Hi, I'm Amelia!
I’m a slightly overwhelmed undergrad, scrambling to find time between school in the smallest state in the union and work at a low-rent video store to make a documentary about my grandfather, Carlos. He was a writer who always looked to the future. He’s only passed a short time ago, and I miss him terribly. Read More >

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Yet Even More of ’64

Taking a break from editing… Andrew (@grimm1152) suggested that Walt could have used a proposed nuclear fusion generator to power something. It reminded me of a paper I saw in Grandpa’s World’s Fair folder — a brochure for a nuclear fusion demonstration, which I’m pretty sure is not a thing. At least not a real thing, thing anyway.

Then I noticed this scribbeldygook on the cover. It looks like it might be Grandpa’s handwriting, but it also looks like it was written by a spider who’s had one too many. An alien language, maybe? He was a sci-fi guy, after all…


Found this tucked inside the glossy “Your Tour of Progressland” brochure.

96 Responses to "Yet Even More of ’64"

  1. L says:

    Can we see the inside of the brochure please?

    • Matthew says:

      No doubt that this was being considered to power Epcot in it’s “city” form. Everything Walt did at the fair was to test east coast response.

  2. Stephen says:


  3. Jaclyn says:

    That handwriting is definitely hard to make out! haha “scribbeldygood” is a great word for it. Maybe the 11:30 and 3:30 were showtimes…or meeting times? The dot-dash after the 11:30 made me thing of Morse Code for some reason – but dot-dash just means ‘A’ , and doesn’t really help with the rest of the scribbles (though a single dash means ‘T’ …if T + X means anything??) The word in the second line sure looks like how I would write “code” if I were in a hurry!

    Not sure if any of that helps AT ALL haha – I may just be reading too much into things…blame my Nancy Drew and Harriet the Spy addiction as a child! :)

    • Jaclyn says:

      Oops – sorry for the typos! It should have said “scribbeldygook” and made me “think” of Morse Code.

  4. Stephen says:

    If someone knows shorthand then we could transcribe it. Otherwise begin here:

    • Jaclyn says:

      It definitely looks like shorthand – good catch! Looking around on google it actually looks more like Pitman Shorthand than Gregg Shorthand (both were used around the same time in the 60s) ?

  5. Stephen says:

    I think the first symbol is ‘conference’ on pg. 39 of the Gregg book.

    • Cameron says:

      I agree. It’s not exactly the same but it makes sense. For the second line it’s close to ‘blackberry’ but the suffix is more like ‘brighten’. ‘Brighten berry doesn’t make as much sense.

      • Cameron says:

        Sorry, the prefix looks like brighten

        • Eric says:

          Definitely looks like this word starts with a ‘b’. The loop then comes over the line (not under), this detail might help in the search.

          Also the suffix has similarity to “burner” or “bury”.

  6. Whitney says:

    It does look like it’s probably shorthand, but that dictionary is really overwhelming! I tried looking at it for a while, but the differences in the symbols is sometimes so minute it’s hard to tell what they’re supposed to be! But I agree with Stephen, I thought that the first symbol looked like conference.

  7. Whitney says:

    BTW I found this webpage about the Nuclear Fusion Demonstration, it looks like it might even be what’s on the inside of that brochure!

    • andrew says:

      its definitely intriguing, von braun, hughes bradbury and Walt could have dreamed up amazing things together, especially if they had a working fusion reactor as a power source. And fusion reactors are very real things, the only only problem is they cannot be sustained for more than a few thousandths of a second. But if they got one working….I cant even begin to imagine what they could have done with it. the possibilities are nearly limitless

    • Renee says:

      Good find! Yes I think it is what is in the brochure. You can see ‘The promise’ and if you play with the contrast even see that GE was replaced by ‘our’.

  8. Patrick says:

    After looking at the Gregg shorthand… On the bottom line, I’ve got the first 2 symbols as “Many People”… found on pages 132 and 161 of the Gregg link. Can anyone verify this?

  9. Whitney says:

    Probably not helpful, but I thought the second half of the symbol that looks like it starts with a 6 looked like the word carburetor, which seems unlikely since it’s part of the 6 symbol

  10. Brent says:

    It actually looks more like teeline shorthand over gregg or pitman. Here’s a link:

    • Patrick says:

      I can see that… but the dot next to the symbol resembling the “R” on the 3rd line is throwing me off, as I can’t find the dot in the teeline alphabet.

  11. D.Z. says:

    Interesting writing. A mystery indeed. A few days ago, I put on a photo this blog ( that talked about the fusion demonstration. Like I said in that comment, your grandfather could of been the one who wrote what was in the brochures. The one brochure you found could be some of his writing.

  12. Kevin says:

    Another poster wrote of “Our Friend The Atom”. While it is a bit scary for the rather cavalier attitude toward human proximity to radioactive material, Walt and Heinz Haber presented a really cool look at the possible use of the fuel. The animation and narration made nuclear power understandable to the layman, even 50 years ago. My girlfriend found me a rare copy of the book that accompanied the film. Was Carlos aware and involved in the pioneer effort with Disney?

    • Amelia says:

      Not a hundred percent positive. But I’d be surprised if Grandpa wasn’t at least aware of it.

  13. Eric says:

    The 2nd and 3rd word on the last line could be, “matter” and “to”

  14. Jennifer says:

    I’m sorry. I’m worthless at the shorthand research. However I read the brochure at the World’s Fair history website. I went on and read about theta pinch fusion devices as mentioned in the brochure. I wonder if the strange symbol in the TAM and Lincoln posters is referencing this fusion device. Here is the website: Look at the picture that shows the first one dimensional configuration. A theta pinch has the magnetic field going in one direction with plasma circuit going around it. I know it may be a stretch…. But our strange symbol is like two intersecting axes with an current going around an axis. Thoughts?

  15. Cameron says:

    Maybe the dot and a line and the parenthesis and a line after the times are am and pm
    Meaning there could be 3 times 11:30 am, 1 pm, and 3:30 pm

  16. Stephen says:

    I don’t know if it was said before or not, but even the original EPCOT logo looks like a nuclear atom! And the symbol in the middle is what is on the world on the “IASW” poster on

  17. Natasha says:

    First agree first word is conference, and agreed with the am pm find!
    If it is Gregg the first word last line looks to be “My” and third word last line “to” “too” or “two”

  18. Stephen says:

    Also worth noting:
    Has words not included in the other book I listed.

  19. Eric says:

    Might the first symbol of the 3rd line be, “accessible” or “access”?

  20. Mercedes says:

    I really think my brain just exploded. But yes, shorthand. A colleague uses it all the time: her notes do the same thing to my head. ;)

  21. jade says:

    I have been trying to translate this brochure using the site
    So far I have t/d … 11:30AM……3:30PM… mn…talk…ther

  22. Chad says:

    I asked my grandma if she knew shorthand and she said the last line might be “may need to reschedule” i looked up “schedule” and it looks exactly like that, i haven’t found the other words yet. Hopefully this will help

    • Stephen says:

      I think she is right I have found may and need and they both match. And I definitely think the 1st ling is “Conference 11:30 am”

    • Wesley says:

      I agree with “conference” and “may need to reschedule”

  23. Matthew says:

    Here is what I have so far! You guys are doing great I have really only put down words people already said and a couple that I thought could fit.


  24. Natasha says:

    Awesome, so that gets us to:
    Conference 11:30 am
    ___ 1pm
    a _ 3:30 pm _ _
    may need to schedule

  25. Chad says:

    Also, My grandma says it says “Bradbury at 1″ Ray Bradbury was a consultant for the American Pavilion at the 1964 worlds fair

  26. Jennifer says:

    Bradbury wrote the script for Scaceship Earth.

  27. Amelia says:

    So it isn’t alien handwriting? :P Seriously, I thought whoever wrote this fell asleep after the first letter. Thanks for taking this on, everybody! You all rock!

  28. Reid says:

    My mom was a secretary and can read shorthand. She said this is what it translates to:

    “Werner 11:30 a.m.
    Bradbury 1 p.m.
    Howard 3:30 p.m. + .
    May need to reschedule”

    Hope this helps guys!!!

  29. Jennifer says:

    They first met in 1963. Check this out:

  30. Matthew says:

    Updated one-

  31. Matthew says:

    Blue is the translation. Red is just my speculation.

    • Matthew says:

      Both Von Braun and Ray Bradbury have solid connections with Disney. Bradbury was very involved with EPCOT and this article is about “The Disney-Von Braun Collaboration and Its Influence on Space Exploration”

      • YankeeWhite says:

        Very interesting. The other day I was emailing MT Lott, asking about Operation Signal Flag, Mark 0 Project and the other redacted items.
        Lott’s reply: “I didn’t work on anything to do with rocket ships.”
        I then asked for clarification, whether he was serious or joking because those redacted items sound like science fiction.
        Lott’s reply: “I think I’ve told you all I’m going to about that.”
        My head spins.

  32. Chad says:

    Reid is right, Thanks for that. We were really stumped with “Werner”

  33. Patrick says:

    No wonder we were having trouble! They are names! (except for the last line… which I was WAY off on). Nicely done everyone!

  34. Whitney says:

    Wow, that’s so great that we were able to find someone who could read it! Nice work Reid and of course Reid’s wonderful mother! It’s great to have another piece of the puzzle!

  35. Jennifer says:

    This is cool how these important men are involved:

  36. Kris says:

    this could help someone posted this somewhere on another site I also posted the link on where i got the picture

  37. Stephen says:

    Werner Von braun

  38. Stephen says:

    Ray Bradbury

    • Christopher says:

      This is, as Amelia might say, Awesomesauce. My theory right now is that (as Bradbury, Von Braun, and Hughes all connect to “spaceships”) Spaceship Earth is not all it appears to be. Considering that the Lott Company talked about “spaceships” in it’s last e-mail and that many of the themes of the Worlds Fair were Travel, Time, and the Future, it makes perfect sense that it all culminates in the creation of some sort of giant time-travel… thing. And I don’t think “Orbit” is a character in “Orbit’s Story”, I think it has much more to do with the Orbit of the earth. Perhaps an orbiting space station that was to be the original city of EPCOT, the honoring of the Earth’s constant orbit via Spaceship Earth’s story of communication, or some machine (as in the back of Small World) that uses the principles of orbit, legitimate “small (microscopic) worlds”, to create… something… like energy, or time travel? Maybe Spaceship Earth is an actual Spaceship in disguise…

      And it’s not really a clue, but Amelia must have gotten her love of the sciences from SOMEWHERE!

      • Eric says:


        I’m also thinking that Wallace (from the cartography site) might be a traveler from the past … or at least a participant or eyewitness to what what was taking place in the back of IASW. He knows way too much by placing the codes/symbols/dates in his artwork (among other things).

  39. Ethan says:

    TAM = 0826

  40. Derek says:

    Wow, here I thought they were formulas. I would never have recognized the shorthand. Good job to those who recognized and worked it out; wish I could have picked up on that.

    I hope this inspires you all to research all the backgrounds and beginnings that occurred around Walt during this time. He was involved with many amazing individuals, many most don’t realize. You never know what may come up!

  41. Carmen says:

    Well it’s been a very long time since I used shorthand but I completely agree the last line says “may need to schedule”

  42. Elizabeth says:

    Great job with the short hand!

    I found some interesting articles about Von Braun and Bradbury.

    This article talks about Von Brauns connections to Disney and NASA:

    This article is about Bradbury and his love of Disney:

    I am not sure if these articles while help, but I found them very interesting.

    Unfortunately, my research on Howard not as fruitful . . . Didn’t find much at all.

    I hope what I did find will be helpful!

  43. Christina says:

    The introduction of Werner is pretty interesting. I don’t know if any of you guys have been following Jim Hill lately, but: – Is definitely one of the more…interesting…connections to all of this. That during the 50′s, Werner went to Ward Kimball (Granted, Ward had an affinity for…flourishing…his stories), to make a documentary to “prepare” the world for the announce that UFOs were real.

    I can’t help but think if Jim’s original though that the upcoming Tomorrowland film was connected to this element ( could be accurate, especially because the original Tomorrowland “teaser” was a suitcase very similar to some of Carlos’ pieces, which included a copy of August 1928 Amazing Stories, which included the very first appearance of the character that would become Buck Rogers, often cited by Bradbury as one of his greatest influences (as he became a Buck collector as a kid).

    In any case, Carlos’ connection to similar content seems to fall in a very similar space.

  44. Scott says:

    I’m curious if the scratches in the one picture of the table at the Tam found h”ere:
    (Between the “Primeval World meet 01BC” and “Contact Carlos…” images)
    Is shorthand as well?…

  45. Kimberly says:

    Well dang- I go to bed early and miss all the fun. You guys are incredible at figuring this stuff out. Good job!

  46. James says:

    I was away most of the day, just wanted to say great work, everyone!

  47. Derek says:

    As far as Hughes is concerned there isn’t much. He did a lot of work for the World’s Fair 1939 but nothing of record for 1964. As far as Walt Disney was concerned Hughes bought RKO records to give Walt cash, and also sponsored the moonliner, which mentioned before was created with von Braun’s help, through TSA until he ended it and sponsorship passed along.

    However, remember this is alternate history, something else may have arisen involving Hughes. Maybe further space or aeronautics work with von Braun.

  48. Ariel says:

    Hi, first thought about Hughes– the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (est 1956) was founded with the goal of understanding the “genesis of life itself”. With the double helix imagery, it seems possible that Bradbury, Hughes and Von Braun could have been working on this “special project” with Walt– perhaps something more technologically advanced than we thought possible at that time?

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