Hi, I'm Amelia!
I’m a slightly overwhelmed undergrad, scrambling to find time between school in the smallest state in the union and work at a low-rent video store to make a documentary about my grandfather, Carlos. He was a writer who always looked to the future. He’s only passed a short time ago, and I miss him terribly. Read More >

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On the Road

Saturday morning I woke up and decided I needed to get out and do some serious filming. I couldn’t help myself. Had to do it. Vivian was nice enough to cover for me at the video store (Viv, have I told you today you’re the best?). I also wanted to tell Mom what I was up to, but she was knocked out. (Worked two 12-hour shifts straight. Don’t ask me how she does it.) And there’s nothing I hate more than bothering her when she finally has a chance to catch a few zzz’s. So, I left her a note.

A little hiccup on the way out.

A little hiccup on the way out. Put the spare on all by myself – felt ten feet tall.

Anyway, I grabbed the camera Vivian borrowed for me from her school. Filled my backpack with granola bars and juice boxes – yes, I’m in the third grade. And I headed out in what can loosely be described as a car. I drove through the Ocean State and got a bunch of b-roll. Also visited the house where Grandpa grew up, wandered the woods where he used to play, met the folks who live there now. It was like walking in his footsteps, and with every step I missed him more. I don’t know how much of that you can catch on camera, but I tried.

Gosh, it felt good to be out there. On my own. Just me, the camera, and the world, with Grandpa looking over my shoulder. All in all, not a bad way to spend a couple of days. The only thing missing was Mom.

34 Responses to "On the Road"

  1. Carson says:

    I’m sure your grandpa would be very proud of all the work you’re doing now, Amelia!

  2. Rachel says:

    Sounds like a very eventful day, Amelia. (: My mom is a nurse who works 12 hour night shifts so I know what you mean about your mom needing to catch some zzzs!

    Maybe next time she’s awake, you can ask her what day she’s free (: That way maybe the two of you can plan to do something fun together!

  3. Geren says:

    So honored and happy to be on this adventure with you, Amelia, and all of my dear new friends who are active in this discovery. Onward and upward! Dream wonderful dreams of the future, one and all.

  4. Robert says:

    Can’t wait to see some of the footage you took, and to see your Grandpa’s house. All so very exciting!

  5. Kira says:

    I love that feeling, when you accomplish something. I just feel like yelling “I AM THE SMARTEST WOMAN ALIVE!”

  6. Timothy says:

    So awesome, it is amazing how we can take the past for granted. They just closed every school at the military base I grew up on in Germany and are going to close the rest of the base at the end of the year. The German government is going to bulldoze everything down then along with my entire childhood! It’s like my entire childhood will be erased from history! :( But as the country song goes…who needs pictures when you have a memory like mine. Oiye, nostalgia.

  7. Kevin says:

    Getting actual film in the can is huge! It does not matter if it ends up B roll or not. I think each time you frame a shot, each time you try, that’s learning. And to walk where Carlos walked? Very cool. There seems to be alot going on for you and this group of folks along for your adventure – so let me be the first to propose that yougive serious thought to extending your stay with us…with all due respect. i for one, wouldlove to keep hearing of your adventures. (except for the car.)

    • Amelia says:

      Ah, Kevin. Thank you for your encouragement. I like what you said about learning because I’m really big on that. I have no problem falling on my face as long as I’m learning something, you know? And with all of you, I’ve learned more than ever. About myself. About my family. About the goodness of people. Yeah. In case you haven’t noticed, I’m kind of enjoying taking this unforgettable journey with all of you. :’)

  8. James says:

    i’ll be at EPCOT today. if anyone thinks of anything that should be looked at, tweet me @baseballmickey

  9. Stephen says:

    Amelia, we are proud of you so many people just say what there dream is and never actualy take any steps towards achieving it. You are making the motions and although you will hit some snags along the way, it is those challages that make the journey so great! Carlos would be proud of you!

  10. Megan says:

    Amelia, I am very impressed by the tire change – I tried once myself, and decided to call AAA if it ever happens again!

  11. D.Z. says:

    I think its great that you did all this filming! You really were walking in your grandfather’s footsteps. I am excited to see all your footage. Did you get to interview the people who live in the house? Also, you should really put some of the footage into a behind the scenes video! Every time I work on a movie (even documentary), I create a behind the scenes video for everyday of shooting. All you have to do is talk about where you went, what you did. Then just use some of your voice and footage, over your b-roll video taken onsite.

  12. Katherine says:

    Sounds like a wonderful and peaceful day (minus the flat tire)! How was the weather for your day?

  13. Mercedes says:

    Third graders would have added a peanut butter sandwich or pixie stix. Possibly both.

    Sound like a productive day – sometimes you need some alone time to refocus, especially with everything you are discovering.

  14. Steffen says:

    Anyone else got the feeling this picture is pretty random? Unless it is a hint. I did some research and found this Midget Autopia car on display at the Walt Disney Hometown Museum in Marceline:

    The color is almost the same as Amelia’s car. Plus: It is one of the cars from the same ride as the one in Disneyland, Wallace’s Tommorowland map pointed to. Coincidence? What do you guys think?

    BTW I have only been passively been following this story for the past couple of days and thought it was time for my first post. I hope I’m not too late to join the party?

  15. Fred says:

    Sounds really fun Amelia!
    Thank you for sharing this adventure with us. :)

  16. Lauren says:

    Just wanted to say I’m honored to be following this great adventure. Just starting out and hope to contribute more in the future. Good luck, Amelia! You are awesome!

  17. Derek says:

    You should really get her involved somehow. If not now; put something together about this and show your mom. She might come around and be glad to have discovered you’re into your grandfather and more about him. Good luck; and enjoy your grandfather’s spirit; I bet he’d be proud.

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