Hi, I'm Amelia!
I’m a slightly overwhelmed undergrad, scrambling to find time between school in the smallest state in the union and work at a low-rent video store to make a documentary about my grandfather, Carlos. He was a writer who always looked to the future. He’s only passed a short time ago, and I miss him terribly. Read More >

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As many of you know, I began this journey, wanting to tell the story of my grandfather, Carlos Moreau. Like in many great quests, though, the experience changed me. And by the time I finished shooting, reviewing my footage, and editing the pieces together, I felt inspired to tell another story.

Thanks to all of you, I’ve gotten a chance to know Grandpa, I’m closer than ever to Mom, and I feel I’ve found my calling. In fact, after I showed Mom the final cut, she said I should start thinking about transferring to film school. Vivian agreed, saying it’s about time…

Which brings us to the end of my journey.

But the end of one journey means the beginning of another. And in this case, I know the journey to watch now is all of yours. Together. You have proven as a group you can do the unimaginable, and I seriously can’t wait to see all the awesome things you’ll achieve.

So dim the lights, break out the coffee milk, and let’s toast to tomorrow. With all my heart, I hope you enjoy.



50 Responses to "Tomorrow"

  1. Danielle says:

    Thank you so much for sharing, Amelia. I am seriously tearing up quite a bit. I made and kindled some amazing friendships because of what we got to experience. I am seriously amazed by what happened. Thank you, and thank you Carlos, too.
    The end is just the beginning. :)

  2. Marcos says:

    Nice ending…

  3. Dustin says:

    Such a wonderful Journey and recap. Stuck in a hot place called AZ I had to help from the sidelines, but I did my best through electronic communication and loved seeing my post in the video to your mother. A great honor to all of us that we were able to experience this with you, and now my next journey is to get my hands on an Optimist Pin. Bringing family and friends together on a wonderful journey never ending is #alwaystheoptimist

  4. Christopher says:

    I’m so happy I was able to be a part of this…
    I am so happy you shared your story with us and I can’t wait for the next story to be told and discovered!

    Please don’t forget us we are all part of your new family and we all love you just as much.

    If you need any help me and all of The Optimists family will be here waiting for your call.

    Love you all and best wishes.

  5. BreAnna says:

    Thank you for sharing all of this with us, Amelia. I wear my Optimist pin proudly, and when I occasionally run into another Optimist (generally at Disneyland) who’s wearing their pin, we’re instant friends. Your grandpa would be so proud of what you’ve accomplished. <3

  6. Rachel says:

    Amelia, what an amazing documentary! And especially for your first documentary ever! Your family is right–film school is definitely the right place for you (:

    Don’t forget that not only are the rest of us going to be on a journey together now, but you have your own journey ahead of you too. I know you will become something great, and you are so sweet at heart. Your grandpa would be so proud of you and all that you have done to get this far (: I know you can only go farther from here!

    Thank you for bringing us all together in your story. I have made some amazing friends with the other Optimists–and with you, of course! I can’t wait to see what journeys lie ahead for the Optimist family, and for you as well! Please keep in touch, Amelia. (:

    Love and warmest wishes,

  7. Carl says:

    Such a touching end to this leg of the journey, yet I feel there is so much more for us to learn,

  8. Banks says:

    Thank you Amelia for all the hard work you did. The final film was an amazing watch, so great to relive everything we have gone through with you. It was truly an honor to participate myself.
    Thank you for including my photo of getting my Tomorowland pin, it was a truly special moment for me. Literally the moment we stepped onto Main Street after leaving the Cinema, the fireworks started. It was a very emotional moment for me, and I cried.
    I look forward to what adventures wait for you and I tomorrow.

  9. Mercedes says:

    Beautiful and impressive! Hugs!

  10. Louella says:

    Thank you so much for everything Amelia! Thanks to you, Tanya, Carlos, Wallace… everyone! I’m tearing up like a baby watching your beautiful film… not because of sadness, but because of all the joy I’m feeling now! This journey was so amazing and touching and I can’t believe I was a part of it! I have met so many wonderful people and I feel so bonded with everyone who participated. I saw such amazing sites that I would have never had the opportunity to see had it not been for you. Thanks for letting me be a part of this. It’s so bittersweet that this has come to an end, but I’m hopeful for more optimistic adventures in the future. So until next time, I’m crossing my fingers that you will have new adventures with us as you proceed to film school! However, if this is the last that we will chat, know that you have definitely put a bright smile in many people’s hearts, especially mine! Long live the OPTIMISTS! Take care! <3

  11. Ricky says:

    Loved it, Amelia! It was great to see my Twitter name in there so much (thanks) but even better to see how it all came together for all of us. Quite touching!

    I’m sad to hear this adventure is ending here for you but I have a feeling it’s just beginning for the rest of us. We’ve had a blast and hope there is another chapter coming soon.

  12. Amy says:

    This was so beautifully done! What a fascinating journey this has been – we are ever so grateful you’ve allowed us to be a small part of it. All the blessings and love to you in film school. We can’t wait to see your next project.

  13. Sharon says:

    Thanks for putting this together it pulls the whole story together and shows us how it all ended in the park with your mom.

  14. Mitchell says:

    That was incredible. I’ve had a lot of fun working with you these past few weeks. I look foward to seeing what the future holds. :)

  15. Kevin says:

    Amelia, thanks once again for sharing your family, and this story. Your film is bringing back cool memories of this summer’s fun…..thanks!

  16. ERIC says:

    That was perfect Amelia. We’ll do you, and Carlos, proud.

  17. Alan says:

    That was truly lovely. Also bloody WEIRD to see my Twitter photo pop up towards the end there (@AnimeNut). I remember taking that pic, knowing NONE of my Twitter followers were gonna make any sense of it. But YOU did! Thank you for the journey.

  18. Jace says:

    This was such an awesome adventure and the biggest highlight of my summer! When I got back to school I told all my friends about you, your grandfather, and our adventure (they were jealous!)! I’ll have to show them the documentary because this explains our journey so well! Thank you for including all of us in this! I was also surprised to see a tweet of mine featured and I was actually in the video during our visit to Walt’s apartment! I hope to see and participate in PART TWO! Fingers crossed!!

  19. Nicholas says:

    Thank you so so so so so so much for everything! One of the coolest experiences of my life. SO MANY bonds were made, with you, your mom, grandpa, Wallace, and all of the optimists we got to meet along the journey. Who knew you could make so many friends in such a short time! Thank you for bringing a little optimism into all of us. Everything I do now is always for the betterment of tomorrow. Stay optimistic and I hope to see you all soon optimists! #theoptimistS

  20. Eric says:

    Thanks for sharing, Amelia. Great vid! There’s a great big beautiful tomorrow, shining at the end of every day.

  21. Matthew says:

    What an amazing recap of everything that happened. Thank you so much Amelia for bringing us all together for this journey. It was truly an inspiring summer for everyone involved. The only shame was not having you physically with us in Los Angeles experiencing it live with the rest of us. All the best of luck and optimism to you and your mom.
    On a side note, was very touched to feel so prominent in your documentary.

  22. Brian says:

    This has been an amazing journey and while I wasnt able to attend anything IRL I feel like this has brought many people together.

  23. Amanda says:

    What an amazing documentary Amelia! Hard to believe this journey started only a few months ago and now it has ended. I am honored to continue to carry the spirit of optimism along with me in my life. I look forward to seeing what new adventures lie ahead with my fellow Optimists.

  24. Angel says:

    Thank you for that great video! Words seem to fail when trying to communicate how much this journey meant to my family. Thank you for sharing your family with us and then letting us become a part of it. Although sad to hear this is the end for you on this journey, I cannot help but look forward to our next adventure. Wishing you well and hoping we meet again.
    Love and many blessings,
    Angel and Family

  25. Stephen says:

    Amelia, that was a great video! Thank you for taking us along for the ride. This was so much fun, and I made some new friends as well.
    We will be keeping Optimism alive out here…

  26. Q. says:

    Amelia, wow. Your hard works has certainly paid off in a BIG way. Not only for you, but for your mum, your family, and also for the Optimists you have inspired on your wonderful journey. A journey I feel has really only just reached the crest of a hill, and the horizon, perhaps a beautiful dawn, lies waiting ahead.
    I have loved following along through the avenues your involved in on the Net. I’ve followed along with your discoveries from down here in Australia! I wish I could have helped more in the physical discoveries, but alive shared along with the joy of those that have helped you on your way ther in the US, and at Disneyland.
    Congratulations and thanks again, I guess we’ll see where the road takes us now, but I’m sure it leads to a great big beautiful Tomorrow.

  27. Eric says:

    Amelia, Nicole thank you for this experience and wish you continued success, love and happiness for “tomorrow”. :)

  28. Denise says:

    Thank you, Amelia for sharing your amazing family with us. This has truly been a memorable Summer. Optimistically looking forward to the next chapter!

  29. Nick says:

    I’m speechless, Amelia. Thank you so much for this.

  30. Eric says:

    Ooh. One more thing. I forgot to post this along with my comment. Found a picture of my Mom and Sister at the 1964 NY World’s Fair! Thought you would appreciate.

  31. Fred says:

    Fantastic video Amelia! :)

  32. Carolyn says:

    Thank you so much that was a beautiful video. I can’t even put into enough words how much this journey has meant to me. It was for sure something I will never forget. To you and your family I wish you the best of luck. We will always be here for you if you ever need us. I hope this is not the end of the story even if it’s the end of your part of the journey. It made me change the way I looked at the world. Thanks again for the new friends and amazing moments. Just remember it’s a great big beautiful tomorrow out there. :)

  33. Victoria says:

    This was awesome Amelia! This really inspired me to look into my family history as well. My granddad died a year ago and like yours he was the best! He didn’t talk much but when he did, you always knew how smart he really was. Thank you a bunch of bananas for sharing your story and letting us be apart of it! I wish I could have joined you all at the end but it just wasn’t possible. I did enjoy seeing all the footage and following along though. All the best to you in your film school endeavors! :-)

  34. Brian says:

    This is just the beginning of our Journey, Fellow Optimists. We shall looks towards the future to our next task.

  35. Kalani says:

    Thank you so much Amelia for sharing this adventure. I have a new found connection to so many Optimistic people and places all around me that I had no idea existed! It give me hope for us yet.

    Great video and I am proud to be included in that added “s” in The Optimists. =) I wish you and your mom the best!

  36. Ryan says:

    What more to say? Thanks for starting and sharing this journey. I wish I could have been more geographically involved, but enjoyed doing what I could here, and realizing it is who we are with that really makes the future bright. Cheers!

  37. Christina says:

    Getting my record framed tomorrow. I can’t tell you how amazing this whole experience has been. On one hand, it makes me sad that only around 800 people have seen the final culmination video on Youtube, as I wish all of my friends and family could have had this same experience, but I guess it makes it all the more special.

    Does anyone have the link to buy that optimist designed shirt that someone handed out at D23? I think it was on a zazzle or cafe press site? I’d love to buy something with the optimist logo to remember this by?

    • Kalani says:

      I had ours printed on Cafepress along with the buttons; but I think Zazzle has a better price. I had been meaning to figure out how I can post them on one of those sites just for cost. I’ll also post a link to the original asset files I made so you can go wherever you want to make prints etc.

      • Christina says:

        That would be awesome. I can upload it to either and get a version (or print on transfer paper at home).

  38. Dallas says:

    Thank you Amelia for this amazing Journey. Hoping this is not the end, but the beginning of #Chapter2. Welcome to #Chapter2 Everyone!

    If you guys would like, please check out Optimist Central. Optimist Central is a blog and podcast all about the events of the Optimist and the Tomorrowland Movie. It would help us out a lot. Thanks.

  39. Phelan says:

    “It is good to renew one’s wonder, said the philosopher. Space travel has again made children of us all.”-Ray Bradbury

  40. Renee says:

    Thanks Amelia. Especially love the ending!

  41. Jeffrey says:

    I have been following from the midwest with very little to contribute. Thank you. It is a great story. Special thanks for the wrapup video. It was really well done and put faces to some of the names I have been seeing on your blog. Very emotional. Thanks Again Amelia.

  42. Stephen says:

    I’ll be thinking of you and your grandpa every time I watch a sunrise. The emotions from your mom and joy on the faces of my fellow Optimists has given me so much hope for tomorrow. The next time I stumble on an adventure, I’m calling on all of you!! Until next time, @neokieno

  43. Stephen says:

    Do you happen to know if there were any left over pins for us Optimists on the other side of the country? :) #aboycandream

  44. Amber says:

    What a beautiful video, Amelia. Thank you for making every sunrise special.

  45. kris says:

    wonderful video Amelia!

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