Comments on: A Little More from Lott Thu, 15 Aug 2013 00:01:30 +0000 hourly 1 By: Chloe Chloe Mon, 29 Jul 2013 23:02:44 +0000 I also emailed Michael and he sent me this:

Hi Chloe,

I remember one night we were working on some last minute tweaks to ‘small world’ when we heard this gosh-darn awful racket coming from this back room, and I didn’t know there even was a back room! It was this big hum, like the biggest engine you ever heard of. Everything was on a need-to-know, and I felt lucky to be in the know to know there was a need-to-know!

Yours truly,

Michael T. Lott

Lott Family Construction, LLC

1309 North Aurora Street
Ithaca, NY 10605
(607) 218-5820

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By: steven steven Thu, 25 Jul 2013 23:55:40 +0000 Oh noez

By: Tristan Tristan Thu, 25 Jul 2013 17:44:54 +0000 I don’t blame Lott. No one should be doing the snooping, unless for a good reason. :shock:

By: Jeffrey Jeffrey Thu, 25 Jul 2013 17:28:13 +0000 Received a reply from Lott on the broken files. Here’s his response.

By: Jody Jody Thu, 25 Jul 2013 14:52:31 +0000 Megan – just thought of something else – the records, perhaps it’s not the recording that’s important. maybe it was the way it was recorded – the two alternative grooves – Tesla and his alternating currents – perhaps that record was from a Tesla invented recording device. well, it’s something to think about.

By: Megan Megan Thu, 25 Jul 2013 13:05:58 +0000 Good call, Jody – there are major NASA research facilities in New Mexico (White Sands) and Alabama (Huntsville), too – so you definitely seem to be onto something, especially with the focus on space travel in the Lott blueprints!

By: Jody Jody Thu, 25 Jul 2013 05:23:01 +0000 oh, sorry, i forgot to add that the Endeavor flew over both WDW and DL during that special flight last year.

By: Jody Jody Thu, 25 Jul 2013 05:17:07 +0000 about the flags on Wallace’s map: they must have something to do with the Space program (NASA) Texas – LBJ/Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas; Massachusetts – Pres. JFK’s home state, i think he was president when NASA started; Alabama and New Mexico – all I can think of is the route the Endeavour Space Shuttle took when it was flown from Cape Canaveral to Los Angeles – I think it flew over these two states as well as Arizona (Gabby Giffords’ husband was an astronaut who flew the space shuttle).

By: Jody Jody Thu, 25 Jul 2013 04:25:50 +0000 thank you katherine and christina for checking them out and letting me know.

By: andrew andrew Thu, 25 Jul 2013 04:09:36 +0000 oh I would feel terrible…I hope he knows what this is about, I’d hate us to just be confusing such an amazing man in his golden years

By: Derek Derek Thu, 25 Jul 2013 03:54:40 +0000 Huh. That is a pretty good way to put it. I just hope we aren’t confusing poor Mr. Gurr!

By: Derek Derek Thu, 25 Jul 2013 03:53:43 +0000 I started thinking that as well today, riding on the CoP. In a way, these are all actualities, and may even possibly be happening in front of us ;) In any case, there’s definitely a way in which things are being taken, restored, and brought to life before us, through the magic of the technology that actually exists there.
