non-conventional way?

  37. Natasha says:

    St. Louis(1904), Paris (1899), and New York (1939- and after this script was written in 1964) Atlanta (1881) were all sites of worlds fairs/expositions

  38. Carson says:

    I don’t know if anyone has discussed Wallace’s last Twitter post but he asks if anyone has visited Club 33, one of Disneyland’s “secrets”. Taken from Wikipedia:

    “When Walt Disney was working with various corporate promoters for his attractions at the 1964–1965 New York World’s Fair, he noted the various “VIP Lounges” provided as an accommodation for the corporate elite. This gave him the idea that culminated in Club 33. “

    • Rachel says:

      Very observant of you. I missed that connection!

      I wonder how Wallace got invited to Club 33 in the first place. Perhaps he was invited for some special reason?

      • Carson says:

        Also interesting, Rachel is on Wallace’s website he states:

        “The art I create, I create to share the inspiration I found in that experience. I consider it my mission to find others that share my passion for the vision laid out by Walt Disney, his Imagineers and all of those who believe in a better future for everyone.”

        Someone posted earlier that Wallace was creating a different kind of map for us – one of clues. They were absolutely right!

  39. jody_renee says:

    wow! i’ve been reading and learning a lot. every time we answer one question, it seems there are thousands more questions that appear.

  40. Ariel says:

    is it possible that the 4 posters by wallace *are* a map? we should look at them alltogether. the arc of electricity reminds me of the small world poster– we were trying to figure out what those little satelites are, maybe they all represent these sites around the world. if we put a map of america over the poster, maybe they will all match up?

    • Megan says:

      I was thinking that they somehow should fit together into a larger map of something the other day, too – but I haven’t found any configuration or overlay yet that makes sense. I didn’t think of America, but the world, the world’s fair, tomorrowland, etc. – didn’t really seem to line up. But maybe someone more map-oriented will see something we haven’t!

      • Ariel says:

        maybe. I think those little satellites represent the sites, im pretty sure of it now. not including the eiffel tower they kind of line up with new york, atlanta, Tennessee, st louis…and if you think about it that way, they are also connecting southern california on one end to florida on the other end.

  41. Ariel says:

    we are all thinking that the whirr behind the wall is the same noise that M T Lott heard when he was working on IASW, right?

  42. Patrick says:

    Another potential clue… I wasn’t around in ’58… but I’d wager that they didn’t have\use pink pens to edit this script. Perhaps these edits were made more recently?

  43. Stephen says:

    Not that is it is directly connected but there is a globe of the world still at the flushing meadows world fair site, and it had circular rings around it just like Charlie describes in the script. Coincidence?

  44. jody_renee says:

    i was just reading the two pages of the script Amelia posted. the character Evelyn says she’s an agent of “F.U.T.U.R.E” – i don’t know. i may be going crazy, but in my mind, i thought it looked like “agent of S.H.I.E.L.D”.

  45. Natasha says:

    If you look at the layout of the satelites of the cartographer’s Small World poster they are in the same postions as the original lands of Disney Land: Adventureland, Frontierland
    Fantasyland, Tomorrowland; Main Street, U.S.A. with the globe placed where the hub is.

    • Angel says:

      Natasha, I was just thinking that. And it follows along with the over all themes past, future, and fantasy too. I have so many things running through my head. Lol

  46. Natasha says:

    Also the gear behind the Audioanimitronic Lincoln is the same hub with five spokes, turned upside-down,

  47. Kevin says:

    Oh, BTW…Happy Birthday, Disneyland! Thank you, Walt and all!

  48. Jody says:

    does anyone else find it interesting that the words “unknown”, “island” and “impossible” are underlined in pink/red in the scripts? could these also be clues?

  49. Emily says:

    Hey I was looking up things about Jules Verne manuscripts and came across a picture of his manuscripts about space travel and astronomy. Its interesting because I know some people were speculating the “Special Project” could be something like a spaceship or a rocket. I’ve attached the document so you guys could see what I’m talking about

  50. Seth says:

    Thought this was interesting. Longest line connects Arch, Statue of Liberty, and Paris.

    • Rachel says:

      Oooh interesting. Maybe that symbol is the symbol of the future as discussed in the script!

    • Julie says:

      That is definitely the symbol we keep seeing. Particularly on Wallace the cartographer’s (translation: mapmaker’s) artwork. But now what I really want to know is, what does F. U. T. U. R. E. stand for? (Other than the obvious meaning, of course) ;)

  51. Eric says:

    A thought … we found the “symbol” on Wallace’s Tam and Lincoln artwork. While investigating the Tam, we found a bunch of clues there. Has anyone poked around the Lincoln exhibit at Disneyland for clues? Any volunteers?

    • Carson says:

      I could definitely go check that out!

    • Stephen says:

      I think someone definitely should check it out, I won’t be out to Disneyland until the 7th of Aug. but I wish that i could go.

    • Robert says:

      Not only the Lincoln exhibit, but Club 33 as well. There was a recent tweet sent out. I know not many people can just wily nily go, but if there’s someway for somebody to check it out.
      Has anybody checked ‘It’s a Small World’? That was another one of posters and it was at the Word’s Fair. Anything and everything could be a clue.

      • James says:

        I’ll be in WDW next week. I’ll keep my eyes open for clues, especially around CoP, IASW, Tomorrowland, EPCOT and such.

        • Robert says:

          Oh, definitely CoP! I miss that ride. Haven’t been to WDW since 2000. I wish it was in DL. Same goes for the WEDWay Peoplemover. Such a relaxing and joyful ride.

          • Carl says:

            Don’t forget that the peoplemover was related to the Magic Skyway from the World Farir’s Ford Pavillion and it also has a portion of the Progress City model on display.

  52. Kalani says:

    Looking at page 65 you can see impressions from proofreading marks on page 64, most line up, but not all. Here’s page 65 with the marks traced over.

  53. Shoshana says:

    I’m not sure if someone did this but maybe we should take the current map of magic kingdom and overlay the posters with the different symbols matching their places. maybe it will lead us somewhere?

  54. Carson says:

    Just visited Lincoln today, didn’t find any of our mysterious symbol anywhere however there is a plaque in the lobby talking about Sam McKim, a cartographer who created Disney souvenir maps. He also created a Lincoln painting that hangs in the lobby.

  55. Carson says:

    Also took a nice picture of this…also at Mr. Lincoln’s.

    • Kalani says:

      I just stopped by also. Nothing really jumped out at me, but the “Tomorrowland” plaque caught my eye too.

    • jade says:

      Disneyland’s grand opening date is on the bottom of the plaque (July 17, 1955). One symbol from the Tam painting with the line and curve changes to ’21′ if you move the lines. ’21′ is the address or last two numbers in the address on the photo with Amelia’s grandparents. ’21 Royal Street’ is the address to the Dream Suite/ an old apartment & office (photo by Kevin Crone .

    • Stephen says:

      Here is the original plaque, no atomic symbol on top, and it was not located in the Mr. Lincoln lobby.

      • Kalani says:

        I’m on my phone at the moment but that looks like the re-dedication plaque from New Tomorrowland in 98.

      • Rachel says:

        See, this is why I don’t think it is just a coincidence… The atomic symbol and the fact that the plaque has moved from it’s original location… I don’t know haha. Just seems a little too coincidental! But perhaps I am just not paying attention. I wonder how recently the plaque moved to the Lincoln spot.

      • Kalani says:

        Regardless my intent was not to dissuade anyone from a line a reasoning. We need all the leads we can get.

    • Ariel says:

      whether or not this was put here *for* the purpose of leading to a clue, it is nevertheless relevant since the clues probably consist of things that already exist. the atomic symbol is interesting.

  56. Stephen says:

    Cannot be a coincidence? I don’t remeber that plaque being there before, and the mention of the “Atomic Age” GREAT FIND Carson!

    • Eric says:

      Isn’t this just Walt’s dedication speech to open Tomorrowland? I could be wrong of course, but I’m not sure if there’s any significance to this … unless there were some markings on it, or if the type seemed oddly placed (which it doesn’t). Carson, can you provide a high res image that is also not cropped? Thanks!

      • Kalani says:

        They are the dedication plaques for each of the lands. They’re in the front part which is now the Disney Gallery. There’s a large model of the park on opening day there too. I believe it to be coincidence, interesting in the context but a coincidence nonetheless.

        • Carson says:

          Yeah, it is a coincidence. They have all the lands’ plaques featured but this could’ve been part of the inspiration. The atomic logo, featured in the very ‘The Optimist’ graphics and the speech itself is great when thinking of this game.

          • Carson says:

            Sorry I didn’t take pictures of all of them – my phone was dying. But each land had a symbol. Here’s the Fantasyland plaque I found online.

      • Kalani says:

        I have larger uncroppes shots of that plaque and the area around it from today. Ill post them tomorrow.

    • Rachel says:

      Yeah, I don’t recall that plaque being there… Plus, doesn’t it seem a little out of place? What does Tomorrowland have to do with Lincoln? That cant be a coincidence!

  57. Holly says:

    I’m not sure if this ties anything together or just confuses things more but I just found this article…

  58. Shoshana says:

    I agree, perhaps some kind of clue is hidden in there, the repeat of the … is interesting too

  59. Willa says:

    This seems to really jump out as possibly EPCOT related. One thing that jumped out to me was it says about symbols of the world lighting up which reminded me of during illuminations, one of my favorite parts was when all around world showcase, the major icons of each country would light up. Probably no connection but it made me think.

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