Story Orbit Films » tam o’shanter Mon, 12 Aug 2013 00:25:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 You. Are. Awesomesauce. Sat, 13 Jul 2013 03:01:31 +0000 Amelia Continue reading ]]> When I started this, I never expected this kind of response. Everyone has been amazing helping to unravel grandpa’s story and being such supportive friends. I’m lucky to have you guys. There have been lots of things flying back and forth on the blog and with Twitter, so, while I want to respond to everyone, it’s probably best if I just point everyone here. Here’s what we know:

Grandpa sold his work to Disney and worked with them on some kind of Special Projects Team. That team was up to something at the ’64 World’s Fair. More than just building mechanical presidents and magical skyways, anyway. Along with building the attractions, they were, apparently, building lots of other stuff we (the general public) were never meant to see. Christina and Kalani figured out the secret conference code and heard a fifty-year-old recording that gave us more questions than answers. If you call (213) 438-9463 and enter the month and day for the date you call (like today would be 0712), you can hear it yourself. Buuut… What was the World’s Fair Special Projects Team really up to? How did Grandpa fit into all of this? What’s the deal with the secret patents that they didn’t want released?

Thanks to James (@baseballmickey) and Nick, who did a little email detective work prodding Mr. Lott, we know that Michael Lott at Lott Family Construction worked on some super-secret stuff that was shown to VIPs during the fair. Here’s the memo to prove it:

Thanks to James and Nick’s detective work, we have this memo from Mr. Lott.

Kimberly discovered that if you adjust the levels and contrast on the memo, you can make out some of the redacted materials.


Thanks to Kimberly, Michael, and James (on Twitter) we think the redactions are (in order): “The City, Florida Project, The City, _________ Signal Flag, Auto Apparatus, and Mark 0 Project.

Amber and Kalani were one of the groups that went to the Tam O’Shanter and posted photos of the markings on the table where Walt Disney and his Imagineers used to eat. They found dinosaurs, more codes, and noticed this T/U symbol that’s cropped up on both the table and on a poster celebrating Imagineers at the Tam, by someone named Wallace. Kira also went to the Tam and discovered the soufflé was chocolaty molten deliciousness (so craving some right now).


Poster found at the Tam O’Shanter – the small text at the bottom says it was made by a fellow named ‘Wallace’ of

While poking around on Wallace’s site,, Stephen noticed some strange details on some of the posters. Who is this Wallace who made the poster at the Tam? What’s his connection to all this? We don’t know.


I’ll say it again. You are awesome.


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