Hi, I'm Amelia!
I’m a slightly overwhelmed undergrad, scrambling to find time between school in the smallest state in the union and work at a low-rent video store to make a documentary about my grandfather, Carlos. He was a writer who always looked to the future. He’s only passed a short time ago, and I miss him terribly. Read More >

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Mapping It All Out

A lot has happened in the past seven days. So much that it’s left me a bit dizzy, trying to keep track of it all. Which is exactly why I need to keep doing just that. Just so I can remember where we are. So we can take a collective step back and see the big picture.  The entire map if you will. :)


Since our last recap, Mom agreed to sit down for an interview with me.  It was so much fun! She talked about Grandpa being like a big kid in many ways, always dreaming, telling stories, not worrying one bit about responsibilities. Mom and I shared a moment when we realized that the same bedtime story Grandpa used to tell her as a kid was the same story he used to tell me! We enjoyed recalling some interesting details together about this dream world Grandpa dreamt up.

Then the following day, this happened:


Yeah. Wallace released his latest work of art – a map of Walt’s Haunts – and friends from around Southern California immediately set out to investigate. First stop: Chili John’s.

chili johns

Folks who ordered their chili with “a side of pinto beans to go” got a free can of chili. If they were hungry, it might’ve been a bit disappointing. But if they had an appetite for knowledge, I’m sure they walked away very satisfied, because inside the can was a message from the society – a note about “recruiting tactics.” And apparently there was more than one message, as by my count, people reported finding five different notes!  It sounds like this society was recruiting only the best and the brightest in many disciplines from around the globe.  I wonder: have these cans been there since the 60’s? (If so, probably a good thing there was no chili inside!)

The Carousel at Griffith Park in Los Angeles also appeared on the map.


Walt used to take his own daughters there before he started creating carousels of his own. The map of Walt’s Haunts also included a picture of a horse with a ribbon, and on that ribbon were the words: RIDE THE LAST DARK HORSE.  Our fellow optimists found a dark horse near the center of the carousel, which had a leather belt stamped with seemingly random letters. If you wrapped this belt around the pole, the letters on the belt lined up to spell out this message:


It seems to be a reminder for members of the society, to keep them on the right path, so to speak. I wonder if the Carousel was a place where they met regularly?  Maybe this was the real reason that Walt was on the bench that day?

Which takes us to our next stop on Wallace’s map: Le Grand Courtyard.  After being led into Club 33 (!!), some of you discovered glassware, each with its own set of initials.


Debra was the first to post whom the initials belong to:

AME = Amelia Mary Earhart
JGV = Jules Gabriel Verne
SLC = Samuel Leghorns Clemens (Mark Twain)
TAE = Thomas Alva Edison
AGE = August Gustav Eiffel
HGW = H.G. Wells
NT = Nicola Tesla
And last but not least, WED = Walter Elias Disney

Ricky first posted on the blog that he believed these were all members of the rumored secret society that we all have been discussing.  It looks like this society had some pretty illustrious roots!

The next destination on Walt’s Haunts brought many of you to Walt’s Barn at the Carolwood Pacific Historical Society.


Along with the “Red Barn” where Walt tinkered with model trains and came up with big ideas, many of you visited the “Combine Car” and found a poster of the Santa Fe & Disneyland Railroad. A note on Wallace’s map revealed a “flash photo opportunity inside.” And when you took a flash photo of the poster inside, “New Orleans Square” and a telegraph sign magically appeared on the poster.

Upon seeing that, a number of you trekked back to Disneyland to record the telegraph message at New Orleans Square, and Ricky deciphered it:

“Welcome society members of 1966 and our new inductee RDB.”

Is RDB referring to Ray Bradbury?  Was he part of this society as well?  Before this was all discovered, I didn’t even realize he knew Walt Disney!  Can you imagine hanging out with that group of brilliant minds?

And then yesterday!  The last stop on Wallace’s map – the Bench.

The bench where it all began!

What an incredible journey from meeting Wallace (I’m so jealous!) to going into Walt’s apartment.  We are still tracking down what it all means, but I feel like we are getting closer to understanding that something very big was going on.   And it wasn’t just Walt and the Imagineers – it seems like they were part of some society that stretched across the globe.  For quite some time.  But how can we confirm that?  What was it they were all working on?  And how in the world did grandpa fit in?  It’s almost like we need to find someone who had an inside scoop.

This is so much fun to uncover with all of you, my fellow optimists.  I feel like we are on the verge of putting it all together.

210 Responses to "Mapping It All Out"

  1. David says:

    This is so exciting Amelia! I feel like we’re close too! I don’t know about you but, it’ll be hard getting to sleep tonight!

  2. Roland says:

    I feel that we’re almost there for some reason. It has been an exciting month and had an amazing time looking for clues like “Sherlock Holmes”.
    Amelia, I thank you for this awesome blog! I may be far from California but I had an amazing time solving it here in Florida.

    • Amelia says:

      A huge thanks to you, Roland! I feel so lucky to have friends all over the country helping out.

  3. Ricky says:

    Thanks for the credit! Wallace is a mysterious man. His live chat will be on Monday night. He says he may have a surprise for everyone. Hmmm.

    D23 Expo is just a week away! Can’t wait!

  4. Stephen says:

    I think hat we found someone in Wallace, but he doesn’t let things out easily

  5. Katherine says:

    The more we figure out the more questions we have! This is all so intriguing. Thanks for this update and I am looking forward to continue this journey. I hope your mom is ready to join along soon!

  6. Geren says:

    Hi Amelia, thanks for the great summary. This has been a true adventure, and I feel a deep kinship with everyone involved. If I may be so bold, may I respectfully ask you to reflect upon any life celebrations surrounding your grandather’s passing. Any figures of prominence at his services or come to visit after? Having lost all my grandparents at a self-aware age, I share your thoughtful and sensitive heart in approaching his passing. I will keep you in my heart and mind, always.

    • Amelia says:

      Thank you for understanding, Geren. That means a lot to me.

      I commented earlier that Grandpa never really had friends. At least none that were close enough to visit since I’ve been around. He spent most of his time alone, writing or going on walks. *shrug* That was Grandpa.

  7. Carolyn says:

    I would also like to say thank Amelia. I feel the same way I can’t wait to see what happens. The chat sees like forever from now. Wonder what the suprise is going to be? Maybe another drawing or clue?

  8. Louella says:

    This has been such an amazing journey and I’m so glad I was able to be a part of your team! That was a wonderful recap and reminder that we have accomplished so much as well as seen so much together! Of course theres still more to uncover but I’m optimistic we are well on our way!

  9. Debra says:

    So much has happened – and in such a short period of time. Thanks for the great recap, Amelia, and for the credit. Working with everyone to learn more about your grandfather has been a wonderful journey for me – and I’m selfishly glad it’s not over yet. It’s been a a great adventure, learning more about your family, Disney, the society…and the connections are still being made! I’m so looking forward to D23 Expo and meeting Wallace. I remain optimistic you’ll be there, too. (Fingers crossed.)

    P.S. And thanks to your search for your family’s story, I’m learning more about my own. I was talking to my parents about your blog, and how much I’ve learned about Disney and the NY World’s Fair. That’s when my mother told me, for the first time, she learned she was pregnant with me at the Montreal Expo 67…which also has a Disney connection. How fitting for me. So thank you!

    • Amelia says:

      Wow, Debra. I can’t believe that your own journey began at an Expo as well. What a beautiful beginning!

  10. Brian says:

    Thanks for the recap! I can’t wait to see where this leads next! Your grandpa would be proud of you.

  11. Eli says:

    Thank you so very much, even though I haven’t made it to many of the outings, I have felt like I’ve been on an adventure these past few weeks. Keep up the good work!

  12. Mercedes says:

    This has introduced me to so much, even though I live in Southern California and I’m a huge Disney fan – so thank you, Amelia, for getting us out there.

    Going to try to hit Chili John’s today – there may or may not be any clues left, but…adventure!

  13. Hastin says:

    Glad to see that everyone’s enjoying seeing it just as I see it.

    Wonderful recap Amelia! Again, not sure what happened on Thursday, but with Wallace’s live chat on Monday (with a surprise) and the Expo on Friday – I’ll be sure to keep everyone seeing as much as they can! :)

    What an adventure.

    “Can you imagine hanging out with that group of brilliant minds?”

    Oh, I can. That’s what the last few weeks has brought me with our fellow Optimists. New friends, working together, smart minds, and a brighter future.

    • Louella says:

      Ditto Hastin!

    • Vonn says:

      Your wrap up in this comment is awesome Hastin. I discovered this “adventure” several days after it started, and have been very busy with a project, but I have refused to jump ahead in the blog, nor comment, until I had a better current understanding. What an amazing team you all have become and I have been infatuated with the daily discoveries and problem solving that you all have done. As a current passive observer (who would love to be more) I can’t help but feel sorry for others out there that have no idea what is going on and for what they are missing out in. This is so exciting and I only wish I could have played a more active roll in this adventure, but still hope to meet some of you and shake your hands at the expo this next week. I am still “optimistic” and hopeful that Amelia will make it to the expo so that we can all meet her and thank her in person for sharing this adventure in the future with all of us.

  14. Dan says:

    Looks like Wallace has been up to something, just got a postcard from him…

  15. Roland says:

    I finished the game and got a TU signature!

  16. Jennifer says:

    In this “game” the circle diamond circle is related to Edison’s lightbulbs (power) and HG Wells “The Time Machine”.

    • Kaitlyn says:

      And 12PM May 21, 1932? Soarin’ with Amelia Earhart!

      • Sharon says:

        The Phonograph ,The puzzle was the Eiffel Tower, but missing the last place to open last clue, where do you put the arrow to open game.not sure I am making myself clear.

  17. Jaime says:

    hey everyone. First Id like to say thanks to everyone including Amelia, this had definitely changed a dull summer to an exciting one! Also this site is also really interesting i’m going to check it out right now. Also if you check out one of the images in the D23 guide book (cant wait to check out the Expo!) Disney Cartography has an ad in there I’ll try to post it up yet it seems there may be a surprise in talking to Wallace there (I tried to show the image yet its not working but I’ll put in the link its on page 39 in the pdf 74 in the booklet)

    • Dan says:

      Thanks for the link, clever way to hide that secret word!

      • Jaime says:

        Yeah it is and about the game, wasn’t Edison Square going to be an original land for the parks?

        • Kaitlyn says:

          Not a land, per se, but definitely an offshoot of Main Street. It (and its technology) were eventually absorbed into Tomorrowland.

          • Stephen says:

            This sure has turned out to be one col adventure. I cant wait to see what Wallace has to say on Monday and Friday and the D23 Expo.

  18. Nick says:

    Some more names for us to ponder from the ES site, once all three attractions are unlocked:

    Konstantin Tsiolkovsky – Rocket Scientist
    Bernstein (Leonard?)
    David Edward Hughes – Scientist and Musician
    Karl Benz – Engineer
    Wernher von Braun – Rocket Scientist
    Claude Debussy – Composer
    George Melies – Filmmaker

    • Kaitlyn says:

      From some quick research, many of these names were inspired by society members. Melies and Tsiolkovsky were very spired by Verne…Tsiolkovsky was also inspired by the Eiffel tower and wanted to build a “space elevator” (he is considered the father of space flight).

      You also left out Joseph Swan, who is most famous for inventing the incandescent light bulb before Edison.

    • Stephen says:

      I would think that these are more society members. interesting about the TU thing though…. that is still a mystery.

      • Stephen says:

        In case someone hasn’t seen it

        • Nick says:

          A thought about the “+” U … what if it is shorthand? According to wikipedia, the slanted “U” stands for “Gentlemen.”

          • Geren says:

            Intriguing. While I could see it as Gentlemen Optimists, I think you may have struck on the consideration that this symbol is shorthand, either as the intersecting lines and slanted U, or as separate symbols artistically combined. Anyone up for the challenge of translation? Doesn’t appear to mean anything based upon our previous venture into the world of Shorthand.

    • Natasha says:

      As well as Bertha Benz, they were a team!

    • Hastin says:

      Notice how this all fits in to the Carousel of Progress alternate audio:

      “The world will be lotting our progress for days, months, years to come, the

      moment we trust them with it. The world can take this free energy to create their

      own innovations that will further drive progress, without overtaxing the precious

      energy of our citizens. By tapping into this natural energy, the world can focus on

      using the most renewable resource on the face of this planet: people’s creativity.”

      Tesla was all about wireless power, and he had grand plans to deliver it to everyone. That never panned out, but it’s interesting how all the streets are named after creative people, just as the audio mentions how creativity is the natural resource tapped in this society.

  19. Marcos says:

    Omg…twitter is about to explode.. possible Tesla and Edison Statues dueling withing electricity (minus the sarcasm and theorycrafting)

  20. Jaime says:

    I know what the password is for the ad (thanks to inside the magic (Ricky)) the ad say that the password is progress and can be found by taking the first letter of each represented attraction (start on Pirates on the top left)

  21. Derek says:

    I would absolutely love the Time Machine coaster… heck yeah!

  22. Nick says:

    Just finished another piece of fanart inspired by this new discovery. (I couldn’t resist.)

  23. Hastin says:

    Fun find! If you use Flash tools to zoom in the plaque that you click, it does have “+U” on it. Nice touch.

  24. Geren says:

    This can only be leading to one thing..the announcement of a new land at Disneyland, Discovery Square, combining Discovery Bay with Edison Square, the ultimate timeless replacement for Tomorrowland. How’s that for an alternate reality?!

    • Geren says:

      Or we pronounce it as “Plus You,” next year’s DisneyParks campaign to replace limited time magic. Disney Plus You is Magic!

    • Michelle says:

      Harnessing the Lightning.’ A story of Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. Your right Geren, I believe its going to be “Edison Square” a new land in the park behind the Plaza Inn.(maybe not replacing Tomorrowland?) Edison Square and Discovery Bay were two planned projects that never came to fruition. Exciting!

      • Geren says:

        I appreciate your positive response. I admire I have been more skeptical than I would like, and apologize for my poor attitude sometimes. I would love for disneyland to expand in this historical manner, as well. Perhaps if we are the best optimists we can be it will. But the journey has been very positive. Be well, Michelle.

    • Jody says:

      Geren and Michelle, in case you missed the announcement, Mr. Iger and Mr. Staggs have already said that they will be working on reconstructing Tomorrowland in the parks (like they just did with Fantasyland).

  25. Derek says:

    All lot has been said already, but in short, I wanted to echo the words here; fantastic summary, it really has been amazing. I’m extremely jealous of everyone who had a chance to go out there on the west coast. Hopefully it all comes together, and I look forward to how it does… this really has been exciting! It’s been wonderful following in the footsteps of these amazing folks, especially the Imagineers and Walt.
    On that note, I mentioned earlier in another post, have you come across anything else of your grandfather’s? Lately it’s all been clues from Wallace, but everything was set off by your grandfather’s work. We still haven’t directly connected the two halves; just a lot of connections. They’ve been like two sides of the same coin, related, but not seen at once.

    Lastly, how’s life been? Did you get that project all wrapped up? You seem to have been busy lately.

    • Amelia says:

      Hi Derek! It has been an exciting month, hasn’t it? I’ve been searching, but I haven’t found anything new in my grandfather’s stuff in a while. I’ll try taking another look this weekend just in case I missed something and will be sure to let you know!

      Life has been fantabulous. I am busy wrapping up a big end-of-summer team project (can’t wait for it to be done!) for Monday and hopefully then things will pick up a bit :) I hope you are doing well too!

      • Derek says:

        I’m glad to hear! It has, and ‘m sad it may all be over soon; however, maybe everything will be revealed!

        I’m glad that project has been getting done; those can be a pain to finish, especially in a Summer session. I hope it got all finished up well this past weekend. Any finals and such?

        Things are great on my end, but work has made it hard to keep up here lately… I feel like I’m pretty behind…

  26. Michelle says:

    Harnessing the Lightning.’ A story of Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. I believe its going to be “Edison Square” a new land in the park behind the Plaza Inn. Edsion Square and Discovery bay were two planned projects that never came to fruition. I came upon this on :

  27. Michelle says:

    I found this one showing Edison Square on Disneylands map from here:

    • Geren says:

      Sorry for the sidebar. Ok, let’s get cracking to connect all our evidence! Good work, one and all.

  28. Jim says:

    Okay, bear with me. The “t U” turns out to be a + U if you enlarge the plaque on the second statue. “Plus” U. Plus universe? As in, maybe Edison Square DID get built, but not in Anaheim? Perhaps right next door? In an alternate universe? I keep going back to the mysterious humming at iasw at the World’s Fair, the alternate (universe?) narrations for Carousel of Progress and the steam trains. The references to alternative forms of energy, cloning, robotics, etc. If these things were up and running in 1964, why do we not use them now? Why have we continued to lose our great visionaries like Walt Disney and Ray Bradbury? According to the Carousel narration, the world would be lauding their progress, the moment they were “prepared to trust” us with it. There’s something ominous about that statement. In Wallace’s assistant’s artwork, we get a look at what an alternate Disneyland might look like if Edison Square had been built. It almost looks like what the park would look like if Edison Square were, instead of an offshoot of Main Street, the entire focus of the park! These “Society” members were some pretty big brains, what was the purpose of this Society? Were the glasses in Club 33 merely tributes, or are they kept there to be used when society members meet? Many, many questions!

    • Geren says:

      HI Jim, I applaud this theory. Perhaps Edison Square does exist in an alternative universe, as the eternal home to these great figures of history. We’re encountered both training mechanisms and actual transport devices to send physical bodies to a world of advanced technology, including immortality. I can just imagine them having a secret private meeting at club 33. Perhaps they will all reappear to share their gifts with the world onstage at D23! Maybe the human race is ready now.

      • Geren says:

        To add further to this idea, since the organization existed long before Walt (we think, unless he gathered these people together through time travel), perhaps his contribution was refining the portal transport experience, and providing a place for these minds to exist together.

    • Joey says:

      Has anybody tried overlaying the +U symbol over the map with Edison Square on it? ES is kind of U shaped.

  29. Carolyn says:

    I can not figure out the two middle pieces for the eiffel tower for the puzzle. Lol

  30. Natasha says:

    Hi Amelia,

    I found a small tribute for your namesake in Disneyland in the Jungle Cruise queue

  31. Louella says:

    Edison Square would have been so awesome! The Time Machine looks so thrilling! But I guess we see much more society members than before. Now to think about the connection with your grandfather…

  32. Mercedes says:

    It’s like the answer is right there, yet…not! I keep looking at all the bits and pieces, resorting them in my head. Hee!

  33. CYNTHIA says:

    Thank you all for all the comments and information. I have not been able to contribute-my brother-who was only 46-passed away unexpectedly a few days ago and I have been helping my family. I am so sad so thank you for this very welcome distraction.

    • Deborah says:

      So sorry for your loss. I’m glad we’ve been able to share in distracting you from your sorrow. Much sympathy to you and your family.

      • Michelle says:

        Cynthia, sorry to learn of your loss. My deepest condolences to you and your family. May the fond memories of your brother live on in your hearts forever.

    • Louella says:


    • Mercedes says:

      Sorry for your loss.

    • Sharon says:

      Cynthia, sorry for your loss, distractions are always nice but family is Key.

    • Amelia says:

      Ah, Cynthia. I’m sorry. My heart goes out to you and your family. I now understand how painful loss can be. For the first couple of months, I wasn’t sure I would be able to concentrate on anything else but Grandpa’s absence. But since then, I’ve grown to realize that very pain and the vivid memories of him that recur out of the blue are proof that his spirit is very much alive. At least, that’s how I see it. My thoughts are with you. *big hug*

  34. Olaf says:

    +U = “plus you”? Maybe this is saying “The Society plus you”? As if the “Society” is the human race of people “in the know” and as you figure it out, you are now in the know, so therefore you are added hence “plus you”.

  35. Whitney says:

    I’m having so much fun following this journey, even if I’m stuck farther away from the action than I’d like! But I am heading down to the Expo and am excited to take a more proactive role in our search! I also can’t wait to meet some of the amazing Optimists I’ve gotten to know through their comments (and of course Wallace)! I feel like we should have some kind of secret sign so we can recognize each other, like finding a way to wear the +U symbol or something! :)

    • Sharon says:

      What a great idea being from TX I also can’t wait to meet up with everyone.

      • Carolyn says:

        I think it’s a great idea too….can’t wait to meet everyone.

        • Stephen says:

          I’ll be there I am going to try to mark a shirt with the +U if I can find an image with a high enough resolution

          • Geren says:

            Makes me interested to know if Disney will have The Optimist merch at D23. I would still value something we created ourselves as part of this journey more. Does our resident graphic designer wish to try his talented hand at this?

  36. Rosemary says:

    First time posting on the blog (I usually post on twitter)! I’m optimistic for Edison Square! So excited if this is what they are bringing to the future of Disneyland! The Optimist is fully arranged by WDI and has to be more than a movie promotion. But I’m guessing Carlos’s “Orbit’s Story” is the Tomorrowland movie. In the letter Amelia found from WDP they expressed interest in his story and putting it in other mediums like feature film. I think this is the connection. :)

  37. Katherine says:

    I wonder if the Tommorrowland movie will coincide with a complete Tommorrowland makeover?

  38. Steve says:

    I have just been following the work you all have been doing. Is there more to discover or is there a way to join the search? I am in LA and would be glad to help. Looks like most clues have been discovered. Is it still worth it to visit the sites on the map?

    • Christina says:

      Steve, there is still more to come! I would definitely suggest visiting Chilli Johns. They have tons of clues left that would be a nice souvenir :) Also Walt’s Barn is really interesting to check out game or not but they have limited operating hours. Also, Wallace is having a live online chat tomorrow 8/5 6:30 pm PST where he says you can ask questions via twitter. He will post information on his twitter tomorrow @dcartography

    • Kalani says:

      Steve, it can be about the journey, not necessarily the destination. I would suggest hitting some or all of the places in LA that have been mentioned. It’s a fascinating view of the past, that for myself anyway, was completely unknown and yet so close to home.

  39. CYNTHIA says:

    Thank you all – what a wonderful society we have!

  40. Danielle says:

    The +U symbol is actually reminding me more of a plane (the +) . You know, when you go to draw a character or something and you want things to be symmetrical so you draw a plane first? That’s where my mind is going for some reason. I don’t know if we’ve 100% figured out what it is yet, but that’s my thought as of now! Maybe it’s a plane for a map with a placement?

  41. Dan says:

    And for some side entertainment as we wait for Wallace’s chat, take a look at his Twitter profile picture, and see if you can spot the Hidden Mickey (in his ear)!

    • Katherine says:

      Haha! Great find Dan! I had to go look and it gave me a good laugh!

    • Mercedes says:

      Tee. I hope it’s an amusing PhotoShop…otherwise, if he’s in the booth when I get over the Collectors Forum at the D23 Expo…I’m going to be staring at his ears. *G*

    • Whitney says:

      I ended up spending half the chat watching his ears because it really does look like a hidden Mickey from certain angles! lol

  42. Angel says:

    Amelia, thank you again for sharing this story with us. I feel like we are all one big family! The Optimist extended family! It has been so much fun every step of the way. Even though we are far from the action my family (all Optimist too now!) has been having so much fun. I cannot wait to see how this plays out and we discover what your grandfather was up to! Thank you again!

    • Michelle says:

      Angel, I agree. It has been a lot of fun! My family hasnt talked this much at the dinner table in a long long time. All were chiming in on the Optimist updates and each expressed their thoughts on clues, ideas, etc. Its been an awesome experience! Thanks @Amelia!

  43. Deborah says:

    I do not personally have a Twitter account. I am sure there are other Optimists who do not as well. If it is possible, when one of you twittering Optimists get the details for the live chat, please do us the favor of posting the link? I ended up coming into both of Hastin’s Ustreams late because I had to wait until someone posted a link to it here, then it had to go through moderation.

  44. Stephen says:

    Deborah I might be mistaken but I think that Wallace is going to be live on Twitter tonight, as soon as he posts something though i will post it here for everyone

  45. Rachel says:

    I am so grateful for this wrap-up. I have really been needing to catch up here–my personal life spiraled out of control recently. But this re-cap was exactly what I needed! I seem to have missed a lot of excitement. But I will for sure be around for Wallace’s live chat tonight. I hope to see you all there!
    Thank you for the recap, Amelia! I missed reading all your posts while I was gone!

  46. Debra says:

    I don’t think this has anything to do with our search for answers. But I couldn’t help but think of all we’ve been researching (and our speculation about the “Tomorrowland” film as figuring in the “big reveal” for D23 Expo) when I read about Disney’s forthcoming “Space Mountain” graphic novel. Especially not once time travel was mentioned!

  47. Whitney says:

    Hey fellow Optimists, I’m planning to cut out a sheet or two of these bad boys (thanks to Nick who gave us the +U symbol I used!) and adding a safety pin so they can be pinned to shirts or bags and bringing them with me to the Expo! That way I’ll be able to hand them out to anyone who is interested that I run into and we’ll be able to spot our fellow Optimists in the crowds! It’s not quite as cool as a shirt, but still a fun way for us to meet other Optimists!

  48. Benjamin says:

    I am having these shirts made for the expo. If anyone would like one, they are $20 and I can meet you on any one of the days. I just need to know size and contact info.

  49. Yunis says:

    Looks like our next clue might be on Main Street again.

  50. Sharon says:

    I got Marcelene and Autopia as newish clues anyone else have anything

  51. Deborah says:

    Lots of info to sort through, but first I have to recover from the depths of sadness… Wallace’s art will not be available to those of us who can’t afford to fly to D23 :,(

  52. Stephen says:

    I don’t know what just happened, I have been to Marceline, MO before where they moved the midget autopia too and there is only bits and pieces of the track left. There is however a full replica car in the museum there.

  53. Kalani says:

    Some info on midget autopia.

  54. Katherine says:

    I am not sure if that left me with more questions or answers! Very grateful that Wallace and Bob took the time to share with us all!

  55. Zachary says:

    I have posted a video of me talking about the Optimist and then showing Wallace’s live stream and chat.
    To see Wallace’s stream, skip to about 17 minutes.

    I am uploaded another video, with just Wallace’s chat.

    • Rachel says:

      Thank you so much! I got online a little late for the live chat and I totally missed it when he answered my question first! I was so excited when I watched it in your video! Thank you so so much for posting this!

  56. Carolyn says:

    Your Welcome Rachel wouldn’t want any of my fellow optimists missing out. ;)

  57. Ricky says:

    Amelia – What did you think of Wallace saying all this isn’t his story, but rather the story of your grandfather… and you? What role do you think you have in all this, aside from being the instigator?

  58. Ricky says:

    Bob Gurr mentioned Marceline and Midget Autopia tonight. @TheJourneyKey on Twitter noted to me that the +U symbol matches perfectly with an obvious X found on the map of Marceline. I overlaid the logo onto the map and… wow. It certainly does. Walt Disney Municipal Park is close by, as are other Disney history landmarks.

    Or… what’s at the center of the X? Or where the U lies?

    • Ricky says:

      And here’s a full map showing the X’s relation to downtown Marceline.

    • Michelle says:

      Ricky! Yes, this gives me chills!!!! Perhaps a new Disneyland????

    • Rosemary says:

      if you zoom in really close you can see telephone poles/wires going down one line of the X. so has this X always been here for that purpose? it’s just so weird it lines up with the +U! o_o

    • Michelle says:

      Thanks for the hat tip! I love how you were able to layer it right over the map for an exact fit! This is all so exciting! (The Journey Key)

    • Deborah says:

      do-do-do-do, do-do-do-do… very Twilight Zone! What are the chances an X lies so close to a place of importance in this story? How many random topographical Xs are out there? Not many is my guess. Big find or big coincidence? Hmmmmm…

  59. Amelia says:

    I honestly don’t know what to think, Ricky. When I heard Wallace say that, I was speechless. Still am. (Kind of.)

    • Geren says:

      I have to wonder if the logo fits over downtown, including the sites of the Midget Autopia, Satne Fe Railroad Park, Disney Elementary, Disney Park, Family Home/Dreaming Tree, etc. Either that, or they are holding this mystery 1964 expo and possible future city just outside of Marceline, MO, which may be Marceline, KS in this alternate reality.

  60. Michelle says:

    Okay, I have been studying the map of Marceline since Wallaces chat. I found the old remnants of the midget Autopia and its on Kansas Ave! Maybe thats what BG meant in is Marceline, Kansas comment. Also if you look north of the remnants is a large area of empty land with our GIANT “T” or “+” symbol from the TU!!!! Tilt your head slightly either direction and its the same sybol…just cant find the “U”….my thoughts have now been redirected to Marceline, perhaps they are planning to build a new Disneyland in Marceline!

    • Kaitlyn says:

      There are three blocks of Kansas Ave that are renamed Main Street and are what many people consider to be Walt’s original “Main Street.” The only designation for these three blocks is a small sign with mickey ears on top :)

    • Eric says:

      Sounds intriguing, can you post a link?

  61. Ryan says:

    Hey all! I missed the live chat, but am up to date thanks to Zachary’s post (thank you!). While I let this info simmer in my brain too, is there anything I can do from here? The deeper we get into this, the less I feel like I can help from long distance. Even so, I love being part of this adventure and hope to continue to contribute to our society well after this weekend.

    Side note, Amelia, hope your team project went well, and Wallace, thanks for taking time to share what you can. I noticed the Tomorrowland treasures tin in the background. Decoration or clue? I’ll just have to revisit the DVD ASAP.

    Have a great night all!

  62. Angel says: did mention that they have plans to rebuild the Midget Autopia using old plans. They just lacked funding. Could this be now be funded for kids of the future? Wow. That would be awesome.

    • Michelle says:

      Or possibly an entire new Disneyland which includes the Midget Autopias there in Marceline?

  63. Joe says:

    From Yesterland: But that wasn’t the end of the Midget Autopia. Walt Disney donated the ride to his boyhood hometown of Marceline, Missouri, where it was installed in a park named in his honor. For several years, the former Disneyland attraction operated as a ride for the children of Marceline. Unfortunately, the cars were too difficult and expensive to maintain.

    You can still see a Midget Autopia car in Marceline. A lemon-yellow car is on display in the town’s Walt Disney Hometown Museum. The museum is open daily (except Monday) from April through October in the town’s former Santa Fe railroad depot—an appropriate place to honor lifelong train buff Walt Disney.

    What happened to the other two Autopias? The Junior Autopia closed in 1958, and reopened in 1959 as the expanded Fantasyland Autopia. The Tomorrowland Autopia and the Fantasyland Autopia operated until 1999, when work began to combine the tracks into a single attraction. In 2000, the redesigned attraction opened as the “Autopia, presented by Chevron,” with a new fleet of cleverly designed cars.

    If you look carefully while you’re driving your Chevron Autopia car, you’ll see a bronzed Midget Autopia car on a pedestal at the side of the track. This “statue” is a tribute to the Chevron Autopia’s long-gone relative. It’s an actual car that once operated in Fantasyland and Marceline.

    For more than five decades, the Autopia rides have given many future Southern California freeway drivers their first experience behind the steering wheel. Who can go see this “statue” at the museum?

  64. Jeffrey says:

    I really enjoyed following this game from Indiana. I was very close to traveling to the D23 Expo to be part of the conclusion but opted to take my three daughters to Disneyland instead. Thanks to everyone who posted from California they really made this journey come alive. My take on the Society, the Optimist, +U and making a better future. I believe the +U symbol is at the heart of it. What did Walt always say when he wanted to make something better? “Let’s plus it.” So for me the +U symbol means make yourself better. There is no better place to start to make a better future for everyone than yourself.

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