Hi, I'm Amelia!
I’m a slightly overwhelmed undergrad, scrambling to find time between school in the smallest state in the union and work at a low-rent video store to make a documentary about my grandfather, Carlos. He was a writer who always looked to the future. He’s only passed a short time ago, and I miss him terribly. Read More >

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The Way to Walt’s Haunts

Wallace has a new piece of art on his site called “Walt’s Haunts,” and even a modern-day young woman in Rhode Island can figure out these are places in California that Walt Disney – and maybe Grandpa? – used to frequent. (Thank you, Internet!) But this girl wonders, “What are these places?”  And, “Could she want to be in California any more right now?”  And, “Why am I referring to myself in the third person?


Wallace’s latest creation!

I can already see my new friends – through whom, let’s be honest, I’m kind of living vicariously – driving along Interstate 5 to investigate these California destinations, excited about possible discoveries to be made. If I squint real hard, I can see myself there with them – with you. If I squint even harder, my eyes are practically shut and I can’t see a thing. Yeah, I sometimes do that when I’m scared. And the mere idea of leaving my tiny state gives me the willies.

But now I’m opening my eyes and peeking between my fingers. And isn’t that what life’s about? Little peeks at the great big world? For as long as I can remember, Mom taught me to focus on school, work, and home, school, work, and home. Don’t get me wrong, those are all important, but I feel like there’s an ingredient missing. I mean, she’s provided me with a perfectly healthy, nourishing chili, but sometimes you need a little extra spice.

Hmm, wonder why I have chili on the brain?

208 Responses to "The Way to Walt’s Haunts"

  1. Zachary says:

    Interesting piece.

  2. Deborah says:

    Oh, Amelia! Go watch the video Hastin put up an look at the pictures! Don’t just peek… look!

    • Amelia says:

      Now that I watched as it unfolded. My eyes as wide as Nora and Sofia’s dish bowls. O_O

      • Deborah says:

        Amazing, isn’t it? Thanks for bringing us all along on this fantastic journey. I can’t wait to see where tomorrow leads us.

  3. Randy says:

    Amelia, I was just in Disneyland all of last week, and I missed out on the Grand Courtyard meet up today in New Orleans Square, “Court des Anges” were I heard that about 20 of your blog readers all meet up and got to go inside Club 33 to find more clues about your grandfather inside. I wished that I would of known sooner that was going to meet up place! This is a very interesting blog and I really do love reading your stories of you and your grandpa! Hope to get more clues and even things from you in my mailbox soon! Take care and good luck on your journey! Take care.

    • Amelia says:

      Thanks, Randy. I admit this journey has been really nuts. So many surprises. Especially from Wallace. So you might want to keep your eye on him and the interesting work he’s doing as well. It’s his art that’s led to discoveries at Le Grand Courtyard, Chili John’s, and The Carousel.

      • CYNTHIA says:

        Did you know that Disney Cartography has a booth at the D23 Expo? #539 in the Collector’s Forum!

  4. Wesley says:

    Wonder what the date and times mean on those bottom two pics. 7/26 8:15-8:20 AM would have been this date, this morning… and 8/1 8:10-8:15 AM is in six days…

    • Kristina says:

      Wesley- The first date and time was a meeting in The Grand Courtyard this morning. It seems the next scheduled meeting will be 8/1 between 8:10-8:15 in the morning. I, and many more I think, will be there to wait for more information!

  5. Kristina says:

    Amelia, glad to hear you are peeking between your fingers. I think your grandfather would be pleased to know that his memory and this journey may be symbolically holding your hand as you embark on the world.
    Good news is, you’re not alone. This is a team effort (as Wallace told me today). It takes many to create a brighter future. Even though we are all strewn across the world like jacks on a playground, I feel like we are supporting each other towards a grand common goal.

    • Amelia says:

      It’s more than good news, Kristina. It’s the BEST! As I might have mentioned a million times before, my Mom and Grandpa were different. VERY different. Obviously. But they did have one thing in common: they enjoyed working alone. And I tried REALLY hard to be like them. Keeping myself from asking for help and forcing myself to finish projects on my own. And I’d gotten by like that for most of life. But I see now, from this experience, that I’m at MY best when I’m working in a group. With others. Sharing ideas. Sharing feelings. Sharing stories. There’s nothing better.

      And when that happens, work no longer becomes work for me. It becomes a calling. An adventure. A memory I can’t help but save in my left shirt pocket. And I never would have discovered that on my own.

      • Angel says:

        That is great. The one thing that we have taught our daughter is to make good use of your resourses. You have allowed us to help you and from what I have seen so far…it is one group of amazingly resourceful people. Lol

  6. Kennedy says:

    Almost closer!

  7. Zachary says:

    Come to California. You would love it here!

    • Amelia says:

      Trust me, I dream about it daily. I mean, with so many of you out there, how could I not love it?

  8. Roland says:

    I may not be at the park or anywhere in California but I am helping out in the Florida coast. So far, this has been an amazing journey we got into. We not only know a little history of the Worlds Fair but also a little Disney history as well. I will miss this when the search is over.

    On a side note, I theorized that those symbols we noticed on the glasses might be associated to certain attraction in both Disneyland and Disney California Adveture.

    After all, Amelia’s photo might be seen in Soarin’ since she did flying in her days. Mark twain might be for the steamboat or Tom Sawyer Island.

  9. Matthew says:

    Whatever is going on at Walt’s Haunts must be big. I went to Chili John’s and asked for beans “to go.” They gave me this can of beans with this crazy telegram in it, I don’t think it was meant for me.

    • Roland says:

      CalArt was the school I was invited to for a summer camp course that specialize in film and production!
      I didn’t know they were involved with Disney!

      • Mercedes says:

        Huge Disney/CalArts connection:his vision for the school was a CalTech for the Arts.

        • Roland says:

          It’s a shame I didn’t apply to it after I have financial issues and the fact I cannot handle earthquakes.

        • Daphne says:

          Definitely! Besides Walt founding the school, the original Board of Trustees included the amazing John Hench (Animation, WED Enterprises, WDI), Mary Costa (Voice of Sleeping Beauty), and Marc Davis, one of Walt’s Nine Old Men. I’m a recent alum, but no immediate answers are jumping out from this one, but I’ll keep thinking… (Like I have any choice, I spent my entire drive home tonight mulling this over! :D ) @Geren, any thoughts? Hoping to swing by and pick up some chili tomorrow and see what arises!

    • Wesley says:

      Sounds like Disney is planning on going to the moon or Mars. hmm.

      • Kara says:

        hmmm is right. I got a response from Bob Gurr:
        July 25, 2013 at 8:59 am

        Dear Mr. Gurr-

        I can tell that you are very passionate about the world of flight; you and Disney both loved going the new heights. I was wondering…do you have any interest in Space Travel?

        Bob Gurr
        July 26, 2013 at 7:07 am

        Love of Flight? – You betcha, I flew sailplanes and motorgliders for 50 years. Two weeks ago I visited Virgin Galactic and was invited into their SpaceShipOne.

        Get this- I looked up SpaceShipOne [A suborbital air launched spaceplane- 1st manned space flight was in 2004] It was created by a man named Burt Rutan who was inspired by German rocket designer- WERNER VON BRAUN. In the book “Survival Imperative: Using Space to Protect Earth,” he recalled that he saw Von Braun on Disney’s TV show ‘Tomorrowland’ talking about his plan to go to- wait for it- MARS. Rutan said it was ‘life changing’

        • Jennifer says:

          Kara, maybe Mr. Gurr is a part of our journey. Wow…..

        • Jeffrey says:

          I got a response from Mr. Gurr as well, whether or not he’s playing along, it’s nice to see this response.

          July 24, 2013 at 11:33 am

          This was a really good retrospective on air travel Bob! I know it’s probably crazy coincidence, but today I found bunch of blueprints from a Michael T. Lott regarding travel and the new Tomorrowland of 1959. Some of the stuff alludes to even faster travel through portals! Had you seen any of these designs before?

          Bob Gurr
          July 24, 2013 at 7:10 pm

          Yes Jeph216…you may have knowledge of something I plumb forgot. Walt was always looking way beyond what he had us doing at the moment for next immediate projects. I’m going to have to rat thru my archive notes (Oh god but my back room is a mess, it may take some time, but I’ll look)

      • Christina says:

        I used to live down the hill from Cal Arts in Valencia, next to the golf course. Let me just say that every Cal Arts Halloween and Summer Bash was pretty impressive.

    • Stephen says:

      Matthew this is the third different message that was found

    • Steffen says:

      Could this be where they recruited Wallace? The timing seems off though. I think I remember Wallace being a kid during the time of the world’s fair. But how about Amelia’s grandpa? Could this be related to him?

      Amelia, do you know anything about your Grandfather studying at CalArts or being part of this “special program”?

      • Stephen says:

        I think that Carlos was recruited from the first letter that he received Tom Disney based on his “Orbit Story”

        • Steffen says:

          Stephen, you’re absolutely right. I totally missed this. This was in 1952… Way before any of those notes were written.

          And Wallace also has no connection to CalArts.

      • Amelia says:

        Sorry Steffen, but I don’t think so. He grew up and went to school here on the East Coast.

        • Christina says:

          maybe he went to Carnegie Mellon or MIT and was recruited there?

        • Steffen says:

          Amelia, I didn’t consider the letter regarding the acquisition of your Grandpa’s work that you posted. It’s kind of difficult to keep all the bits and pieces of information straight ;-)

  10. Shoshana says:

    After hearing about the Club 33 thing today, could someone who went give a recap about what happened?

  11. Geren says:

    As a former CalArts student, I must say that finding one who meets the last bullet point is tough! We are a messed up bunch of weirdo artists!

    • Amelia says:

      If I had a nickel for every time I was called messed up or a weirdo…know what I mean? Yeah. Thinking about, though, all being a weirdo really means is you having something unique to offer that few other people can. And in my heart of hearts, I’m starting to believe (because I have to) that when people recognize their unique set of gifts and use them the best way they can, they’ll see all the positive ways they can affect this world. As clear as day.

      I’m seeing that with my Grandpa. When he was around, people in my neighborhood used to look at him like HE was a weirdo. Going on his walks alone. Staring at the sky with a huge grin on his face. Clapping his hands every time an idea came to him.

      And I have to admit, there was a period of time when I saw him as a weirdo too. Not because I really thought he was one, but because I thought I should see him the same way everyone else did. And that there was something wrong with me if I didn’t.

      *deep breath*…

      Not proud of this. Not proud of this at all. But I can’t tell you how happy I am, now, to see that he might have been so much more than people ever knew. More than I knew. More than Mom knew. And that being a “weirdo” might just have been the best part about him.

      • Daphne says:

        I know a lot of people who think that being optimistic, or wanting to make the future better is weird, but I think the people who are willing to try are the ones who will make a difference! I like to think your grandpa, like any optimist, always saw the best in you too, and you shouldn’t worry about that. *hug!*

      • Angel says:

        My kids say thank you when someone callsthem a wierdo. Embrace the wierd and wear it proudly. You should search up the great quote by Dr. Suess regarding weirdness. I cannot remember it exactly but it funny.

        • Amelia says:

          Your kids sound super cool, Angel. Thank you.

          • andrew says:

            Weirdness and oddness are what make the world a great place to live. With out he wird people we would never have innovation or progress. If everyone thought the smae way, we would still be living in caves, Im sure the first caveman who said “hey, why dont we use these sticks to build a house?” was thought of as a weirdo as he sat in his stick house and the rest were still in their cave. The weirdos of the world embrace change and progress, which scares the conformists who just want to stay in their safe little gla$s bubbles. So I agree, embrace the weirdos, the strange and eccentric, for we are the instruments of tomorrow

          • Amelia says:

            Couldn’t have said it better, Andrew. Your words make me proud to be weird. *Chin up.* *Fists on my hips.* *Invincible smile.*

      • Geren says:

        My apologies, Amelia, to you and everyone if my comment was offensive. I meant it in good fun, but realize it could be taken as otherwise. I recognize everyone’s efforts to out their best, most positive face forward, and shall proceed in the same manner in an authentic way. Thank you for your kind words.

        • Amelia says:

          No, Geren. I apologize for making you think you should act differently. I actually knew that you had simply meant to put a smile on all of our faces. And what you had said got me to laugh. But then I felt bad for laughing, because I didn’t know anybody from your college. And I realized it wasn’t right of me to laugh at something I really don’t know about. Especially when my best friend Vivian is an art student, and she’s the most awesome person (outside of my mom) that I know. Then I started thinking about being weird, and this is just where my mind went. And all I’m trying to say is everyone should feel free to be who they are, including you, Geren.

      • Derek says:

        Amelia, that is a perfect way to say it. And you should be proud to have the courage to realize and admit it. Speaking from someone who’s considered himself odd all his life (and just engaged to someone as weird) it’s ok to notice and to realize. Out makes us who we are. As Daphne said, your grandfather would understand, and most likely be proud of you. We all have that something that makes us weird, and you’re right: if we all embrace it, we can start to work together and make the world a better place.

  12. Lauren says:

    I am gonna be visiting the Magic Kingdom and EPCOT tomorrow, if there’s anything I can do to help please let me know!

  13. Fred says:

    Great post Amelia. It’s been great going on this adventure with you. :)

    I’m really hoping to make it to the Disneyland “bench” meeting on 8/1.

  14. Christina says:

    Amelia – I keep seeing how you’re thinking of taking the plunge and heading out to So. Cal. If it helps you get there any faster, maybe we can start a donation pool online or a miles pool? I know that a few airlines let you create a “registry” – I know myself and quite a few other folks would be happy to put a coin in the hat and see you get out there! Maybe for D23! It’s coming up fast!

  15. Kristina says:

    Hey Amelia, Sorry if this has already been asked, but Benjamin and I were admiring Wallace’s images again (really wish they weren’t out of stock) and we noticed that the Flash Photo Star Image was on the Walt’s Haunt Picture as well as the Tomorrowland 1959 Map. Has anyone taken these “Flash Photos” for you yet? It seems the photos should be taken at the Combine Car and the Tomorrowland Monorail Station. Maybe we can compare the two images since they were both denoted with the same star on two different Wallace prints.

    • Fred says:

      Yes, someone has already taken a flash photo of the sign at the Tomorrowland monorail station, and it revealed a patent number (that can only be seen with a flash).
      As for the autopia car, there was a patent number as well, but it was apparently visible without flash photography.

      As for the flash photography symbol on the “Walt’s haunts” map, I don’t think anyone has gotten a picture yet.

  16. Naomi says:

    Hey. Sorry I haven’t been active. I’ve been busy studying for the SAT these last 2 weeks. Anyways, I’m up to speed with what’s been going on. Have you guys seen the clue that was left at Griffith Park Carousel?

    • Roland says:

      Why yes, yes we have.

      • Jody says:

        wow! naomi, you and everyone have been busy. so, what does the clue say? it’s hard to read in the photo.

    • Daphne says:

      Has anyone seen if there is a Last Dark Horse on the carousel at Disneyland? The map doesn’t call it out, but if this horse was in any way special to Walt, it would make sense he would have wanted a version on that carousel, as well?

    • Lauren says:

      The stap says “Society members, we each play a role in building Tomorrow. Remember our goal to forge a brighter path for the future to keep and the world going round.”

  17. Louella says:

    I’m hoping to stop by Chili John’s tomorrow. Do you think there will still be cans and more clues?

    • Daphne says:

      When are you looking to go, Louella? I am too! Do you think they’d be cool with a group of us rendezvousing and keeping Amelia posted together, or should we stay undercover and go separately?

      • andrew says:

        Wallace stressed teamwork, so if anything, they would prefer it if you rendezvoused! :)

        • Daphne says:

          Thanks, Andrew! If anyone in LA wants to attempt Team Chili this afternoon (they’re open 11-4) let me know, I’ll be posting updates on twitter with #waltshaunts (I’m @daphne_mir)

    • Kristina says:

      I think Chili Johns is closed Sunday! Call ahead to be safe!

  18. Ricardo says:

    Louella me and my brother picked up some chili as well as the “side of pinto beans” after our trip to the carousel. We were the first at the carousel and man was it hard to figure the clue out. you really had to wrap the strap around just right, took two of us. After we headed out for the chili in which we saw two people arriving(one being @hastin) but we were on our way out but we left the strap wrapped around for anyone else ;) when we asked how many people had been there and how many can were left I was told we were the 6th person there and there were “plenty of clans left” so you should be able to get one.

    • Louella says:

      Thanks Daphne and Ricardo! Heading there now hoping to get there before 4 pm and gonna get some yummy chili! I hope to get some extra clues to help you Amelia. I’ll check out twitter Daphne. Thanks!

  19. Deborah says:

    Headed to the barn? Read this notice from Carolwood’s website about local construction…


    The surrounding streets and parking areas near the Disney Barn are a mess with closures and detours. We have decided to open even though there will be some challenges. Look for and follow the special signs for Disney Barn parking and then a queue up for Barn tours.

    The usual east/member parking area will not be accessible. Guests will need to follow our posted signs to the LALSRM west parking lot. They will also enter through the main LALSRM entrance and we will escort them to the Barn area.”

    • Mercedes says:

      Oh, thanks for the head’s up! We are heading there tomorrow morning. We’ll look for the signs. :)

  20. Daphne says:

    Went to Chili John’s and got what I think is a new message! NASA and DARPA!

  21. Shanin says:

    I love how all clues lead to more clues. I find it really interesting that Tesla is included in the clues. Tesla’s technology would be a perfect addition to Tomorrowland. I can’t remember what link in this blog led me to Disney Research on YouTube, but some really cool stuff is there. Maybe this game is giving clues to a new technology that was started in the 50s and now Disney is ready to use it. I hope this is game leads to something bigger than an attraction or movie, like Walt Disney seemed to originally wanted to do with EPCOT.

    • Derek says:

      Keep an eye on that channel; they post awesome stuff

    • andrew says:

      Haha, I keep wishing the same thing. The world really needs people to step up and acknowledge that we have the technology to truly improve the world for the better. We have the science now to build anything we can dream, we just need more people like Walt and “the society” to work together and “build a better tomorrow”

    • Kaitlyn says:

      I know I’m a couple days behind on this, but did you realize that one of Disney’s new research projects is called TeslaTouch?

      It’s being developed by a few people, including someone from Carnegie Mellon University. In fact, many of the projects listed on the site are being developed by people from CMU. Don’t know if that has any significance, but considering Tesla is rumored to be part of the society, and CMU was specifically mentioned in one of the chili notes (plus all the Disney research projects are very much “world of tomorrow” ideas)…I don’t know. Could be something there.

  22. Jennifer says:

    Does anyone know what para-phasic travel means? I googled it and nothing came up. Once you break down the term, it seems to imply temporary time travel in a nearby parallel universe (in my opinion). Any other ideas?

  23. Jeff says:

    i have to say, ive been following along for about a week or so now and this is really interesting. although im in kentuck i might not be able to make it to the parks and “haunts” as depicted in wallaces artwork but ive been piecing together this story much like many of you. i think that now would be a perfect time for the story orbit community to come up with a few questions to be asked in case of another meeting much like the one at club 33. hopefully at the bench in wallaces picture. if indeed such meeting occurs we should be ready as a whole with a plan this time. it may be time to put all our information gathered thus far together and come up with a few questions that hopefully could be considered for the meet up in case we have such an oppurtunity.

    • Ryan says:

      Jeff is right, writing from Idaho, with no plans or funds to travel, I feel a little helpless except to watch it unfold. Organizing questions might just be the way for those of us who can’t move out to help. Kind of a building of a briber future heh?

      Here’s some questions I have:
      The chili clues are dated on Disneyland’s birthday in 66, what was going on in tomorrowland then?

      We have names like Bradbury, who was a well known future optimist, who else have we linked together?

      Remember the pamphlet, what about fusion and atomic energy could help us pin this down ( seeing we haven’t seen any ping pong balls on mouse traps)?

      I watched the tomorrowland DVD, two of the science factual series explored the possibilities of traveling and colonizing the moon and mars. Van Braum mapped it all out as though it were fact, possible, and in production. His surety and confident tone has led me to wonder if disney had actually financed exploratory trips. What if this special group had done this? The travelers, by nature of light speed, would be considered time travlers, and when they return to an older earth.

      Thoughts and questions? I hope I am being helpful!

    • Daphne says:

      I also love the idea of a questions list! Would we want to compile these into a google doc like the one Jeremiah is running for easy review and sharing? There’s so many details, I feel like we need as many eyes and *ears* as we can!

  24. Wesley says:

    Para-phasic I would think could have many meanings depending on which etymological definition of the word you choose. Could be at the same time as phases (meaning multiple destinations?), or irregular phases, or altered phases, or forward through phases (like to the moon, and then mars, and then…).
    In this context, I’d wonder about rockets with the ability to land on a distant planet and then take off again for the next step in the journey…

  25. Hastin says:

    I edited up my footage, and posted a video of what happened:

    Can’t wait to do it again next Thursday!

  26. Mercedes says:

    I loved the humming! ;)

  27. Ricky says:

    And here is video of Jeremiah’s visit to the Griffith Park carousel:

    I’m going to have to go there when I come out for the D23 Expo.

    Amelia – Any chance you’ll be coming to the Expo as well? Wallace said he’ll be there.

    • Lauren says:

      Hey Ricky, any chance you’ll be talking about the Optimist or sharing your own personal theories on your show?

    • Amelia says:

      Only if zero chance is considered a chance. Just not possible at the moment. :(

  28. Jeff says:

    im right there with you Ryan. i have many questions, but to narrow them to just one and hope to make that question count could be a daunting task. but first, after watching the video from the club 33 meet up i was wondering if there was indeed a second group that went inside and what happened to be the outcome of that?

    besides that, given the extreme number of clues and how random these places and clues have been, im trying to wrap my brain around how this could lead to one particular event or attraction? or is it something much bigger that were not grasping?

    Amelia it seems as though this blog has launched us way farther than just your grandfather so maybe another question we should be thinking about is how these people, patents, places, and clues are connected to him? i know it has been said that there are clues all around but this is much bigger than any mystery ive ever watched on T.V. so maybe our questions need to be just as broad.

    just a few thoughts, cant wait to discover more.

  29. Jeff says:

    this is interesting to note that in 1966 walts vision has changed due to the space program and landing on the moon and what not. this being the reason for a re-design for this area…

  30. Benjamin says:

    My family and I went to Disneyland, Chili John’s, Griffith Park, and the Tam O’Shanter all today. What a day of exploring!
    We found a 1964-65 World’s Fair postcard set in Innovations and thought a little too much of it. It was in the same bookcase as Jules Verne, but it just seems like a coincidence.

    • Stephen says:

      Benjamin that sounds why to coincidental, there has to be a meaning to that somewhere. Where in innoventions was it?

      • brandon says:

        It’s in the house of tomorrow.

        • Yunis says:

          Interestingly enough about that post card…I saw it as well. It’s sitting right next to 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea and a book about Abraham Lincoln. I took a photograph I will have to share.

          • Megan says:

            Yeah, especially in that combination, that does seem like a pretty amazing coincidence…Yunis, would you be able to post your picture of the whole grouping?

          • Stephen says:

            Agreed, those things together cannot be a Coincedence, Someone might need to go back to that spot and check it out.

          • Yunis says:

            We looked around Innoventions and didn’t find anything else other than this. Thanks, Benjamin!

          • Yunis says:

            Here’s a close up.

          • Megan says:

            Thanks for the pictures, Yunis – is Rockwell one of the sponsors? That card seems kind of random in the middle of all the more obviously Disney-related stuff.

          • Stephen says:

            The only thing that i see tha doesn’t look like it should be there is that Rockwell Time Pieces business card. i don’t see how that has anything to do with anything. I checked out the website though and it looks like an actualy business so nothing strange… I don’t see any links to Disney

          • Yunis says:

            My last comment is awaiting moderation for some reason. But that card was not there. Someone must have slipped it under the glass. So we can probably dismiss it entirely.

          • Katherine says:

            We went and scoped this out yesterday. I spoke to some Cast members sand they told me that postcard and books have been there for years. Bummer because it seems like such a great clue.

    • Yunis says:

      That card wasn’t there before. Someone must have slipped it under the glass.

      • Katherine says:

        Good point but unfortunatly the card is a random persons business card they slipped under the cabinet door. We checked out the website.

    • Megan says:

      Thanks, Katherine – I guess they do all have a Disney connection aside from this story!

  31. Stephen says:

    I think tha those bags of pop corn next to the bench in the opera house are going to be given out next Thursday.

  32. Louella says:

    Stopped by Chili Johns today before they closed and got a clue that someone else may have already received but thought I’d post just in case. Afterwards, decided to check out Griffith Park Merry Go Round and see the beautiful carousel myself. I love how the clue was on the last dark horse because typically, a dark horse is a contestant that seems less to succeed yet they do, sort of like all the people on the plate and stemware. I could be reading too deeply but it’s a nice thought. Thanks for letting us help out Amelia. I don’t think I would have seen these sites without this adventure!

    • Amelia says:

      Don’t thank me, Louella. Thank Wallace for his amazing art. And yourself for the willingness to explore and share.

      • Louella says:

        Absolutely! My bad! Thank you much Wallace! Please stock your artwork! They are so beautiful and I’m sure I’m not the only one who wants a copy!

  33. Louella says:

    Sorry the picture is sideways… I’m not that savvy on my computer.

  34. Natalie says:

    Heading to Walt’s Barn tomorrow! Look forward to seeing some of you there. It should be interesting.

  35. Marcos says:

    Looks like there are 4 chili clues so far, hoping the barn will reveal more tomorrow.

  36. Christina says:

    So I was thinking more about the clues we received at Club 33. I posted what I thought some of them meant yesterday (see it here and scroll up a little to the compass/map: but realized I thought the Jules Verne one was on the other side of the park.
    I know it doesn’t line up perfectly, but now I think it is pointing at the pipe organ inside the haunted mansion that used to be inside the 20,000 leagues exhibit! If anyone is going to be in the park this weekend can they give it a look?

    • Deborah says:

      If someone can get a pic, I know a couple of us are big enough HM geeks that we could tell you any difference pretty quickly, even without a comparison pic.

      • Louella says:

        So sorry was not able to get a photo at Haunted Mansion today. Didn’t make it out there but will try to get there this week.

  37. Zachary says:

    Amelia, What do you think of all this? I find it so cool that all this is happening while your trying to make the documentary. I really want to know who Wallace really is. He knows so much about Disney and it’s history. Maybe he worked with Walt and your grandfather. I hope to ask questions at the D23 Expo.

    • Amelia says:

      I’m often surprised by what has been found. Mostly, though, I feel hopeful. Encouraged.

      That would be awesome if you could speak to him, Zachary, because I want to know too. I’m still trying to figure out Grandpa’s exact connection to Wallace and the things he seems to know about.

      • Derek says:

        It’ll come in time Amelia. Just enjoy the ride that you’ve discovered, and everything will be pieced together. You should be proud of him, he’s doing a great job communicating in this way.

        On another note, Amelia, have you found anything else of note of your grandfather’s? Lately, all the clues we’ve followed are Wallace’s; I feel like we’ve been investigating two sides of the same coin, but we haven’t directly linked them yet. They share so many connections, but nothing directly just yet. If you have some time to dig around more, or attempt to get your mom involved again ;) , maybe something will come up that furthers our story from your grandfather’s end :D

  38. Louella says:

    Can’t make it to barn today but I will be at park later on so will definitely take a picture of pipe organ I’m Hainted mansion. Where exactly is it? Is it in ballroom scene?

    • Deborah says:

      Yes. Ballroom at the far end. Maybe the mansion ghosties will smile on you and there will be a temporary stop at that point!

  39. Angel says:

    Amelia, found the quote…“We’re all a little weird. And life is weird. And when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall into mutually satisfying weirdness—and call it love—true love.” :)

  40. Robert says:

    I’ve been busy with lots of work, has anybody searched for clues out and about it the Lands in Disney based off the plate overlay with the Disneyland map? I see above somebody found some post cards in Innovations, which I believe is a clue. Sadly I won’t be in Disneyland till all of this is over(D23). I can just sit on the sidelines and help as best as I can.

    • Katherine says:

      Clue at the barn is a hidden picture that points to the New Orleans square telegraph st Disneyland. Pictures soon to follow. About to ride the train now with my fellow optimists.

  41. Ricky says:

    Flash photo at Walt’s Carolwood barn reveals the next stop: New Orleans Square telegraph. Walt’s opening day message in morse code likely replaced by something new. Any morse code experts out there? :)

  42. Katherine says:

    New morris code at the New Orleans station. It’s been recorded and Hastin, I and other optimists are trying to decode it now (they have an app for that)! :-)

  43. Deborah says:

    So, how many people turned up at the barn today? Just curious…

    • Kalani says:

      Based on the group of us that had gathered before the gate opened I’d say around 30. Once in it became difficult to tell how many more showed up.

  44. Jaren says:

    Here is a chart

  45. Ricky says:

    I decoded the message!

    “Welcome society members of 1966 and our new inductee RDB.”

    .– . .-.. -.-. — — . / … — -.-. .. . – -.– / — . — -… . .-. … / — ..-. / .—- —-. -…. -…. / .- -. -.. / — ..- .-. / -. . .– / .. -. -.. ..- -.-. – . . / .-. -.. -…

    RDB = Ray Douglas Bradbury?

    • Deborah says:

      Awesome job! yes, Bradbury makes sense to me.

    • Roland says:

      Awesome job. Thanks for decoding it! I had trouble after the word “member”. I wonder where it will lead us to…

      • Natasha says:

        Awesome work guys! Ray Bradbury also has a tree dedicated to him in Frontierland, not too far from the Golden Horseshoe, someone might check out the plaque there and see if anything is different (I think its called the Halloween tree during Halloweentime?). I’m enjoying living vicariously through you all!

  46. Jaren says:

    What society of 1966 is it talking about?

    • Ricky says:

      Something that was formed following the World’s Fair. Must have been a society of big thinkers… everyone whose initials were represented in Club 33.

  47. Mercedes says:

    You guys are awesome. And I totally confused that woman at City Hall. Ha!

  48. Stephen says:

    Well technically the only member of the society from the plate who would be alive would be Walt Disney. Jules Verne died in1905, Clemens in 1910, Eiffel 1923, Edison in 1931, Earhart in 1939, Telsa in 1943, Wells 1946. What if the names and the plate all represent not just members of the SOCIETY but the leaders, When one died they were replaced by another. If that is the case Walt Disney pas$ed in 66, he knew he was sick, he would have passed his leadership to another forward thinker of the future, Bradbury. Unless that whole never dying thing was true, and they just went to the real “Tomorrowland”

    • Robert says:

      That’s what I was thinking. They might have not died, but went somewhere else.

      • Kristina says:

        Been thinking long and hard about Tomorrowland and the bedtime story Amelia heard. Why did the parents not speak? Were they robots? Is the night tale a true history of this place? Did Amelia’s dad go to Tomorrowland?

    • Jason says:

      Maybe I’m just reading into things too much, but what about Carl Sagan? Lott Family Construction is in Ithaca, NY, right next to Cornell University, where he was a professor of astronomy and advocate of space exploration ( and science in general. He is from Brooklyn and was inspired to go into science by the 1939 World’s Fair, which was in Flushing, NY, like the 1964-65 World’s Fair was. No insight into the significance of the zip code (10605, which belongs to White Plains, NY, in Westchester, rather than the Ithaca zip code of 14850 that it should be). Maybe I’m just thinking way too hard, waiting for the next clue. If I’m so far off, I swear I’m not crazy…

      • Lauren says:

        I can’t remember where I read it, but read something about the Lotts corporation being a dummy company used by WED for Disneyland, the 64 worlds fair, and WDW among other things. I’m pretty sure that there is even a window in MK that says something about Lotts.

    • Katherine says:

      Continuing with the leader train of thought…Bradbury died in 2012. Maybe he passed the leadership on to another forward thinker such as your grandfather Amelia…did your grandfather know him by chance? You did mention Bradbury in your first recap post and it seems as if your grandfather was this type of visionary person.

      • Derek says:

        Maybe this is a search for the next leader? Or is it possible wallace is currently leader and on his own recruitment drive?

  49. Deborah says:

    Asking a favor from you Twittering Optimists… can you ask Wallace if he will be offering his work for sale on his website or at D23? I’d love to get one or two of his pieces in a poster size.

    • Mercedes says:

      Do you mean an actual copy of it? They had some stuff set up for sale in a smaller shed, that may have been there…I remember mostly small posters, I don’t remember that one.

    • Christina says:

      nope. Didn’t see it and I tried to look at all of the papers that were around the barn. Still not sure how that map is going to come into play or what we should do with it.

      • Christina says:

        Sorry, just realized this is not the blueprint pictures found on the Lott family site. But I did look at everything at the Carolwood store and didn’t see this map

  50. Robert says:

    Wallace sent out a tweet about a sketchbook and coming in handy. I might be reading too much into it, but it could be a hint. Possibly might have to jot something down or even getting an impression of something. Keep your eyes peeled Disney Optimists!

    • Ricky says:

      Could be for a rubbing. The folks at the Tam were encouraging rubbings of the table carvings. Maybe doing rubbings of symbols in the park will somehow form something…

  51. Laura says:

    Did anyone translate the telegraphy message that was playing at Walt’s Barn today? The telegraph message in the artwork had an arrow pointing toward the little yellow Ollie Johnston depot building which had a loud telegraphy message being played. Could it be a second message?

  52. Mercedes says:

    The volunteer that led us said it was the Opening Day speech, as in the New Orleans Station. I was stuck under a speaker and it felt familiar. When we got to Disneyland, it was obvious that it was not the same recording!

  53. jade says:

    Postcards made by Wallace at Walt’s Barn??? Someone needs to ride the train.

    • Robert says:

      I can’t stop analyzing the last postcard. Doing some research via Wikipedia, it’s obvious that’s what the train in DL is based off of, but the Chicago Tuesdays is making me scratch my head. Can’t tell if it’s a clue or not.

  54. Kevin says:

    Thanks to all the Hastins, Kalanis, Katherine’s, Ricky’s, Jeremiah’s, etc. thanks for great work!

  55. robert says:

    Hi all,
    This is the audio I recorded during this mornings trip to Walt’s Barn. It is the Morse code that was coming from Ollie Johnston’s Depot.

    I have not found a good enough app to decode it. Maybe someone else might have better luck.

    • Wesley says:

      Sounds like some numbers in it. But I may be completely wrong.

    • Wesley says:

      Sorry, I was totally wrong. It’s the same as New Orleans Square’s Morse code. I listened to your audio and the NOS audio in two windows, and managed to synch them up. (although one is a second faster than the other by the time they get to the end…)

      • Derek says:

        Huh; so one didn’t even need to go to DL to get the message

      • robert says:

        I was working on trying to solve last night. And realized the same thin when the second word started to spell out “society.”

  56. Connie says:

    Any more pinto beans available for to go at Chili John’s?

  57. Carl says:

    Given that the New Orleans Square morse code now refers to Ray Bradbury, has anyone checked out his Halloween Tree in Frontierland for any clues?

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